GusQuixote Profile picture
I block ALL grifters. Perma-salty, unapologetic. Researcher. OG Truther. Former lotta-things. NatSec/Civil Liberties Hawk. 🚫DMs🚫 Tips/subs keep it moving.
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Sep 12 13 tweets 31 min read

The obviously manipulated Sept 4th DOJ indictment against two Russian journalists isn't about money laundering - it's about saving the FBI's skin one last time before another Trump Administration.

The surprise guilty plea from Hunter Biden isn't about a pardon - it's about saving his family's skin one last time before another Trump Administration.

As the FBI positions itself to entrap more conservative influencers to pull off another J6 that the same FBI is already warning about, all roads travel through:

📣Ukrainian coup of 2014
📣"Russian Collusion 1.0"
📣Intellectual property transfers labeled "theft"
📣2020 Election
📣J6 Riot planning and subsequent prosecutions
📣Attempted assassination on a Pres. candidate
📣"Russian Collusion 1.9" (not yet alleged fully)

FBI are running the same op all over again.

They might be smart people, but they are not creative.

Condensed content from the full 4500-word (25m read) article, "Theory No More, Part Seven: When Worlds Collide," published to the platform indicated in the photo below.

1/ "The only task at which the FBI works vociferously is that of ensuring its own survival."
gusquixote. substack. com/p/theory-no-more-part-seven-when-worldsImage 2/ NEW: Russia allegedly supports US social media and news influencers
gusquixote. substack. com/i/131853014/new-russia-allegedly-supports-us-social-media-and-news-influencers

On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, the United States Department of Justice filed a wordy indictment full of insinuation and (actual) Soviet-era talking points against two RT journalists named Elena Afanasyeva and Kostiantyn Kalashnikov in the Southern District of New York (S.D.N.Y.).

This was 9 days after the infamous Igor Danchenko, an alleged Russian spy, was speaking for himself in none other than Rolling Stone for the first time since the Steele Dossier.

2 weeks before that Hunter Biden was reported trying to peddle the family influence just days after Joe Biden bowed out of the 2024 race.

The indictment also came just after Russian social media platform, Telegram, founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France on August 25.

Nevertheless, Russian state-media Kommersant reported on September 4th that the two journalists, Lena Afanasyeva and Kostya Kalashnikov, were among other RT associates who landed on the U.S. Sanctions list.

RT was not previously banned by the U.S. government.

Kommersant said the journalists were now required to disclose data on real estate ownership in the U.S.
Aug 27 6 tweets 2 min read
Aug 23 7 tweets 5 min read
This is a document dump.

There will be no analysis, commentary or backstory provided here.

Subscribe to my Substack to access the story behind it these documents at a later time.



Aug 14 6 tweets 3 min read
This is what I've been "going around my elbow to get to my butt," so-to-speak to try to show you all what I saw while I was watching live.

This is why I haven't stopped digging on this since. 👇

Share this. The FBI will LOVE you. h/t @Megan_OM (you are SO shadowbanned WOW)
Aug 9 22 tweets 18 min read
I found out who's protecting Maxwell Yearick.

It's the same people who were on the Water Tower.

Also one of the same people who left all the blood in the bathroom from an injury that was overheard on walkie-talkies between officers.

The 🧵🧵🧵**THREAD**🧵🧵🧵to destroy every false narrative.Image 2/ The Locals
>https://gusquixote. substack .com/i/147378236/the-locals

Several of the local officers on-duty on July 13, 2024 at the Butler, PA rally gave a TV interview and have shared many statements through attorneys to the ABC News network.
Aug 5 14 tweets 17 min read
1/ Introduction

This is a glimpse of an unfortunately realistic picture that clearly indicates those who carry the burden of direct responsibility for the attempted assassination of a former and future U.S. President.

I firmly believe the only explanation is an intentional lapse in security, like the one on full display for the world on October 7, 2023 along the border of Gaza and Israel.

This is a detailed thread of how those who wrote security policy willfully chose to ignore it, and have subsequently and consistently misled others tasked with the responsibility of securing the premises that fateful day. 2/ Beaver County Sheriff's Department

Robert Patrick "Pat" Young is the commander of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit. He is a well-respected and regarded as highly capable and proficient in mitigating "extraordinary events."

Chief among his roles with the Unit are his contributions to the Electronic Forensics Unit - which should have reasonably made troubleshooting and compliance of electronic equipment a non-issue on July 13th.

Young's role with the Crimes Against Children Federal Task Force lands him squarely in coordination on a regular basis with the FBI themselves.
Another member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit is Physician Assistant Michel Vasiladiotis-Nicol, the wife of Beaver County ESU counter-sniper, Gregory Nicols.

The only article I have located that uses Michel's full married name has curiously vanished.

Michel joined Pat Young as part of the 2023 National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) Standards Review Committee.

The NTOA, as you are about to see, is THE group tasked with devising and implementing response protocols for an astounding assortment of situations and scenarios, filtered to LEOs nationwide by federal agencies and task……Image
Jul 28 4 tweets 2 min read
This one is for my own sanity to remove all doubt for myself.




@dbongino Told ya y'all should heard me out.
Jul 25 4 tweets 3 min read
100% agreed. SEVERAL THINGS from this BODY CAM FOOTAGE that I'm not sure @chrismartenson caught as I go through his own analysis...

The @ABC anchor said that the:
"...the goverment tried to kill former President..."
at the outset of the segment

ABC BLURRED THE TIME in the broadcast of the video but then used a JUMP EDIT to a clip with it NOT blurred.



Later in the video, @ABC uses the caption bar to hide the time jump in the edit.

A little further, and the video jumps all the way to timecode 19:09:01.Image
Jul 25 11 tweets 6 min read

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports tips online as part of their Domestic Terrorism Threat Monitoring (DTTM) program?

They police your speech "for free" and submit tips to the FBI for review if your speech crosses MEMRI's lines, not the FBI.

Now combine the realities that Google, Amazon, and Apple all are tethered to a continuous stream of data which has been provided after a simple written request from authorities (4th Amendment).

This all creates the same effect as having the government in your living room, refrigerator, air conditioning, and all of your smart appliances inside your home, 24/7 (3rd Amendment).

What other nonprofits across the country are policing social media for tips and actionable items to send to the @FBI???
Jul 25 9 tweets 2 min read
This should all be sending the news cycle into meltdown.

Why is it NOT?

A SHORT thread 👇🧵
Jul 24 5 tweets 3 min read
In light of the @FBI testifying before Congress today about the investigation into the attempted assassination of former President and current Presidential candidate @realDonaldTrump...

This is no time for Christopher Wray to hide behind "ongoing investigations" nor to show up and not answer ANY question. There is NO REASON this should be classified.

In consideration of the abject failure of policy and procedure throughout the entirety of that day, there should also be no reason for even one question to go unanswered under oath that could compromise disclosing operational intelligence.

Please pardon the unprofessional presentation, this has been put together piecemeal.

In the first video, I illustrate that one specific area of that event can provide the most valuable information there can be.

I also point out the trajectory of the bullet that clipped Trump's ear and injured a rally-goer.

In the next two videos, I provide evidence that the first grouping of shots fired (3) were different in "tone" and "amplitude" than the shots that followed.

In the fourth video, I walk through the flag being raised and lowered periodically throughout the day leading up to Trump's speech - normally nothing of concern when not dealing with an assassination attempt into a 5-15mph crosswind.

I also then draw attention to the behavior of the sniper team over Trump's right shoulder, frame-left.

I hope this information can help inform the situation as it currently stands
@Weaponization @JudiciaryGOP @GOPoversight @SpeakerJohnson @Jim_Jordan @RepMattGaetz @RepGosar @RepThomasMassie @RepTimBurchett @RepLuna @RepJamesComer @RepAndyBiggsAZ @RepDonaldsPress @RepMTG @Rep_Clyde @ChuckGrassley @FBI @realDonaldTrump
Jul 2 19 tweets 35 min read
J6 riot organizer Joe Biggs was undoubtedly betrayed by the FBI, but why?

***thread ***🧵

KTLA landed a 2013 interview with a character of late journalist Michael Hastings’ prior work in Afghanistan, SSG Joe Biggs after Hastings' mysterious death.

Biggs reached out to Costello through a tweet from South Carolina in 2013.

Staff Sergeant Joseph Randall Biggs brought forth a supposed email in the days after the June 18th, 2013 crash whose contents, according to blogger Cheri Roberts, were personally vetted by KTLA’s Carolyn Costello.

The email provided by Biggs shows the message to be sent at “12:56 PM,” while Hastings’ car crash occurred between 4:30 and 5:00 AM the following morning.

In the context of Biggs’ purported physical location as either in the Carolinas or Florida, both are in the Eastern Time zone, therefore Hastings’ crash occurred between 7:30 and 8:00 AM Eastern Time after the previous 12:56 PM email.

Biggs said in his initial interview with KTLA’s Carolyn Costello that Biggs got the email (presumably in the Eastern Time zone) “in the morning” but the email displays “12:56 PM” from wherever he received it.

As Biggs’ TV interview with Carolyn Costello shows, Joe Biggs explicitly states that he got the email “Monday morning.”
There is a peculiar possibility as to how Biggs was sent this email.

Was the email collected, as Biggs was connected to a controversial journalist with foreign contacts? Chief among those contacts were public enemy #1 at the time - WikiLeaks.

Michael Flynn had his communications collected by the National Security Agency just three months later, even as the duly appointed and confirmed Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, on September 30, 2013. Flynn was another main character of Hastings’ work on the War in Afghanistan.Image 2/

The email could then have been produced to Joe Biggs as a “breaking news” scoop, for which he could then use the story to launch a media career as an “intelligence source” (or a mouthpiece).

If it was given to him, was it done to gather intelligence, or was it done to manipulate intelligence, and thereby the news cycle itself?

From here, it’s vitally important to draw attention to the email’s subject line, in that it named only the FBI and NSA without any mention of the CIA anywhere else in Hastings’ frantic message.

As I covered in my last article, “My Tribute To The Late Michael Hastings,” Brennan’s CIA was almost certainly targeting Michael Hastings and other journalists at the time. As you’ll see in a moment, the CIA would have been at the forefront of his mind.

Brennan was also the man largely advising the Obama drone program that had a sizable body count of American citizens at the time.

These discrepancies, even removed from the absence of a “BCC” line in the screenshotted email, bring the ENTIRE narrative around Hastings’ death and Biggs’ activities in 2012 into question.
Jun 5 12 tweets 19 min read
Random 🧵

Michael Hastings is the evidence I point to as the AHA! in explaining that the CIA has infiltrated and hamstrung the military and the industrial complex that comes with it.

I believe the CIA has been methodically creating the situations for the US Military to rush in to address - often against the will of the people, politicians, and the military themselves.

I believe this has been happening since Mao.

Michael Hastings died when the brakes failed on his vehicle which was traveling at a significant speed.

Hastings was working on a profile of then-CIA Director John Brennan at the time of his death.

Here's a bit of the story:

Hastings is the man whose article ultimately got Stanley McChrystal retired in 2010 for reporting on the General's disparaging remarks about President Obama.

Michael Flynn and Stanley McChrystal have a well-documented history together, both in military service and in the private sector.

Hastings had publicly expressed his suspicion and fear of being targeted by US intelligence just before his tragic death.

New York Magazine wrote in 2013 of the last email Hastings sent just hours before his death:

Sergeant Joe Biggs, who met Hastings in 2008, when the reporter, on assignment for GQ, was embedded with his unit in Afghanistan, hadn’t spoken to his friend in three months, but Hastings had BCC’d him on the June 17 e-mail to BuzzFeed colleagues. “I tried calling him when I got that e-mail,” Biggs says, “ ’cause I felt so fucking scared, because it didn’t seem like him.” Biggs e-mailed BuzzFeed, too. “They weren’t helpful at all. I kept e-mailing back, ‘What should we do? I’m not a journalist. I don’t know how to go about this stuff.’ They never responded to me.”

Biggs tried contacting other media to let them know about the ominous e-mail; the only person who got back to him was a local L.A. reporter. “If that thing didn’t get released,” Biggs told me when I first called him, two weeks after Hastings’s death, “people would keep thinking it was an accident.”

May 29 7 tweets 4 min read
What if Obama was only hellbent on covering up the Maidan Revolution at all costs?

What if Trump was just an obstacle to that and that’s all any of this was ever about?

What was Michael Flynn talking about with whom on September 30, 2013?

Did they force the Flynns into running psyops from the private sector after Obama effectively made it legal?

Is that what Junior’s agreement was?

Why was the entire page redacted?

National security?

I’ll be asking questions, but I’ll be watching for the answers.

The taste in my mouth is rancid. Is this document classified? And can you get me clearance, @GenFlynn? 😅 Image
May 24 4 tweets 1 min read
If Trump made deals with world leaders...

If you are watching a movie...

If Patriots are in control...

If foreign countries are emptying their jails and mental institutions for those people to move to our border under Chinese supervision and with their assistance... If our State Dept is now sending boatloads of money to those same countries who are emptying their facilities...

Maybe we're sending money to those places and they're emptying their prison populations so they can build bigger prisons and institutions for all the people we...
Jan 3 4 tweets 3 min read

Watch out for these jackasses in 2024!!!


It's a mixture of unwarranted aggression, douchebags, crap info, and bad takes.

Dec 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In summary, James Biden's co-Defendant was soliciting money from Qatar AFTER THE COLLAPSE of CEFC and Ho/Ye...

QIA took over the CEFC portion of the buyout of RUSSIAN ROSNEFT, while the same QIA also allegedly started trying to get the Trump campaign on the hook (Flynn, Cohen, et al)...

THINK ABOUT THIS LONG AND HARD. TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED.Image Do not tell me "There's no there there."

Glencore and Qatar Investment Authority created QHG Holding together for the purchase of the 19.5% stake in Rosneft, that bridged a crucial gap for the Russian company after the collapse of CEFC.

I mean at this point, how am I still under the radar?
Dec 13, 2023 15 tweets 12 min read
What if I told you that every bit of communication infrastructure we use today might be built on fraudulent technology, that might have been sneakily funneled to China with the help of government channels in 1996?

This Taiwan patent is registered to Jerry Lin and Lionel Ni in 1997 (priority 1-30-1996).

In 1995, Lionel Ni was at Michigan State University and was the Program Director of the Microelectronic Systems Architecture Program of the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA.

Ni didn't leave the NSF position in Arlington until July of 1996, according to Ni's Curriculum Vitae, but the wheels were in motion on the technology in January of that year.

This wouldn't be that significant had Ni not moved directly into a role as Chief Technology Officer of the company on this patent - Labs of Advanced Technologies International Corporation (LATIC), seamlessly upon his NSF exit.

Even this would not be significant, other than the names used on the Taiwan patent are Chinese RE-translations of the English pseudonymous names of the Chinese individuals on the patent - Jerry Lin and Lionel Ni (corroborated by the Okemos address, translated a bit off here).

I would be very interested to learn more about why this could be, or the history of LATIC Communications or the ghost himself, Jerry…Image
LATIC was dissolved in Aug 2016.
Dec 6, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Interesting take.

Interesting edit.

Badlands (the badge over Trump's shoulder in the quoted video) is sponsored by an appendage of the People's Republic of China - SUMEC Firman - a company who operates under the "supervision" of the Communist Party of China (CCP).

Double interesting. Triple interesting, even.

Sep 29, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read

The Chair of the frickin' impeachment inquiry, Comer, took boatloads of campaign donations from Ming Hsieh through Bluegrass Cmte, and Majority Cmte PAC in 2022

Ming Hsieh is the owner and CEO of Fulgent Genetics, who I've covered before, quoted below. They were accused of their own data compromises in 2021.


According to OpenSecrets:

Comer's PAC received $10,000 from Majority Cmte PAC and Bluegrass Cmte, along with $8,500 from Microsoft Corp.

He also gathered donations from companies/groups like Koch Industries and Amazon.…

Sep 25, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read

What was the purpose of Michael Flynn in the Trump campaign if everyone already knew of his very questionable activities?

Was disgraced general Michael Flynn benefitting from the Biden network while he was advising the Trump campaign?

QHG Holding, a fund created to invest in Russian oil giant Rosneft was announced December 8, 2016, and was created by Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) and Glencore, according to Reuters.…