Con su pluma en su mano for @latimes. Investigations/tacos/history/OC/DESMADRE. Eternal Mexican, KY Col. ✉️: & my newsletter below!
May 19, 2023 • 22 tweets • 9 min read
MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Dodgers shouldn’t side with homophobic Catholics — invite the drag nuns. RT, porfas!…@latimes So for this one, I took on news that the Dodgers had rescinded a Community Hero award to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a drag troupe that also happens to do a lot of community service, like we wrote about nearly a decade ago…
Dec 3, 2022 • 28 tweets • 11 min read
MY LATEST @LATIMES COLUMNA: How will L.A. County Sheriff Robert Luna solve his department’s many problems? RT, porfas!…
So this is the second part of my sit-down with LA County's new Sheriff. This was my columna yesterday…
Oct 10, 2022 • 30 tweets • 14 min read
MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Nury Martinez reveals the enemy of Latino political power. RT, porfas!…
I will have a big thread later tonight, but I HAVE to have dinner right now haha! As @IronMang2000 would do:
Dec 23, 2021 • 19 tweets • 9 min read
MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Hold on to your donkeys, Democrats: Latinos going GOP in 2024 isn’t that far-fetched. RT, porfas!…@latimes So for this one, I took on the topic that has been burning up conservative media this month: multiple polls showing Latinos going with the GOP/rejecting "Latinx" and other right-wing wackiness:…
Dec 5, 2021 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: In Oxnard, a tamale festival persists after becoming husk of its former self. RT, porfas!…@latimes For this story, I headed off to Oxnard, which has held a Tamale Festival in downtown for 14 years. They pride themselves on tamales from all over Latin America — this year, there were even uchepos and corundas from Michóacan! As @MexicanKeto would say, "FUUUUUCK"
Aug 8, 2021 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Huntington Beach’s first Black councilwoman faces jeers with calm. No wonder the MAGA crowd hates her. RT, porfas!…
My latest columna focuses on Rhonda Bolton, the 1st-ever Black councilwoman in history of Huntington Beach, a city with a notorious white supremacist past/present/future. She's one of a handful of Black councilmembers EVER to serve in Orange County…
Aug 6, 2021 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
LATEST "THE TIMES" PODCAST EPISODE: The Beirut explosion, one year later. RT, porfas!…
In this episode, I speak with @latimes Middle East bureau chief @nabihbulos who was knocked unconscious last August, when a monstrous blast in the Port of Beirut killed 200 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless…
May 31, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Will L.A. flatten a legendary Boyle Heights tortilla factory? RT, porfas!…
So for this story, I visit La Gloria Foods, which has made corn and flour tortillas from Boyle Heights since 1954. On a good day, they can make 120,000 flour/500k corn.
This article that I'm seeing my food friends pass around is incomplete and wrong. The author says that loquats are popular in Latin America, says few people eat them in LA...then doesn't interview any Latinos for his story…
It also says that loquats became common in SoCal barrios due to immigrants bringing them from Latin America. Um, no. Latinos who worked OC's loquat groves in '20s and '30s took them to their homes. I had an intern do this history back in 2016…
May 18, 2021 • 23 tweets • 9 min read
MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: What the anger over Flamin’ Hot Cheetos origin story is really about. RT, porfas, and THREAD (1/?)…
So for this columna, I took on the criticism against my colleague @SamAugustDean for his piece on whether Richard Montañez invented Flamin' Hot Cheetos the way he's maintained for nearly 15 years…
May 18, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
MY LATEST @latimes PODCAST EPISODE: Who really created Flamin’ Hot Cheetos? RT, porfas, and listen!…
So this episode takes on THE story on too many of our timelines: Whether Richard Montañez — a former Frito-Lay janitor turned company Big Cheese — REALLY invented Flamin' Hot Cheetos. He's told the story for over a decade, to the point a movie is in works…
May 17, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
LATEST @latimes PODCAST EPISODE: Killings of transgender people in U.S. on track to top last year’s record. Please listen, and share!…
For this episode, I spoke to USA Today reporter @typewriterninja, who wrote a sobering story about there were at least 40 transgender killings in US/territories last year — a record. So far in 2021? 23 — and it's only May…
May 16, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
A year and a half ago, @SamAugustDean and I talked about whether the origin story of Flamin' Hot Cheetos — invented by a Chicano janitor — might be fake. Today, he came out with a HELL of a story — read, por favor!…
The Flamin' Hot fallacy is a perfect companion to that other urban legend of Mexican ingenuity that spread last year — that a nursing student in Bakersfield invented hand sanitizer. @r_valejandra and I knocked that one down fast…
Oct 25, 2020 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
MY LATEST @LATIMES COLUMNA: Trump inspired them to become U.S. citizens and to vote. Against him. RT, porfas!…@latimes So for this one, I profiled Rafael and Carmela Serrano of Lakewood, 70-some-year-olds from Guadalajara who just became U.S. citizens this year to vote against Trump. Here's a photo of them because they're currently in Mexico on vacation.
LATEST ORIGINAL FOR @GustavoArellano'S WEEKLY: 10 Great Songs About the States of Mexico. This one's by me, gentle cabrones — RT, porfas!…
So this is an article I’ve wanted to write FOREVER, but that’s too niche for mainstream consumption, as a major music publication once told me. To them, I offer this, as @Scrface87 would do:
Aug 8, 2020 • 27 tweets • 8 min read
#carchase is in Cudahy, which I knew as “Carahai” until my mid-20s
Jun 15, 2020 • 14 tweets • 7 min read
To all the wokosos whining about @nytimes writing about carne asada fries: stop. A THREAD
First off, the author @juliamoskin is legit, and I don’t say this just because she did a profile on me in 2012 before the release of my Taco USA book. Julia knows that Mexican American foodways are varied and delicious, so her centering her carne asada recipe in Denver is smart
Jun 13, 2019 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
MY LATEST STORY FOR @LATIMES: This artistic L.A. trucker turns road grime and elbow grease into mobile masterpieces. RT, porfas!…@latimes Arnulfo Gonzalez, a Mexican immigrant from Guadalajara, paints a new image every other week in the back of his box car. The short-haul driver then goes on his commute across Southern California -- if you're here, you've probably seen his work
Mar 9, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1. So has anyone railed about how racist, classist and just plain pendejo this @nytimes piece is? Because it TOTALLY is! 2. "Unlikely bakery and bread haven"? Tell that to all the panaderos, Viet baguette makers, Middle Eastern pita people, and Persian sangak locos who have baked MY ENTIRE LIFE