Gwenda Bond should be on hiatus Profile picture
NYT bestselling author. Co-founder #Creators4Comics @LexWritersRoom. New: Not Your Average Hot Guy, The Date from Hell. she/her Reps: @kate_mckean, @literaticat
Feb 26, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Some former public health girl wisdom: It's fair to think through worst case scenarios re: COVID-19. However, it's more productive to start with likely personal scenarios first: being off from work, schools being closed (as they often are during flu season), etc etc. TL/DR: BUT WHAT IF WE ALL DIE is not a good starting place for feeling prepared.
Sep 13, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Superman (and Lois Lane) started as social justice warriors. At their best, they are champions of the underdog with a keen sense of justice. Unlike the wealth fantasy part of Batman, money and its power are the root of the Superman mythos’ most well known opponent, Lex Luther. Superman as strongman is boring. At their best, the Reeve and Kidder movies were as much romantic comedies set in a newsroom as superhero movies. I want someone to nail that in a fresh way! Or do something completely different, but not safe.