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BRITISH PATRIOT *Exposing the Fake Intel Xaccounts. * No one has the information you're looking for. *Always question who you follow. *
Coach Justin Profile picture AJ Profile picture The Hood UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡ͺDo I Seem Rattled?πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Profile picture Wayne_B Profile picture Faun B Jones 17 Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jun 8 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Once more, we observe TRDJ Fake Judge wannabe Nigerian Prince engaging in discussions about wrestling (WWE).

It is pertinent to note that this behaviour has been observed in previous posts from the aforementioned account. Additionally, the individual has posted self-portraits. Image Let's further examine these instances in the previous posts from 2011/2012/2015.
In these, he states that he is an 'Independent professional wrestler' on 'Hiatus' from 'New Jersey'.

Jun 7 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Is this a direct threat @Royalmrbadnews...
You know you can't do anything...your all mouth...

I wonder if anyone how follows is in New Jersey..?
They could pay you a visit...or I might when I accompany NF when we next visit the U.S...
See I know your address...
Knock Knock
See you've revealed your from New Jersey many times...
You've also revealed your mommies name...

Jun 5 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 4 min read
These are the posts that TRDJ account has been posting with no evidence to back up his claims...
Once I openly outed the Judge as a fake account back in 2018 all he did was BLOck and started posting misinformation, he even tried to dox me three times all failed...and again today
More crappie posts with nothing to back it up with...

See he wanted to out me for outing him as being the little Nigeria Prince wannabe he is...
Omatsole Koko Ete Edem...
Aka Prince Kubeyinje Luckyheart Etchie-Edem

The posts below show 2 accounts posting the same thing ask why

Jun 4 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Essex Police said a 25-year-old woman from Clacton had been arrested at the scene on suspicion of assault after the drama unfolded in front of hundreds of Mr Farage's supporters.

The Reform UK leader @Nigel_Farage had earlier addressed a crowd of hundreds in the seaside town following an announcement on Monday that he plans to run as an MP. Image
Jun 3 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 5 min read
FFS stop with the shit TRDJ...fake Nigerian Judge
I've heard this all before (since 2018) it's now getting boring...
You little retarded bobble eyed Nigerian Prince wannabe...

Let's look at Omatsole Koko Ete Edem's mommie who his family are...

And ask him if he has yet discovered who I really am, especially my family....like he's been trying to do since 2018.

May 22 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 9 min read
TRDJ has recently announced that the Wayback Machine archive of its account will only extend back to 2015.

While I do possess screenshot crabs that predate this date, it is important to note that these are actual posts from the TRDJ account. Image TRDJ has deleted a significant number of posts prior to 2015.

Nonetheless, let us examine the posts from 2015 which he claims his account only goes back to the date of November 29, 2015, specifically the post featuring an image of Gurl talk. Image
May 21 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Even the clowns sometimes forget what they posted earlier.
In these posts TRDJ, the fake judge claims that the account is directly connected to royalty in Nigeria.
In other posts, he asserts that a TRDJ operative (whom he frequently mentions) is the Olus Cousin.

However, there appears to be a discrepancy in his claims.

Can you clarify which assertion is accurate? Image
Feb 14 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Why is the number of followers you have anything to go by...
These so-called Intel Accounts are obviously obsessed with follower numbers.

The number of followers gets into people’s heads as if it’s the only form of validation they have, to feel extra important, or special. Image Chasing people for attention, clout, or fame is pointless. It’s not about any of your statistics. It’s about the number of lives you’re impacting positively and negatively

These so-called Inside Intel Information accounts just spread false narratives, missinformation...
Dec 23, 2023 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Told ya to watch who you follow...
Especially @Royalmrbadnews AKA Prince Kubeyinje Luckyheart Etchie-Edem...Omatsole Koko Ete Edem.

Why would a so called Prince re-post an Anime of a teenage girl...becasue he loves his Anime Teenage girls?
REMEMBER these old posts of his...

Let's take a deep dive into those posts...from MR BAD NEWS...

Dec 23, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 3 min read
See @Royalmrbadnews we've all seen and heard this before...
Nothing is going to happen because you're just a little basement living, BOBBLe eyed POPPIN Nigerian...
Omatsole Koko Ete Edem...

Then the Fake Doxxing again back in 2020...lmfao.

Still here waiting for you and your FAKE FRIENDS to come get me....
Wait...THERE NOT...LMAO becasue you ain't got any.

Dec 21, 2023 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 9 min read
Same person, Omatsole Koko Ete Edem Aka Prince Kubeyinje Luckyheart Etchie AKA TRDJ Mr Bad News.


Lmao. Look at the eyes...πŸ‘€...Popping...

Some more Images of the person Behind TRDJ account....

Oct 29, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 3 min read
@royalmrbadnews you keep associating me with the Den...I never joined them...the Screenshots you have shown explain that clearly...

This is a personal conversation between myself and Danni..
As you can see I turned then down.
Oct 27, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 6 min read
Let's take a look at the resent Rumble live steam from @MarkAttwood with @Royalmrbadnews Omatsole Koko Ete Edem aka Prince Kubeyinje Luckyheart Etchie (Prince Tsola) who says he isn't the person behind the Fake Dark Judge account.

In the screenshot images below we can clearly...
...See the same person posting in two different social media accounts...and the same person that I have been saying is Omatsole Koko Ete Edem behind the TRDJ+ account...
Does Mark actual Know and see the sorts of stuff that this Fake Judge posts and also who he says he is...?
Oct 26, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 4 min read
This is what happens when you question @Royalmrbadnews he blocks types in CAPS and calls you a Pedo without giving evidence to back anything up. Image He always says he has the evidence and screenshots, but none is ever shown.
He called myself and @Nigel_Farage a Pedo without providing anything to back up those claims...
Oct 25, 2023 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 9 min read
Many of you won't know that I outed this fake News Judge account back in 2018 when the account only had a handful of followers.

He's even told us that himself in 2020.

I am still today outing this Fake News account.
He posts mistruth fake news,
All I ask is ask is.... Image Question him...
Whenever he posts, Question and ask for any evidence to back up anything he says...

Again, since 2018, when I first outed the person behind the TRDJ+ as Omatsole Koko Ete Edem and still do to this day...he has said he has info on me..Backed up with nothing...

Oct 1, 2023 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Latest Pictures from TRDJ+ Mommy...
How do I know it's his mommy...?
Remember posts from the TRDJ+account back in 2012/13.
He told us his mommies name. (Screenshots)
A quick search found an FB account, then some posts.
A name was given Omatsole Koko Ete Edem
The person I have been saying is behind the TRDJ Account.

Sep 30, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 6 min read
Another TRDJ+ Fake Judge outing.

Tell me that this isn't the same fukin person....
TRDJ+ Clown is even now posting about himself...

Omatsole Koko Ete Edem = TRDJ aka Dark Corpz, Prince Kubeyinje Luckyheart Etchie

The above first video was when he phoned into the Mumia Obsidian Ali Live stream, just listen to who he said he was...
Yes TRDJ now says that he is Prince Kubeyinje-Edem.

Same post on different Social Media platforms...coincidence?
Think about who you follow..
Jun 2, 2023 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 7 min read
@royalmrbadnews has now publicly said that the person behind the Fake TRDJ+ Judge account is the person I exposed back in 2018.

I some recent posts the account talks about an operative who has recently been in Nigeria, this operative is the person behind the account... Image Since 2018 I exposed a certain person behind the account namely Omatsole Koko Ete Edem.
He has said that this person is an operative of the Judges...
When everything points to Omatsole and his family.

I have time and time again said that Omatsole is the person behind the account Image
May 17, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Recent post by the Fake Judge TRDJ+ again saying that an operative was meeting elders of the Nigerian Warri Kingdom Royalty...

Remember I told you the person behind the account is Omatsole Koko Ete Edem....His mommy is Noyo Anthonia Kubeyinje-Edem...

Let's look at the latest... ImageImage Pictures taken from his mommy's account...

We see a familiar face, Mr Bad News aka The Real Dark Judge...Omatsole. ImageImageImage
May 11, 2023 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Let's put TRDJ+ account under the Microscope again...

This latest tread will again highlight the sick perversions that the person behind TRDJ+ (Omatsole Koko Ete Edem) holds.... Image The account once tweeted in 2019.... Image
May 9, 2023 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 9 min read
Always question who you follow...

Remember... Image Always question the legitimacy of what they post...

Especially this one...TRDJ+

Take these past post screenshots. ImageImageImageImage