Howard Crawford Profile picture
Scientific Director of the Henry Ford Pancreatic Cancer Center.
Feb 12, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Random musings.

When you’re a young PI, you really want to break into the “elite” journals, but those long term studies are not compatible with tenure most of the time. So publish wherever you can to establish productivity. Check. When you’re an older PI (who cares about their trainees), you’re willing to compromise to publish in journals that are fast (and good). The time invested is in the study, not the review process. Check.
Aug 15, 2019 43 tweets 5 min read
Is the NIH grant system broken? Shockingly, I have thoughts. Thoughts from both sides of the process, grantee and reviewer. Thoughts from a mid-career scientist. Thoughts as an employer. Thoughts as a mentor.
These are MY thoughts, attributable to no one else. Still with me?/1 Good!

Let’s set the groundwork. I’m a pancreatic cancer researcher. My work has always been funded by the NCI, which currently has an 8% payline. Ugh, right? /2