Constitutional Conservative ~ Serious and Sarcastic ~ Facts over Fiction, but Fiction is a Great Way to Impart Facts. Satire is King.
Jul 20, 2024 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
The #Trump #AssassinationAttempt
by Thomas Matthew Crooks
There was either a lone gunman
There were at least two
If you believe the Doug Mills photo of the speeding bullet is real, then there were at least two shooters
If you believe it is fake, there can be one
The now iconic photo was taken just after the first gunshot was heard and just before the second
The first bulletin struck #Trump
So either this image is doctored to show a bullet
There was at least one other shooter and it captured a different bullet from them
Mar 8, 2024 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
"You don't need to know because we are doing it, for you" Liberty said with a smug smile.
We fight for freedom, for truth, justice and the American way.
We fight for these abstract ideas long since corrupted and coopted.
We wake each morning, without waking to the truth.
"Best of times or the worst of times? An age of wisdom or an age of foolishness? Epoch of belief, epoch of incredulity. Seasons of light, seasons of darkness. Spring of hope, winter of despair" The Dickensian dystopia in which we now live, again, In a perpetual cycle.
Mar 7, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
“The State of the Vajayjay”
I think that will be the takeaway from #Biden ‘s speech.
A thorough emasculation of the nation in the worlds eye with a focus on the “Trans” itional state being rammed down our throats.
If #Bush could add a line it would be “Kinder, Gentler”
But it isn’t kind nor is it gentle.
It’s a forceful Rape of our minds by the hands & appendeges of a Government that will stop at nothing to control every aspect of your life.
It’s an abusive relationship and most of us don’t realize we are in it.
Feb 8, 2024 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
1/ The Supreme Court will hear arguments today on whether Trump is barred from running for president under the 14th Amendment. Here are some key questions to watch for: (a thread) #Trump #SCOTUS #14thAmendment 2/ What would be the implications of disqualifying Trump from office? How would it affect the 2024 election and the future of the GOP? #Trump #2024Election #Disqualification
Mar 31, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
BRICS in the Wall - The Colder War
With 27% of the world land surface and 42% of its population, the emergent World Order of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is an absolute powerhouse. Combined they represent 25% of the Gross World Product. 1/11
This economic monster was the brainchild of Goldman Sachs. Back in 2001 he coined the phrase ‘building better economic BRICS’ 2/11
Mar 11, 2022 • 22 tweets • 4 min read
Who do you stand with?
The amount of vile cultural hate is cranked to maximum right now in America.
There is seemingly no middle ground.
If you don’t stand with X you are...
If you don’t condemn X you are...
X is the physical manifestation of the Devil if you don’t agree. 1/21
Then there is the “I stand with the people of” nonsense. It is as if all the “people of” have a unified opinion. As if they are all equally saints.