Helen Joyce Profile picture
Author of book about gender-ID ideology. Show me the 3rd gamete, & then we can talk. Shame needs to change sides. No, you be kind. Newsletter: Joyce Activated
8 subscribers
Jan 17 15 tweets 5 min read
This horrific crime of vigilantism has rightly been seriously punished. Judging from the reporting, it may have been preceded by a very serious sexual assault that was never reported 1/14 Image In UK law “sex by deception” is sex that isn’t consensual because you deceived your partner about a fact so important the deception removed their free choice. This may “vitiate consent”. The law says lying about your sex can vitiate consent 2/14
Dec 2, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
It seems that not everyone knows the most striking characteristic of PhDs: they are _super_ specialised. My PhD was entitled "Packing measures, packing dimensions and the existence of sets of positive finite measure". The main part of it was a proof by contradiction 1/6 By carefully constructing a bizarre infinite-dimensional space, I demonstrated that for "packing measures", unlike "Hausdorff measures", it is _not_ always possible, when given a set of infinite measure, to find a subset of positive finite measure. 2/6
Apr 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm sorry, I can't let this go. Every time I look at this
interview with Ruth Hunt, I get angrier. It didn't take _me_ long to work out what was going on in the gender clinics, that gender non-conforming kids 1/5 thetimes.co.uk/article/fe117e… who picked up the idea, online and in school, that they were 'trans' were being affirmed in that nonsense idea by gender clinics. I had a full-time job while I was working this out, doing something completely different - namely editing the finance section of The Economist! 2/5
Apr 13, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
It was in 2017 that I first realised there was something up between women's rights and transgender activism. I was earlier than some, to notice, later than others. So I dropped a polite email to Stonewall's press office asking for a briefing. 1/8 thetimes.co.uk/article/fe117e… I don't remember my exact words, & no longer have access to that email address, but it was a short, friendly email along the lines of many hundreds I've sent to press offices over nearly 2 decades in journalism. The response was ruder than any I had ever previously received 2/8
Apr 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm glad that the bullying of anyone who tries to say anything factual on gender-related stuff is finally being talked about. But this article still frames the situation as "both sides", which it isn't. Take the cancelled conference it describes 1/5 theguardian.com/society/2024/a… I know all about it, because I was one of the planned speakers who was dropped in the attempt to create a balanced line-up. ALL the people on 'my side' - that is, GC - agreed to speak if they were available, and NONE tried to get anyone on the transactivist side dropped. 2/5
Mar 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This article is about a million words long, but I waded through all of it because it is such a clear exposition of the outer reaches of trans insanity. It argues (I use the word loosely) that it should be a right for everyone, at any age, 1/n nymag.com/intelligencer/… to receive any medical intervention desired, no matter what the evidence regarding satisfaction, safety, long-term outcomes or indeed anything else, and no matter what the person's age - AS LONG AS that intervention is in the name of "gender". 2/n
Dec 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A year ago all of us who campaign against the rights-destroying, anti-scientific, regressive doctrine of gender identity were pretty glum. The SNP was barrelling ahead, backed by Lib Dems and Greens; Labour was missing in action. 1/7 Only the Scottish Tories, Alba and a few brave and principled others, most notably @joannaccherry , were willing to stand up for women, gay people and vulnerable children. Campaigners had to work through the runup to Xmas, trying and failing to turn the juggernaut 2/7
Nov 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
We've updated the @SexMattersOrg timeline of transactivist violence and abuse directed at GC women to rebut the "now do violence against trans people" whataboutery. 1/7 sex-matters.org/resources/inti… This is not a list of all violence & threats against women in general. Between 2 & 3 women are murdered in the UK each week, overwhelmingly by men, and approximately 800,000 women are raped or sexually assaulted each year in England and Wales, again overwhelmingly by men. 2/7
Jun 22, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
It’s obviously extremely hurtful for men whose dearest wish is to pass as women to be told they really don't. I wish they hadn’t been lied to and misled by gender doctors, who promised them the impossible. 1/9 These men were promised that if they took cross-sex hormones and underwent genital amputation, they would magically transform to such a degree that everyone, but specifically women, would see them as women. 2/9
Jun 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m flying to Dublin to talk to the Seanad (Senate) this afternoon, about the dangerous and draconian Hate Speech bill currently making its way through the Irish parliament. It’s already passed the lower house (Dáil) and is now being presented to the Seanad. 1/7 Anyone interested in freedom of speech, wherever you are, SPEAK UP – this affects YOU. @DeptJusticeIRL @HMcEntee @LeoVaradkar 2/7
Dec 7, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
Delighted that Arif Ahmed, Cambridge philosophy prof and free-speech champion, has been appointed to the board of the EHRC. It was Arif who invited me to speak at Caius a few weeks ago
telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/12/0… My favourite of the articles lamenting the Women’s Equality Party’s decision to accept a redefinition of “women” to include “men”. And the more general pointlessness of luvvie feminists. RIP WEP
Dec 7, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Today’s reading list: a [not at all] short thread.
I really must do these a bit more often so they don’t become forbiddingly long. As I’m afraid this one is—and that’s despite me leaving out lots. In one of the most pleasing examples imaginable of poetic justice, child sex-change lobby group Mermaids, which is seeking to have LGB Alliance’s charitable status removed, faces a full statutory investigation by the Charity Commission
Nov 27, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread
First, Sonia Sodha in the Observer, pointing out that failures on the left have left the Tories as the defenders of women’s rights
theguardian.com/commentisfree/… Better late than never, I suppose: the Guardian suddenly notices the sharp rise in girls claiming special gender identities (not Amelia Gentleman’s fault, she’s excellent, I blame the paper’s editor)
Nov 20, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread.
It's been a while, so this is basically just the biggest stories. And no doubt I’ll have missed plenty.
Signs that liberal America is waking up to the evils of paediatric gender medicine, exhibit 1: the NYT
nytimes.com/2022/11/14/hea… Signs that liberal America is waking up to the evils of paediatric gender medicine, exhibit 2: Reuters
Nov 8, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread.
I’m going to kick off with a video (my list, my rules!) – me in Caius two weeks ago, which went online last night. Hope I was reasonably coherent, as I tried to keep speaking over the toddlers tantrumming outside
Can’t remember if I already shared, about a 2nd email from “Pippa”, in which she frames her attempt to wield the heckler’s veto against me as free speech. Idle curiosity, but I wonder if she’s _actually_ read my book, and listened to lots of my podcasts?
Oct 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread
On Thursday members of the Society of Authors will vote, in effect, on whether to back Joanne Harris’s brand of intolerance or to reject it
thetimes.co.uk/article/joanne… More analysis of the biggest rebellion of Nicola Sturgeon’s career, and the potential implications
Oct 29, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread.
I’m still catching up a bit after busy patch, so here’s @glosswitch Victoria Smith from a few days ago on a total dick playing the piano in the nuddy
thecritic.co.uk/a-dick-move/ The latest instalment in the “university students making an absolute show of themselves” saga
Oct 18, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread.
Well, actually a very long thread because a weekend at Battle of Ideas and yesterday recovering means I missed three days. And I have so many browser windows open! So this is a catch-up. In no particular order: First up, a fantastic review of an excellent book. Jon Kay reads “trans widow” Shannon Thrace’s brilliant memoir of the end of her marriage (I’ve read it too, and it’s excellent).
Oct 11, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread.
Darren Maw, “digital engagement officer” for Mermaids, the child sex-change charity, turns out to have a penchant for posing as a sexy schoolgirl – and getting his arse and tackle out for “art porn” magazines.
thetimes.co.uk/article/ca30dd… Maw’s job seems to have involved making online materials, doing digital outreach to vulnerable children – and perhaps even helping at residential weekends. Really makes you wonder what the charity’s hiring criteria look like.
Oct 10, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
@SecondInternat1 @events_tracker @janeclarejones OK. Quick reply. The 1st demand was that I stay away from KJC's event. Next that I leave while it was under way on the grounds that there were people circulating from a far-right group (turned out to be 2, indistinguishable, nowhere near any sort of power, in a public place). 1/n @SecondInternat1 @events_tracker @janeclarejones Then that I denounce KJK (typo above). Then that I denounce HoO. Every time I say no I'm not doing that, what I'm supposed to do shifts without recognition that's what's happening. I experience it as a power struggle, not a good-faith demand that I distance myself from people 2/n
Oct 10, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Today’s reading list: a short thread.
Depressingly, new education minister Kit Malthouse is clueless on trans issues. Even as child sex-change charity Mermaids implodes, he appears to be trying to triangulate on what is dismissed as a “culture-war issue”
thetimes.co.uk/article/006ef0… But no compromise is possible between the position that sex is real & important, and that gender identity trumps sex. An epidemic of gender distress is sweeping through schools, facilitated by government failings. Here’s a thread by Safe Schools Alliance.