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Documenting exploration of lost Hong Kong relics. Send us Pocari. https://t.co/4IvXk2qRiJ https://t.co/PlyvVFllZ1
Apr 5, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
While passing by the High Court, we noticed a stone lintel on display. From right to left, it phonetically spells out "Broom Lane". A small sign informs us that this marked the entrance to a lane by a bazaar in the first days of colonial Hong Kong. ImageImage Hkmaps shows two bazaars in the area of what is now Admiralty. Morgan's Bazaar has a byway stretching behind it; perhaps that was Broom Lane? ImageImage
Feb 5, 2022 26 tweets 15 min read
Today we decided to find the Matilda Hospital Artillery Observation Post. Starting from Wah Fu Estate, our journey began with an abandoned squatter village, completely hidden from view next to a major thoroughfare. Image Raised platforms, bits of tile and hand-poured concrete stairs are all that remains. Maps from the 1970's already list the area as containing ruins so perhaps they were resettled in Wah Fu Estate - but artifacts from the 80's suggest otherwise. ImageImageImage
Dec 20, 2021 22 tweets 10 min read
Today we went on an expedition to Golden Hill (the one on the left) to try and trace the route four companies of the Japanese 230th Regiment took to attack "D" Company of the Royal Scots 2nd Battalion.

Golden Hill is the peak on the left. D Coy was to man the entire ridge. The 230th began their climb near today's Kwai Hing MTR station. Assuming that D Coy held the Golden Hill peak, we took the northern path, figuring that the attacking Japanese would feel more confident if they were closer to the 228th. Images from digital.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/1941hkbattle/e…
Aug 13, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
(Thread) On the way from Wan Chai to Aberdeen, I noticed these property marker stones set into the retaining wall of a terrace. Unusual as they're usually set at ground level. IL stands for Inland Lot (as opposed to ML Marine Lot which would have been on the then-waterfront) ImageImageImage Set into the ground is an access panel for the Public Works Department, which from 1871 to 1986 was responsible for electricity, lighting, reclamation, waterworks etc in Hong Kong. Image