Eli Steinberg Profile picture
"Ultra-Orthodox" Jew. Father. Conservative Republican. Happy Cynic. Comms, Columns, Teacher, Torah. Technically a Rabbi. Opinions my own – but usually correct.
Nov 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Awful news being reported out of Los Angeles.

A Jewish man who was brutally beaten at a "Free Palestine" rally Sunday tragically succumbed to his injuries today.

Murdered, in the USA, by Hamas sympathizers, for being a Jew.

There's a video I'm sharing in the next tweet. Don't look away

Oct 30, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Just listened to the @megynkelly podcast. How telling is it that Boreing calls the piece "deceitful and malicious" yet can't specify a single thing I misrepresented or was untruthful about?

He even complains about which @benshapiro tweets were embedded, and which were linked. & @JeremyDBoreing is upset because 2 weeks have passed & he's moved on, & it's possible Candace Owens wouldn't still defend Ye the way she did before. He concedes that if she still did now, that would be objectionable.

Did you ask her? Because she's given no indication of change
Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
If you've been on my TL last couple of weeks, you’ve noticed something’s bothering me.

I'm not having a hard time moving on from Kanye West, & I'm not really so invested in a third-rate entertainer like Candace Owens.

But what is wrong with @benshapiro? newsweek.com/ben-shapiro-ne… Ben likes to demand things from others. And often, he's right! But all of a sudden, his approach to this issue swing entirely.

And it's not just due to politics, it's due to personal interests. newsweek.com/ben-shapiro-ne…
Jan 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
A member of the NYS Board of Regents – in charge of putting into place a list of rules determining whether private & religious schools are providing education "substantially equivalent" to public schools – questions whether religious schools are "allowed" to "teach religion." I said this in 2020, and it remains true today. dailywire.com/news/steinberg…

If you want any sort of autonomy in how you can educate your children, you have a direct stake in what's going down in New York right now, and the targeting of religious Jews by the woke intelligencia.