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2 subscribers
Mar 7 8 tweets 6 min read
Entire Alawite families killed by Joulani’s jihadist orcs in Syria. Dr. Bassam Sobh and his family. Dr. Ibrahim Nazha, his pharmacist sisters and their mother. Death toll is still on the rise. Were they also “Assad regime remnants”? Image
“God have mercy on us oh God” the last thing Hazar posted before she was brutally killed with her family by Joulani’s orcs. All Syrian minorities must take up arms Image
Dec 26, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Mass executions of Syrian civilians are taking place in Syria. The videos are horrific. Alawite Syrians are attempting to fight back and Christian Syrians are calling for an armed resistance. While the pro-Julani crowd are calling for “silent killing” without cameras Image
“You have 2 solutions. Your cross and your gun”

Syrian Christians are calling for armed resistance against the terrorist militias. They have had enough of the relentless daily attacks and the hollow condemnations that follow for media propaganda
Oct 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Ukrainian TV explaining why Israeli kids deserve to live but Palestinian kids don’t. Only “civilized” Ukrainians with blue eyes are allowed to “resist” Russia. Molotov, guns, missiles, grenades, blowing up civilian bridges… all justified. They even glorified a Ukrainian suicide bomber. But God forbid an “uncivilized” Palestinian throws a rock at an Israeli tank.
Mar 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Tel Aviv is rising. Netanyahu is in deep trouble. The war criminal who supported the wars on Iraq, Libya, Syria and pushed for war on Iran will soon get a taste of his own medicine. Where are the western sanctions against Israeli authoritarianism? Netanyahu is unquestionably a war criminal responsible for horrific massacres against Palestinians. He is twisting Israeli law to become a full-on dictator. Instead of being condemned or sanctioned by the western countries, they are welcoming him on red carpets. Loud hypocrisy.
Aug 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Hezbollah’s Nasrallah just said that the US have been using helicopters to save ISIS terrorists from complete annihilation in Iraq and transporting them to Afghanistan to keep them as insurgents in Central Asia against Russia, China and Iran.

Thus the beginning of ISIS-K. Are we even surprised;

In 2016 the Obama/Biden-administration bombed anti-ISIS Syrian forces in Deir Ezzor, TWICE, killing hundreds of soldiers which empowered ISIS and allowed the Jihadists to capture strategic hills and oil fields.

Biden is back, America is back, ISIS is back
Apr 15, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read

The day over 100 starved Shia children were burned to death by a Jihadi suicide bombing, right after western-backed "moderate rebels" lured as many children as they could using potato crisps!

Aleppo Massacre, the discreet crime of the “rebels”.

A must read thread: Image A background:

When the uprising started in 2011 in Syria some of the main slogans used by the "democratic revolutionaries" in some areas were:

"We will slaughter the Shias in Kefraya and Al-Foua" along with "Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the coffin".