Laura Haines Profile picture
Writer Girl. Political Junkie. Former Republican. #GoDems
Jan 24, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Little tidbit I sometimes share with pro-life/no-choicers who thump their bibles & say that the Word of God says abortion is wrong. The "Word of God" has an entire chapter of Scripture featuring God giving Moses a recipe for an abortifacient. Numbers 5:11-31 [thread] God provides this as a solution for a husband who suspects his wife has committed adultery. The priest makes the woman drink a concoction " that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry." Num. 5:11-31 [2]
Jan 23, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
The Trump WH has blocked at least 12 witnesses from testifying, including: Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Don McGahn, Rob Porter, Rick Dearborn, Kupperman. And Trump now says he will invoke executive privilege to block the testimony of John Bolton. [thread] If your arguments are like the White House's -- "executive privilege" "immunity" "absolute immunity" -- I want you to think about what you're arguing.

You're saying that you want a monarchy, not a republic. A King, not a President.

A dictator. [2]
Nov 17, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
Yes, I've seen the reports of Trump's unscheduled health check-up at Walter Reed yesterday and the press lid today. Yes, I agree it's odd. Yes, I've read the theories: 1) heart health issue 2) panic attack 3) looking to set up a narrative for resignation and a pardon... [thread] Could be nothing. Could be something. [2]
May 23, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Don't misunderstand. It's not that Trump *wants* to be impeached. It's that he wants us to TRY to impeach him RIGHT NOW, so they can KILL it in the Senate and Trump can declare "VICTORY! Elect me for another 4 years to make up for the 4 years the Democrats stole." But the wise leadership of the Dems are doing their due diligence. Subpoenaing witnesses and records.
Apr 5, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
As someone who was groomed by several men growing up, whose boundaries were crossed by men who acted like that what they were doing was innocent in each little crossing, I know how important boundaries are & how big a deal it becomes when we ignore/excuse people crossing them. I am not saying that what Joe Biden has done rises to the level of sexual assault. His behavior has caused discomfort in women over the years though and even he acknowledges his behavior should change. And, he's right, it should.
Feb 4, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
Attn: White friends: Take a breath, take your ego out of this, LISTEN to the invaluable words of this invaluable black woman & LEARN something: "The devil doesn't need an advocate. Can you explain what makes white people want to quickly forgive their favorite bigots? [thread] I'm seriously curious. It happens regardless of politics with liberal & conservatives alike. Even if it's an icon that's been a lifelong bigot. Within the week it becomes a free for all to the forgiveness tour. [2]
Jan 21, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Do not buy this boy's lawyered statement or his mama's excuses. Do not look desperately around for an excuse for this young man's or his classmates' behavior.

Watch. All. The. Videos.

[thread] Here's one for you all to watch. Look at all the little mocking MAGAs. Do you see that white boy from the more notorious clip yet? No. At what point does he emerge from the crowd of his mocking MAGA friends to stand inches from the face of this elder?
Jan 21, 2019 22 tweets 4 min read
Here are my thoughts on the full length video that captures when and how the encounter with the MAGA school boys and the drumming Indigenous elder started and what was happening just beyond it. [thread] #1: The Indigenous Peoples' event was happening completely separate from the March for Life event. This huge pack of MAGA gear-wearing school boys descended on the Indigenous People's event, not the other way around.