Max Haining 💯 Profile picture
Founder @100schoolhq ⚡️ | Stack skills that make you irreplaceable. For free in just 30 mins/day.
Jun 28, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Sooo I’ve had an unintentional break or detox from posting on socials for the past month-ish (or more).

In that time, I’ve had some existential founder moments but also some cool updates to share which you may find interesting.

Here goes… For context, I was a mess first half of April.

I got swept up in all the AI chatter and spent a couple of weeks moping about, questioning the point of what I’d been building for the past 3 years.


AI has fundamentally changed the way we build software...
Jul 15, 2022 9 tweets 12 min read
How to kill your terrible ideas faster.

1. Build a landing page + start collecting signups
2. Hit your signup threshold + build the tiniest version of that product.

🧵 Here are 7 ideas about to get (in)validated over the @100daysnocode Build Weekend.

Who's your money on? Image @100daysnocode 1/ There are hundreds of tools for Twitter now and more being developed every day.

But how do you know which tool is the best for you based on your needs and budget? @maxwellcdavis's idea is to build a solution for this...