Abdul Hakeem Profile picture
Your Go-To Hypnotherapist • Aviator-in-Waiting • Founder Of FOLA Wellness & Healing • 🇿🇦 • 🌍•🛩️•🕋
Feb 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I can’t stress enough how important therapy is. I’m at a barber shop now listening to the radio and the guy being spoken of has incredible childhood trauma from sexual abuse and 💔💔💔

The damage he’s now causing his marriage through cheating is heartbreaking to hear.

Guys! Men don’t talk because of the rejection and neglect they face in society.

It’s harder to trust anyone because the large majority of times a man opens up, his pain becomes a bullet used against him.

Men know this. That’s why they numb & seek escapes and never show emotions.
May 11, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
A switch goes off after you turn 30 man. Wallahi.

Here’s some advice from a 30 year old to people in their 20’s feeling some type of way about life.

Hope this is helpful. Definitely helped me.

A thread* Image 1. Don’t waste time being fearful: go for that job that you’re certain you’re not gonna get. What’s the worse that can happen?

You are rejected, but you gain interview experience. Self-doubt is really a waste of time.

You get it, you’ll figure it out along the way. You got in!
Feb 6, 2020 19 tweets 3 min read
“How do I know if I’m in the right relationship?”

A Thread Of Questions You Should Answer, NOW... 1. Does your partner make you a better person, and do you do the same for them?
Dec 13, 2019 101 tweets 6 min read
Ask Your Lover These Asap.

A Thread*

(you can answer them just for fun too) 1. Do you think it’s ok to keep noticing another woman/man after you are in a committed relationship?

Does this change when you are married?
Nov 14, 2019 22 tweets 7 min read

The first way to take care of the vagina you’re sexing is to first take care of you, your penis, your body and your mouth.

Lemme explain (A Thread) As men we carry bacteria. It’s natural. So it’s important to maintain regular hygiene.

Clean your penis abi. Don’t just run a cloth past it, hold it and lather the homie with soap and scrubbadub bruv.

Pull that foreskin back (you really should get circumcised) & clean it up!
Jun 2, 2019 18 tweets 5 min read
You are going to,


And I encourage it. Hear me out

(a thread) It’s natural to fall out of love with your partner.

It really is and, when you’ve been with them for a while you won’t know a deeper truth than this and it’s perfectly okay to. It’s natural.
May 12, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
I'm sorry bro. (Thread)

For all the times I lied to you about how I look at women and went home to a beautiful wife and kids whom I showed softness to.

The same lines I used to convince myself in ruining my own goodness. For seeing you become the conviction in my negative words which you built harmful beliefs on and went ahead to devalue, disregard, disrespect & cheat on your then woman. I'm sorry I helped you break her heart.
Jun 1, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
Ask your lover questions about their love experiences when growing up.

(t*) Ask about their take on their parents’ relationship and what they know about the love dynamic in the family they grew up in.

This informs you greatly about the person you’re with and how they were socialised to love and receive love.