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Hamza Ahmed
I connect guys who are serious about their self improvement 👇
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Jun 3, 2023
9 tweets
1 min read
How to make a crazy amount of money whilst saving the world: Start by solving a problem that you’re going through.
Think about where you are on your search for masculine freedom. Where have you made progress?
Financial, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional.
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Nov 29, 2022
22 tweets
4 min read
Most young men want to develop skills.
But 99% of them don't do it.
They simply don't know how to develop skills outside the education system, outside of an authority figure telling them what to do.
Here are 5 Skills All Young Men Should Learn(take action immediately)
Captivating Attention
This is the single most valuable skill in this modern day.
If you can captivate attention on social media, you are set up to have an amazing life.
The most effective way of captivating attention is through controversy.
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Nov 28, 2022
11 tweets
3 min read
For most of my life, I did nothing productive.
When I was 15 years old, I would walk as fast as I could from school to home to play video games.
And then overnight, at the age of 17, I started going to the gym.
I unconsciously used these 5 MOTIVATION LIFE HACKS:
Make It Easy And Put It In Front Of You
Do you want to know the greatest way to drink more water?
Put it in front of you.
As long as it's easy and in your sight, you'll naturally just take it and start sipping it.
Put the thing you want to do in your face.
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Nov 27, 2022
13 tweets
3 min read
If you want to do well in this dark dating scene of today, you can't be following the same script as everyone else.
I'm giving you parts of my script here.
Here are 5 Personality Traits To Make Any Woman Obsessed With You:
Abundance in terms of dating means that you have more than 1 woman interested in you at any given time.
This is probably the opposite of what you have.
You're probably coming across as very needy.
That's unattractive and repulsive to women.
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Nov 26, 2022
10 tweets
3 min read
Fat stomach, man boobs, skinny arms, barely any facial hair, pimples, and weak jawline.
These are all characteristics of a weak modern man.
No one will respect you if you look like that.
Here are 6 Things You Need to Improve on to Look More Masculine:
Bulk Up
This is the single most important one.
Your entire frame will be bigger and you'll look way more like a man.
You want your body weight to be as high as possible without being fat.
Eat in the caloric surplus and do resistance training.