The Secret Professor (of Handkerchief Dynasty) Profile picture
Masculine. Competent. High-Quality. Just some of the adjectives that have never been associated with the 19th-best Edmonton Oilers podcast™ AKA @Podrule
Jul 7, 2021 14 tweets 7 min read
Best "all smoke, no fire" Oilers trade rumor, all-time: It took me MUCH longer than it should have to remember "Dany Heatly", likely due to the psychic after-effects of this whole sad episode.

IIRC it was Cogs, Pens, Smiddy but Dany was like "wait, what???!" like some hacky 90s comedian?
Jul 6, 2021 8 tweets 1 min read
What's one thing you've learned usually or always helps your love life? For me:

1) Telling the truth - but not too much

2) Think before you speak. And then think again and again. Then speak.

3) Everyone loves "good morning beautiful" texts.
Jul 5, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The Secret Professor is most proficient in "Chance would be a fine thing... a fine thing indeed!!!"
Jun 11, 2020 136 tweets 53 min read
Which actor should play which Oilers in their Bio-Pic? Ales Hemsky - Tom Hardy