Peter Pischke-Friendly Neighborhood Journo Profile picture
Journo, Critic & Disabled Otaku✍️♿ 4th Most Popular Columnist for USA TODAY Host of the CultureScape Podcast & YouTube Show👾
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 17 4 tweets 1 min read
This is darkly funny,

Baltimore said they wanted a fair public meeting to let information from all sides on the opioid epidemic to be known for the public

Reporters covering pain patients were invited

And Baltimore canceled it because the truth would hurt their slush fund from the opioid lawsuits Baltimore: "we want people to be able to hear the truth"

Reporters: "You mean how these deaths are entirely from street drugs and doctors and pharmacutical companies aren't to blame"

Baltimore: "just not that Truth"
Jul 26 7 tweets 2 min read
this is so beyond disturbing,
their case went all the way to the supreme court who overwhelming ruled it was a joke & sent it back

only to have the judge blow off the decision of SCOTUS… this is why people like me cannot get our medications, because you can have the flipping SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on your side & still end up in prison

what a farce this all is
Jul 12 6 tweets 2 min read
That's because American medical & drug culture is based in Puritanical America, literally the Puritans of the 17th century.

Same place, Prohibition is foundational from

To the Puritans, weakness is a sin; there are no flaws, only moral deficits.
Image Look up Cotton Mather & the temperance movement

The difference today is that we pretend people have no moral agency at all

they can only fall under the power of the temptation
but it's the same attitude & framing

same energy, just different buzzwords Image
Jul 12 8 tweets 2 min read
i played Crusader Kings 3 with mods for a few days til i got that game out of my system,

came around to: yup, this game is still CK3 I love games where you get to rule a fiefdom,
CK3 is great for that sort of thing, but it's very rinse & repeat

no amount of mods can quite make up for that
especially when at least half of mods are broken for whatever is current release version
Jul 8 7 tweets 2 min read
The problem with treating canon as disposable is that it trains the audience that the show is disposable

All of fiction is made-up, it doesn't exist, but by its rules & lore we can trick ourselves into believing it's real

When anything goes so to does our interest in it Image Let me put it more simply

Doctor Who is 60 years old, either those 60 years means something or it doesn't mean anything at all
Jun 10 7 tweets 2 min read
Everyone knows what @Asmongold meant by this,

He means injecting current year political commentary into a remake to a game from 2004

I hate where folks pretend to not understand words

"technically" game is a play by those with low levels of intelligence & little creativity This is why I hate social media,

because people get so into owning others that the standard of topical conversation always drops by a minimum of 10 iq

We know what he meant, but they don't want to have a conversation they can potentially lose so they just do things like this
May 31 4 tweets 1 min read
New Episode of CultureScape tomorrow @ 1👾

Adam Sessler Unplugged:
From X-Play to G4TV - Exclusive Interview!🤯

#xplay #g4tv #interview #podcast #youtube @BoundingComics @jondelarroz @MrAndyNgo @Kneon Image We deep-dive w/ Adam Sessler, going through his origins, Tech TV, his creation & run on X-Play, Rev3Games, & of course everyone's favorite:


Click to watch the show when it goes live👇
Apr 23 21 tweets 7 min read
2 arguments are going on at once

1. The game's translation from Japanese to English has been punched up & stylistically changed.


2. that this is because or an example of wokeness
which it isn't, at least as far as the game itself goes & as far as we know Japanese to English translations being changed to "improve" has been going on since translations existed

We've seen many recent examples discussed from popular titles like FF7 Rebirth to Fire Emblem to a heap of Nintendo games (like a metric ton of them)

And of course Anime & Manga (Crunchyroll for example)

Apr 22 4 tweets 2 min read
My latest review for @BoundingComics ✍️
Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes

‘Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ Review – The ‘Suikoden’ Sequel We Never Got But Always Deserved🤗
@eiyuden @PlayStation #gaming #games #EiyudenChronicle plugged in over 80 hours, tested on Steam & PS5 & thoroughly worked it out

Overall I enjoyed the game, despite a few graphical problems & a mixture of good & terrible minigames it was a fulfilling gaming experience overall

Would recommend people play if they like JRPGs Image
Apr 16 8 tweets 3 min read
This is newsworthy, unlike other things I've criticized for people going after low-level employees.

Not only is she the new CEO in charge of the largest US public news affiliate, but she is also the former head of Wikipedia & a leading member of the US State Department You throw in everything that NPR is blaming for its reasoning to get rid of Berliner, who all of a sudden is a not real & terrible journalist according to them, and it's a fair question to ask:

Why doesn't that apply to its CEO?
Apr 13 7 tweets 2 min read
I've said it before & I'll say it again.

Fact some journalist once tweeted something is not a news story in itself

Many do it cuz people eat it up & earn you some solid engagement.

But it's unhealthy & I think it sets up expectations in the audience that come back to bite you We all have stupid opinions,
every person on planet Earth that is not in a comatose state,

A news story requires ACTION, how did their tweets or worldview play into something
Apr 12 5 tweets 2 min read
New Episode of CultureScape👾

EVERYONE HATES HIM!! Interviewing the Internet’s Most Controversial Comedian: Vito!🤯

@VitoComedy @dickmasterson @mjarbo @erikkain @goldenwitchfire @andysignore Image Appreciate the chance to talk at length w/ my bud, @VitoComedy🦾

Journalist, Comedian, YouTuber, TCG creator, Comic Writer & more!

Walk w/ me as we explore his past & winding history of the internet!🖥️

Apr 6 5 tweets 1 min read
some translating for my lefty friends, when people on the right say non political they mean free from current partisan socio-politics

they have no problem with political themes more broadly, especially lessons from history but they don't want to be lectured about climate change, lgbtq, Orange man bad, etc political philosophy discussions are fine, even politics of yesteryear

it's just no one wants to be lectured why they aren't voting a certain way every November

Imagine if your game became a NRA advertisement, they don't want that in the reverse basically
Apr 2 6 tweets 2 min read
In our latest thrilling episode of CultureScape:👾

We interview @kotaku journalist @xoelleslow about the site, games journalism, SBI & gamergate!🤯 Image Fantastic discussion that covers a lot of hot topics gamers are talking a lot about lately,

Sweet Baby Inc, Black Girl Gamers, wokeness, etc😲

Also, how journalism actually happens, what it's really like to be in games media & why companies like G/0 Media kinda suck!🗑️
Apr 1 5 tweets 1 min read
2 things can be true at once

1. Piskor behaved weirdly & somewhat creepy & it got called out. As far as we know, he never crossed the DM's line, but it was weird

2. People massively overemphasized & gossiped & spread more rumors & ended up bullying him to death, a man who probably had a few more decades in him for making art The problem is everything weird ends up immediately in the "this is bad guy territory" & Piskor understood that what he loved was being taken away

That doesn't condone his suicide or his behavior, but people should have waited for more facts before saying, "lock him up."
Mar 26 4 tweets 1 min read
For the next episode of CultureScape we interview @thatstarwarsgrl on the sad demise of Star Wars🤯

George Lucas, Cosplay, YouTube cliques, etc
Good Show comes out at 11am Tomorrow🕚 Image This is by far the best looking & most produced episode of CultureScape yet, @christofilms put a ton of effort getting it a spit-shine sheen

Great episode, to find it remember to check us out on YouTube or Spotify (Podcast)

Or just click on my profile & click the link like so👇 Image
Mar 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Thanks to everyone who watched the latest episode of CultureScape with @EndymionYT

We hit 3k views, which is decent for my little channel, got great feedback & happy people liked it so much Image We will feature my Twitter friend @thatstarwarsgrl for the next episode, who kindly agreed to come on the show.

We talked about the state of Star Wars and AI & complained about stupid YouTube feuds & other influencer fluff.

It's a great conversation. I think you will also like Image
Mar 17 5 tweets 2 min read
.@Asmongold proves why people have become frustrated with the gaming press

it's frustrating because if journalists wanted to defenestrate GG 2.0 all they needed to do was not be crazy

for some of them this was an impossible ask there are people on gg that are doing naughty things like harassment, sending death threats etc

but these aren't official spokesman, these are just anon's whereas the people saying @Asmongold should be banned, a lot of them are journalists & these diversity game devs
Mar 15 4 tweets 1 min read
Yeah, so this video by @Kneon of @ClownfishTVcom is important & though Elon will ping me to share it I think I should

People in media, both news & creators need to make alternative plans NOW; I learned this the hard way, nothing online is solid

obviously, i get a shoutout in it, but it is important

As someone who had a few days in the limelight, let me warn you that nothing online lasts

attention can go away as easily as it came

Google is okay with going 100% AI as long as they are the ones holding the reins.
Mar 12 4 tweets 1 min read
So my reticence for social media things is that the hard thing I've learned is more attention does not mean something gets fixed, often just the opposite

It can mean people dig down & then stances get hardened & any compromise or improvement is impossible for a while Attention is helpful, but people make the mistake that a mass amount of attention = winning or change

problem goes both ways

it's not that low attention is good & high attention bad,

it's that attention is useful only as it's connected to useful discussion & targetted action
Feb 29 10 tweets 3 min read
My review is out!😁
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
is Perfection 27 Years In The Making🎮⚔️
@SquareEnixUSA @finalfantasyvii @GenePark @TheSphereHunter @Shannon_LiaoImage Thank you to @kabutoridermav & @BoundingComics for asking me to do this project

& of course @SquareEnix for sending the review code Image