Isaac Young Profile picture
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Author | Catholic | Professor of Kadath Studies | 24 | Collected Works and Short Stories:
Jan 9 9 tweets 4 min read
An interesting trend @KingEmprPenguin noted was the rise of movies and television that were meta-commentaries on other stories. They only made sense when a person was inundated with all the tropes. Now I’m not saying this is bad in practice, in fact, Megamind is an example… 1/ Image of a story I quite like that falls in this category. But the whole hero stops being a hero and handing the city to the villain only makes sense where tropes exist independently of their bearing in reality. It only makes sense when heroes and villains are morally immaterial. /2 Image
Dec 12, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Indiana Jones was a product of its time. His ideals of putting the whole of human history in a museum could only spring up in liberal fantasy.

But history has not ended. The past is still alive, and these symbols move among us just as they did thousands of years ago. Image The brilliance of Indiana Jones has always been the acknowledgement that the past has real power, and this creates a contradictory tug and pull as Indiana regularly encounters the supernatural, only to see it stuffed away at the final moment. Image
Dec 11, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Modern people have this really naive view of Christ’s Redemption of Mankind. They think it saves you from all earthly consequences, that as soon as you say the magic words, you instantly fix everything you broke in your life. /1 Image But that’s not how any of this works. You break something when you sin, and just because you “repent”, that doesn’t mean you’ll get it back. A man can’t undo an adultery anymore than a woman can’t reclaim her virginity. Thinking otherwise is pure cope, and frankly, immoral. /2
Nov 30, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
One of the interesting things about the degeneration of modern culture is that you can trace the progressing dementia with the gradual inability to depict masculine characters.

Take Kirk for instance. In his classic iteration, he’s practically a sci-fi James Bond. 1/ Image He’s calm, capable, self-assured. He believes in what he’s doing, and he knows exactly what he wants out of life.

He’s a Starship Captain, and he doesn’t doubt himself in the task. It’s practically in his blood, and the adventure is what gives him life. 2/ Image
Nov 26, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
I’ve been thinking a lot about the vivisection of words and how they relate to the writing. I talked earlier about the dinosaur/dragon distinction, but I’ve also been interested in the evolution of our language.

You see, we don’t invent new words anymore 1/ Image We invent slang. We create short term words with a rapid half-life. Usually vulgar, these words are exclusively used in lowbrow contexts such as memes or the general online discourse. While they often slip out into conversation, they’re frequently used self ironically. /2 Image
Nov 12, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
People underestimate how bad this trend is. The mainstream industry has completely locked out young men, meaning any upcoming talent is denied access to the funding and marketing to take their talents to the next level.

You've lost a generation of male authors. 1/ Image Now I'm usually the first to decry Tradpub and the last to criticize indie, but there is no denying the old power of institutional backing. At the end of the day, culture is mass production, and Tradpub controls many of the levers that make that possible. 2/ Image
Nov 5, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
Some quick thoughts on the future of fiction because I can't sleep, and I'm tired of politics.

The Right has the tendency to view fiction materialistically. Where are the new Tolkiens and the Gene Wolfes? We talk about marketing, funding, time, etc. etc. But this misses... /1 Image
the more basic point that fiction is about belief.

I don't want to downplay genius--because that's very real. But IQs and artistic skill still require substance to mold. And without that substance, you're left with nothing. /2 Image
Sep 20, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
"All art is political"

Let's take a step back and examine that statement. Why does Left always parrot this phrase? Why can't anyone else have their own interpretations?

Why can't the woke just appreciate art? A thread🧵1/
Image The woke is nothing more than a reaction to the failed promises of liberalism. It's a manifestation of a brittle belief system lashing out because it is worried about being called out as hollow--which it is. It has no more teleological promises it can offer. /2 Image
Sep 12, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Founding Myths. We've all seen the 4chan post about how the Post-WW2 Consensus is the basis for modern society.

But what about the Founding Myths of the future? More specifically, what about first contact is so tantalizing for the Left? A thread on our posthuman future 1/🧵 Image Up until fairly recently, first contact has been the wet dream of atheists and rationalists everywhere. The idea of finding evidence for alien (sentient) life is another psuedo-religious impulse, a search for meaning in the cosmos. /2 Image
Aug 26, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
I caught some flak for my Prometheus thread, specifically accusations that I was strawmanning Atheism. So let’s address that here.

Why Atheism is really boring for storytelling, thread 2 electric boogaloo 🧵 1/ Image Deliberate design is a completely pseudo-scientific concept (according to atheists). There’s no evidence for it, and the mainstream consensus is that life was a cosmic accident. But you can’t say anything about a cosmic accident. You can only shrug your shoulders at it. /2 Image
Aug 25, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Since people are talking about Prometheus again, let’s return to one of my favorite topics

How atheists can’t help themselves reinserting religious impulses into narratives, a thread 1/ 🧵 Image Now Atheism is a really boring ideology for storytelling. There’s no God, no morality, and no meaning. Everything is an accident, and we can take only the most superficial material interpretations possible.

This kills all storytelling except the most nihilistic genres. /2 Image
Aug 24, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
A day has passed. And I want to re-articulate some things in this thread to clarify what my intentions were. 1/ I write threads as they come to me. I don’t draft them up beforehand. And even when I plan things out, there are sometimes connections/tangents/points that I understand, but unfortunately get misunderstood when sent into public. Some of these are inevitable, but I admit I could’ve done a better job with this one.

I did not mean to imply that Matt Walsh was responsible for Mr. Birchum. What I was trying to get at was the spiritual attitude of his scene and why shows like Mr. Birchum exist and why mainstream Conservative platforms struggle with art.

I see Matt Walsh as a Conservative archetype, and I can see similar thought processes in the creators of this show.Image
Aug 23, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
The implication behind this post is that Christians are raving zealots who hate new media out of a puritanical spite. But that’s a caricature of a much deeper problem.

Let’s take a look at the kinds of Christians in charge of media empires. 1/

The thing to understand about Matt Walsh is that he’s not a zealot. He may have very good Conservative stances on LGBT, abortion, contraception, and so on. But politics is not spirituality.

Matt Walsh is a trend chaser. He’s a merchant on the social media market. /2 Image
Aug 8, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
I recall sometime in the 2010s that there was a craze for TV shows where anyone could die unexpectedly. This was sold as a new, more mature form of storytelling that was more realistic and hence superior to “naïve” media like LoTR. But what did this new trend get us? 1/ Image While the prospect was exciting at first, it all slowly turned into bloat and cynicism. Writers brought up conflicts for the sake of being morally grey—not for finding the right answers. Characters were killed for shock, not for serving a larger picture. /2 Image
Jul 9, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
This right here is my favorite scene in all of Star Trek. It represents so much of what made the show good, and it’s a tragic commentary on how the Left tried to recreate Rightwing virtues from Leftwing ideas.
From season 3 episode 6, The Specter of the Gun finds the Enterprise crew being subjected to an alien simulation designed to prove humans as nothing more than barbaric savages. And because it’s Star Trek, this simulation is a recreation of the Wild West. Image
May 22, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
On the Justification of Man in Science Fiction:

You'll notice virtually every Sci-Fi story penned by atheists shares the same progressivist mythos that uses pseudo spiritualism to get out of asking religious questions. These have become tropes cemented within the genre. /1 Image Where did humanity come from? There are two basic answers atheists have to this question. Either we evolved from nothing, or more interestingly, we evolved from a precursor civilization. In this case, the precursors serve as a surrogate God except without Christianity. /2 Image
May 9, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
I'll give a proper answer to the critique. To steelman this argument, the neo-pagan sees Tolkien's "history as a long defeat" as a rallying cry of nihilism. After all, Gondor is but a shadow of Númenor. And it is all but explicitly said that the Age of Men will be lesser... 1/
Image But what the neo-pagan fails to see is the religion Tolkien's mythos is embedded in. Tolkien sees the strength of elves and men as fading to sin. So it is a very good thing, that the fate of the world does not lie in men! Tolkien meant his world for a Redeemer 2/ Image
May 6, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Tolkien’s conception of the Ring is not some stupid metaphor for material power. Yes, it offers power, but that’s not the essence of the One Ring. The question Tolkien poses is whether we can pursue material victory through spiritually corrupt means… 1/
Image The Ring (being part of Sauron’s soul) is basically a phylactery for a demon. To use it is to inherently invite the demonic. It’s an object of the occult. And humanity is not able to use those forces for a greater good because we ourselves are fallen and corruptible. 2/ Image
Apr 7, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
This is very different from THIS. A lot of people don’t understand the distinction, but the difference between Riza Hawkeye and Korra lies in their archetypal roles. No one cares about fantasy female warriors. The problem is the essence of their character. 1/
Men love Riza Hawkeye. Why? Because she remains feminine. She’s a valkyrie, not a cocksure girlboss. Riza is a cool, collected, professional killer. And despite inhabiting a masculine archetype, she gets away with it because she never assumes a masculine personality. 2/ Image
Mar 30, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
The hardest part about being a reactionary is acknowledging entertainment you used to love is poisonous. In rehabilitating the image of King Arthur, we must tear away the ironic and the comedic in order to create something we can sincerely devote ourselves to. Image This scene alone has done tremendous psychic damage to the English consciousness. It's a complete divesting of the sacred, the divine, and the kingship. It makes a mockery of everything those things stand for. While hilarious, it must be the first target in restoring tradition. Image
Feb 20, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
The question is not merely one of ideology. Though wokeness is indeed a brittle calcification of late stage liberalism, it is not the sole factor for why good entertainment has plummeted. For that, we must look at the collapse of belief.
Image Wokeness is a phenomenon that actually predates Gamergate and the 2016 election, but back then it was organic. It was the promises liberalism offered: equality for all, ever increasing prosperity, an upstanding society based on rationalist morals. Image