Harry Aagaard Evans Profile picture
"Literally the realest guy in health at the moment" Health policy, tech, data. Speciality coffee enthusiast. @CLOSER_UK advisory committee. Trustee @NVtweeting.
Sarah Brooke FRSA 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 23, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
Very excited to be back at #kfdigital19. A real focus on patients today and how tech can benefit them if it’s done WITH them. Sorry I missed @NTtweeting’s presentation. Bad bad travel. Robert Johnstone, patient advocate, says we need to revive ‘nothing about me, without me’. Can we say we’re currently pursuing this in digital? #kfdigital19
May 21, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
Today @thekingsfund publish a report on technology and the NHS estate. Sounds dull, right? But let me explain why I think it's one of the most interesting reports in my time kingsfund.org.uk/publications/t… Okay so (wish me luck). The background to this report is that estate and tech are usually considered key enablers and they are usually lumped into the same funding pots, but rarely are the implications of one on the other considered.
May 1, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
Lots to pull apart in today's #appgAI report with @TheBHF on patient perceptions of AI in healthcare. Let's explore bhf.org.uk/appg-AI-report I'll save the recommendations for the end (cos they are the best bit). Awareness among patients about AI in heart/circulatory disease is low - NHS/govt seen as having the key role in informing the public
Apr 10, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
The findings from the pilot of the NHS app was released today. It was tested with 3,000 users and the followed up with surveys and interviews with staff and patients. Thread follows. digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-a… The first thing is to say: "yes, yes, yes". We need more rapid testing like this in tech, with staff and patients. The report chronicles the findings and what the team is acting on as a result.
Mar 4, 2019 13 tweets 6 min read
.@ONS published a data article today about digital exclusion in the UK. It's worth a read, but some things that struck me follow: ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati… Headway into the exclusion issue is being made - the fall in non-users of the internet is falling steadily each year. But in 2018, 10% of people in the UK were non-users.
Feb 19, 2019 16 tweets 5 min read
I promised a thread on new NHS tech "quango" @NHSX. I'm NOT going to assess here whether it's a good thing and instead explain the significance of this shift historically. So the first thing to say is that the creation of quangos in response to particular issues is not new. But most often they are created from integration/disintegration of existing ones.
Feb 11, 2019 17 tweets 5 min read
I promised a thread on the #TopolReview. An impressive achievement in its comprehensiveness and should be read in full topol.hee.nhs.uk The first thing that should be welcomed is that change management is recognised as important. There's a lot on educating staff in different ways (which is important), but challenges in using tech are not all about education.