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Global Healthcare venue for tracking & trending⏩Rx ,recalls, technology, studies, treatments, outbreaks, and more💗💊💉🚑 AND I ❤️ Spoutible 🐳
Jun 6 10 tweets 1 min read
Have we learned anything?.

-Testing for Avian flu in humans
Tests in the USA and Mexico can take 4-8 was as there are no COMMERCIAL TESTS. 1 -Sequencing. While most labs sequence there is no international data base or cooperation between all countries. Thus far WHO has not publically published the H5N2 and neither has Mexico. 2
Oct 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Latest alert is fatal eye bleeding virus in France. Caused by crimean-congo-haemorrhagic-fever, found in ticks. But not so fast… In July 2023 an American caught it in the Balkans and died.…
Aug 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
59 people in Chicago lost their lives after being shot. Reports on daily, monthly, and yearly crimes is reported in all cities t/o the USA. But imagine if they stopped.… Imagine if all crime reporting of numbers just stopped, due to a elected official or budget. And this slowly happened EVERYWHERE. Imagine if media said it was a part of day to day life but was better. Eventually ppl wld think Chicago was SAFE. 2
Jul 11, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
SARSCOV2 is alive and global. If you leave home unmasked or remove your mask when in contact with other human beings you are :AT RISK.
It doesn't matter if you are outside or inside you are - AT RISK. 1 It doesnt matter how many ppl or where, unmasked is -AT RISK. The level of risk is irrelevant. Risk is risk. Removing or not wearing a mask is apart of this freedom of choice. Choosing to not wear a mask a choice to take a risk no matter how small 2
Jul 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Let's talking masking and COVIDIAN
hypocrisy. To start if you are an adult with ZERO kids, do whatever you want. If you are the ⏩same not responsible for the elderly or work in hcare same. In otherwords, if its just you have at it. 1 It is not any different than the public's
response to the TITAN implosion. The empathy was for the kid. Same if a individual claims to understand the risk of COVID19 and risks those under their control ⏩pts, elderly, and children- SHAME ON YOU. 2
Jun 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
There is not a medical school on this planet where a seasoned department head would entertain or be open to a debate between a first year med student and themself. 1 To do so is to show disrespect for the education and years of experience the actual MD possesses. That respect is earned and deserved. If it is to remain, there should never be any exception beyond individuals with equal standing 2
Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
How about a WOKE conspiracy theory?
Let's go with the secret dark demonic power holders wan't to cull the world population.
Historically Eugenicist have done that through -Sterilization, war, mass murder, internment camps using -experiments, gas,
starvation, murder. 1 They have also used institutionalization with similar methods to end life. This has been done in Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Cambodia, and many more countries. Most fascist do not wan't to pay for social upkeep. COVID-19 for them is a gift. 2
Mar 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Is it professional? A question every Health Care professional needs to ask before tweeting about a case. It doesn't have to be the same case, if another pt can read and google similar s/s and embarrassment causes a delay in seeking help, then it's unprofessional. 1 If there is dark humor or statements describing distaste, it's unprofessional. Statements claiming this would never happen to you are bs, bc you never know.
Not only does this effect pts, but over the long run it backfires on HCW themselves. 2
Mar 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It is total STUPIDITY and INSANITY for an Anti-vaxxer/Anti-science person to enter a space full
of M.D.s and PhDs and even attempt to argue. Week after week it is the same thing.. 1 2 Why do you look like such fools? It's simple, you lack the basic foundation of science to have even a simple conversation with these folks. We are not talking virology or even immunology, but biology, chemistry, microbiology, and more. 2
Aug 26, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Public response to outbreaks is directly related to the odds of dying.
The lower the rate of deaths, the higher the rate of non-compliance and vice versa. Doubt it? Retrace the USA public response to a single case of EBOLA. 1 The same anti-maskers denying SarsCov2 now. Had literal social media hysteria over a single case of
Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Current information about SarsCov2 and MPX that is factual and current is available on Twitter 24/7. It is conveyed by M.D.s, immunologist, epidemiologist, I.D., Virologist and more. They are credentialed and doing work. 1 These credentialed medical and science professionals provide data, studies, many peer reviewed. Once a reader identifies a reliable source, you can follow who they follow or retweet. They also expose the bad sources 2
May 12, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
The breast vs formula debate is back due to the formula shortage. It's a healthy conversation and requires facts and education. There are sound reasons that some women CANT breastfeed. Some are fact, others are misinformation. Thread 1 First know the formula industry is
is huge profit generator and millions of babies have been adversly effected and died due to their greed. 2

Apr 12, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
To use USA SarsCov2 numbers as a means of deciding "The Pandemics over,' is a fools way to death. The two most populated countries in the world are battling waves of two different variants,.. 1 India has BA.1and Ba.2, Deltacron, and now XE. 2…
Dec 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Nov 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
United Airline pilots took a novel but effective approach to the internal backlash from Antivaxxors-THEY REFUSED TO WORK IN CLOSE QUARTERS DUE TO PERSONSL RISK. Likewise if the SCOTUS reverses Biden's orders, the Vaccinated should REFUSE TO WORK SIDE BY SIDE DUE TO RISK 1 2 First and foremost HCWs predominantly Nurses
should strike, or offer an ultimatum. The Antivax numbers of HCWs are not even close enough to keep doors open. Refusing to work in these unsafe conditions is advocating for patients 2
Sep 13, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Practicing your right to choose
to not wear a mask or get a vaccine or even proclaiming you dont think COVID-19
is serious, doesnt change the fact the Virus is real, very contagious and deadly 1 Stating you think there's long term side effects of the vaccine, doesnt defy the fact that vaccinated ppl are NOT DYING and THAT MANY OF THE UNVACCINATED ARE DYING AND DEAD .DEATH IS THE WORST LONG- TERM SIDE EFFECTS . 2
Sep 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
With FDA and AMA cracking down on Ivermectin and Vaccine mandates now increasing, Anti-Vaxxors are becoming more desperate and aggressive. Why the Dirty dozen generate the bulk-there are HCPs doing the same
1 2- HCPs use Twitter and FB to generate bad info and push false information, that generates FEAR. This can not be OVER STRESSED. The comments and tweets reflect innocents with a great deal of -fear, anxiety, and anger.
Aug 23, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
PSA- response to layperson question regarding COVID-19.
YES- it can effect EVERY PART OF YOUR BODY. The brain- from temp cog fog, strokes, a drop in IQ. Teeth, people have had teeth break or just fall out 1 Heart and lungs- COVID attacks the heart muscle and vessels and can do irreversible
damage, same with the lungs.
The GI track leads to weeks of pain and diarrhea with long haulers 2
Aug 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Dear patients- THIS IS NOT
- A MCDONALDS, or JIFFY LUBE. No , 1 or 2 ED docs can't stop and run and speak to you during a trauma alert. You don't get to "have it your way" and demand a med not approved by the FDA. 1 The ICU nurse is not a bad nurse if they can't take your call. Patients lives usurp your call. So you came to the ED 2 hours ago? Sorry rescue goes back before you. The sickest patients first 2
Aug 13, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Imagine if every RN and MD called in sick from - August 13th- 16th. In Florida, Texas, MS,AR, and LA. What would happen? System wide collapse.
Would ppl die? 1/ Yes they would. Are ppl dying and going to die? Yes they are.
Can staff stop most these deaths? A few. What would the state and federal govt response be to such a call off? Or lay persons response? 2
Aug 6, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The American healthcare system has devolved to an abusive-toxic for profit entity. It operates in a fashion
that facilitates the noncompliant for money and fosters a dangerous and negligent environment. This results in a harmful scenario for compliant patients and HCPs. 1/ Psychology addresses situations where abuse and addiction can harm not only individuals, but businesses,and families. The abuse and toxicity continues as long as others ENABLE IT. The individual or system must be deprived of enablers and allowed to hit rock bottom.2/