Steve Schmidt Profile picture
Featherless biped. Opportunistic Omnivore. Pronouns nor/mal.
Oct 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
It's this kind of silly, uninformed reaction that prevents us from having nice things.… The wastewater is scrubbed of all radioactive elements except tritium, which cannot be removed.

Tritium is very weakly radioactive, and cannot penetrate your dead skin layer. If ingested it is flushed from your body in 10 days, so no long-term effect.
Aug 16, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
@TylerDucharme @RW_Crank Exactly right. Bit of a thread here.

In the case of BC, recent problematic fire seasons are certainly affected by a long-term warming trend; fire agencies know that because they have had to extend crew terms steadily for the last 20 years. That's solid evidence.

But 1/x @TylerDucharme @RW_Crank That's not the culprit. The bulk of the problem is huge fuel loads that exist because of the Mountain Pine Beetle outbreak of 20 years ago (the dead trees are falling down) exacerbated by a number of other insect and disease outbreaks that are happening as we speak.
