Heather Fleming Profile picture
Mom, author, Senior Organizer at AAPF founder of @InPurposeEA and @equitymissouri
Mary Waggener Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A few tips:

When people say that our kids are being indoctrinated bcuz they are learning about different experiences, remind them the definition of indoctrination is "teach (a person or group) to accept a set of beliefs uncritically." Limiting ideas so that students only have one option is literally asking them to accept one idea without the opportunity to think critically about it and draw conclusions based upon what they learn and can prove. Lack of options = indoctrination.
Apr 8, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
When I was teaching, students would have to take a survey identifying the adults they considered "safe" each semester, beginning the second semester of their freshmen years. The goal was to be sure the school comminity knew who to call in if a child was in crisis. 1/ Every time I received my list, I would be amazed by some of the names: kids who didn't have me in class, but knew me through their friends; the quiet kids I'd wave to in the hallway; the sullen kids who sometimes scowled at me during class; the angry kid who talked back . 2/
Apr 6, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Since folks are watching my SM so closely, I wanted to be sure I clarified something:

I meant everything I said.

I think it says something that so many of you share screenshots of me expressing my experience and analysis as if they are an indictment of me.

Absolutely not. In reality, you're sharing them because you interpret them as an indictment of YOU.

If the shoe fits, lace them up, buttercup.

Most of my tweets speak to concepts, ideals, systems, and groups. Those who find offense do so bcuz of what they feel, not necessarily what I said.