Let us be women willing to lay down our sword words, our sharp looks, our ignorant silence and towering stance and fill the earth now with extravagant Love.
Let us be women who Love.
Let us be women who make room.
Let us be women who open our arms and invite others into an honest, spacious, glorious embrace.
Nov 2, 2020 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
When I was a little girl - before my parents dropped their basket (so to speak), I had a sleepwalking problem. I would often awaken standing in the living room watching my mother sleeping on the couch. It wasn’t until years later that I learned there were problems
in my parents marriage and my mother often chose the couch during that season. Her issues around sleep persisted and my anxiety around her falling asleep smoking or falling asleep in chairs (crumpled up) or wherever persisted too.
Oct 22, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
In the whole of my life I have never waited more than five minutes in line to early vote/vote. I am 49 and so that means in 31 years. Never.
Today I made it to the window for my ballot in just under 34 minutes. It was the middle of the afternoon. 😳
Don’t tell me something isn’t happening in this election.
I also want to say I have never cried reviewing my ballot and scanning it into the machine. I have never cried thanking poll workers. Never, never. Before today. 😪