How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App The term anarcho-capitalism was coined by Murray Rothbard, this elfin looking guy, tweaking an earlier formulation by his friend Karl Hess (a Goldwater speechwriter turned anti-war activist). Rothbard was a pioneer in coopting language of anarchy for authoritarianism This is a complicated story but the New Critics were Southern white reactionaries who idealized pre-industrial life & Christian hegemony, whitewashed slavery, and embraced formalism in criticism as a way of exalting an idealized order untouched by historical change. You often hear this in liberal & even left-liberal circles: "why can't liberal billionaires fund X" (X being a left counterpart to Fox News or The Federalist Society or ALEC. The answer is there are very few liberal billionaires & they are generally committed to status quo. Of course, aspirational fascism doesn't necessarily translate into being able to actually execute fascism. I take the point of the critics of the fascism thesis that there is no modern mass party in 1920s/1930s sense. the one hand, this is a pretty terrifying glimpse of someone who is descending into fascist nihilism. On the other hand, it's much more honest account of the impulses behind Carlson's politics than the apologetics of Greenwald, Lee Fang, etc. The reality is Trump has a lot of built in advantages going in: unbeatable name recognition, money, media coverage & he's hugely popular with GOP voters, a majority of whom think he was robbed in 2020. Hard to beat a candidate like that. Through a series of moves going back more than 3 decades, some well-intentioned (protect kids from traffickers) & some malicious (family separation) USA has a ramshackle system which perversely made it easier for kids to enter alone than with parents & send money home. Bloom offers a parallel (and interestingly given Rieff's personal history, someone who Susan Sontag loathed). Neither Rieff nor Bloom were movement conservatives or even conservative. They were rather pessimistic (sometimes cranky) cultural critics appropriated by the right