Bette Dangerous Profile picture
Emmy-winning investigative journo🤍Bette Dangerous/Substack @Byline_Media @RadicalizedPod🤍🤍Ko-Fi tips🙏🏼
silvanet🌊 Profile picture Patty 🌻🇺🇸🌵 Profile picture 🇺🇦☘️Mike McGraw🇨🇦🇺🇦 Profile picture Vivademocracia! Profile picture Mitch Chase Profile picture 65 subscribed
Sep 22 69 tweets 14 min read
The Shadow of Things: A Berlin Diary

Journalist Bella Fromm’s Berlin diary from 1930s Germany is a cry from the past to do something NOW to stop fascism… “Went to Berchtesgaden yesterday. The SA had a monster parade. The word ‘monster’ is fitting, I think. The brown monster rolled along the road from Reichenhall to Berchtesgaden. The pounding of their boots haunted my mind all night long.

“Will there be anybody who can stop the stamping of their feet all over Germany? When I was small, I loved parades. I hate them now. The feet pound, pound, pound, and under their thunderous, insensitive impact lies my beautiful country.”—Bella Fromm, July 13, 1932

Sep 20 33 tweets 8 min read
SONDER KOMMISSION Nr. 3: ‘The Horror On the Rhine’

How the Nazis weaponized racist fake news and why that matters in the upcoming US election… As always when I’m reading history books, invariably the authors lead me to other valuable works, historians, and eyewitness archives. In the case of Jason Stanley’s How Fascism Works, each time I return to the slim tome to mine it for more clues on how to frame current events and narratives, I always find more ledes to follow.

Sep 7 16 tweets 4 min read

“Don’t worry. The story will end well. Evil people eventually turn inward and devour each other.”—Dr. Ruth C. May


When Nazis realized it was all over, that they had lost World War II, thousands of Germans committed suicide.

During the final weeks of the war, not only did high-ranking Nazis commit selbstmord, but in 1945, 7,000 suicides were reported in Berlin, alone.

Sep 6 34 tweets 13 min read

As the 277-pg ‘Doppelganger’ affidavit proves the Russians know us better than we know ourselves

Doppelganger—derived from the German word that means ‘double walker’—is a biologically unrelated double—an evil twin…

1/… … In fiction and mythology, a doppelganger, also spelled doppelgänger, is often portrayed as a ghostly or paranormal phenomenon and usually seen as a harbinger of bad luck. Other traditions and stories equate a doppelganger with an evil twin….

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Sep 5 28 tweets 5 min read
What’s the Frequency, Oleg?

My report on today’s RT indictment, the action the US is taking against Russian influence operators, and the larger fight ahead… “I think a whole lot more ‘American’ social media influencers who take foreign money to mindfuck their fellow citizens should be exposed. Nothing lower than people who sell their country out for cash. Traitors.”—@WesClarkjr

Sep 3 32 tweets 7 min read
How Is Being a Paid Propagandist Not a Crime?

Let’s get FARA laws for paid political influencers

1/… “There still seems to be a lack of awareness that disinformation campaigns are driven by paid influencers and fake journalists who produce bullshit content to promote Putin’s bullshit narratives.”—me on Twitter

Aug 31 29 tweets 8 min read
NOT JUST A PLATFORM: Are Tech Tycoons Facing the Music?

After a Brazilian court orders a suspension of X, and the arrest of Telegram's Pavel Durov, my latest report in @Byline_Media reveals how global pressures on tech titans may signal a moment to press 'reset'.

1/ The year is 2024, and humanity is sick. Billionaires who own social media platforms have encouraged a steady drip of high-level toxins into the minds of their users. Hiding behind the antiquated political cloak of ‘libertarianism’, these shadily funded tech tycoons are generals in an information war marching the world toward authoritarianism. 

Aug 10 23 tweets 12 min read
UNMUSKED: How Elon Musk is Using X to Poison our Democracy

Heidi Siegmund Cuda reveals in ⁦@Byline_Media⁩ how Elon Musk has used Twitter to launch an assault on the most foundational parts of of our democratic systems

1/… Open:

“Swimming in a vast cesspool of the raw data of fascism, Elon Musk's AI was trained to become a fascist.”—Dr. Michael MacKay

Aug 9 43 tweets 20 min read

15th in a series about the network of US criminals accelerating global fascism

“They have the capacity to fund innovations that will bring us down if we don’t stop them.”—Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy In Chains, on RadPod Ep19

Image Open:

“It’s astonishing, but we’ve enabled this billionaire class to develop — with so many right-wing billionaires who are totally hostile to democratic forms of rule.”—Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy In Chains, on RadPod Ep19.

Aug 3 25 tweets 6 min read
WHY ‘WEIRD’ WORKS: The Fight Against Hypernormalization Begins

Heidi Siegmund Cuda reports in ⁦@Byline_Media⁩ on how a single word — 'weird' — is cratering Donald Trump and the GOP.

'Cry Harder, Creeps!'

1/… Billions of words like stars in the sky have been written to prove Donald Trump worked for the Russian Federation in his first term. 

Jul 28 25 tweets 7 min read
Fighting Technofascism on the Virtual Battlefield

My latest report in ⁦@Byline_Media⁩ on how the PayPal Mafia is attempting to complete its purchase of American democracy and how writers are fighting this hostile takeover on X/Twitter

1/… “We have to make life good for our smart people… Elon endorsed me the other day… he gives me $45 million dollars a month.”—Donald J. Trump, at a Michigan rally

Jul 11 10 tweets 2 min read

“But as the great whites move in for the kill, the seals do something astonishing. Together, they turn on their enemy.”—Sir David Attenborough, Planet Earth III, Series 1, Coasts

1/ On my flight back from the UK, the wi-fi was down, and I faced 11 hours untethered from the digital world. After reading about 50 pages of Our Malady by Timothy Snyder, a birthday present from a Bette member, and writing two Bette posts for future delivery, I decided to turn on the video screen…

Jul 9 34 tweets 8 min read
THEATRE OF WAR: There's No Debating We Are In an Information War—So How Do We Get Out?

I report on why the pro-democracy faction needs to stop bringing policy papers to a knife fight and how Pres. Biden must address hybrid warfare.—⁦@Byline_Media

1/… “Biden’s old. Deal with it. What Americans need to do is unite to prevent the collapse of democracy by foreign-backed traitors.” @jimstewartson, RADICALIZED Truth Survives podcast

Apr 26 6 tweets 2 min read
2016 ELECTION ATTACK SERIES: The Greatest Crime In American History — Parts 1 - 5

The 2016 election is a crime scene.

The battle for America is the battle for the facts of the 2016 election—we are running short on time.

Plz share and support. Thank u.… 1/…
Mar 27 22 tweets 10 min read
BAD BONES—Heidi Siegmund Cuda looks beyond the mild-mannered exterior of US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to find connections to religious extremism, Russian oligarchs, violent rhetoric, and sexual assaulters

My investigation for @Byline_Media on the creepy world of Mike

1/ “The kingdom of God allows for aggression—and there’s a time to every purpose under heaven. From the time of John the Baptist until today, the kingdom of God has been advancing by forceful men and forceful men take hold of it, that’s what the New Testament says.”—Mike Johnson

Feb 27 14 tweets 6 min read
WITCH SWITCH—It was decades in the making. A cruel and sinister plot to turn the Republican party’s base into single-issue voters. As long as candidates professed to be anti-abortion, it didn’t matter if they left a trail of corruption littered with hush money and hypocrisy. 

1/ On June 24, 2022, the GOP got its wish, as the MAGA wing of the Supreme Court overturned fifty years of federal protection for a woman’s right to abortion, which really was about health care as people quickly learned. 
I recall tweeting the moment I heard the news of Roe that “birds still sing under fascism”.

Feb 22 35 tweets 18 min read
Ethane — the company that paid @SpeakerJohnson — was majority owned by three Russian nationals: Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev. We know Konstantin Nikolaev
financed Russian spy Butina.…
Feb 5 11 tweets 6 min read
Dear @POTUS,

Throughout our history, when faced with a threat to our Republic, to the United States of America, we have always come together to defeat it. Every time.

We are asking you as our leader in this grave moment to address the nation about the need to unite against a new threat coming from our adversaries – the threat of information warfare.

We are a target nation in an Invisible War. It is called cyberwar — or information warfare, also known as active measures — and it’s a pernicious type of threat because people may not even know it’s happening.

Instead of bullets or bombs, our enemies are using lies and deceit, half truths, falsehoods. They are using  psychological operations designed by foreign military intelligence — targeted to twist our minds, break our truth and destroy our reality — in an attempt to bring America to its knees.

This invisible war has taken aim at our decency, our humanity, our kindness and empathy, and we regret to inform you — the enemy is hitting their target: all of us.

A country divided is a weakened country, but a country that comes together to stand in shared truth is a strong country, a world leader, a shining example of democracy in action, and the people that make that democracy work. We cannot be divided when the enemy is on our doorstep.

These attacks by enemies of democracy aim to coerce our citizens into bizarre and dangerous beliefs through weapons of mass psychological destruction, weapons largely created to benefit the Russian government.

It is our belief that once Americans hear this truth from you, they will recall that together — united — we can do wondrous things. During the Civil War, Americans defeated slavery and restored our Union. In World War II, we defeated the dark authoritarian forces of fascism both at home and abroad.

Feb 4 21 tweets 13 min read
🚨The Cynical Plot to 'Demonize' Politics—A Q&A with ⁦@anelsona⁩

My intervu with ⁦@Byline_Media⁩ guest, writer Anne Nelson

“There was no logical way the Berlin resistance could see that Hitler would not be victorious—and yet they persisted.”… Q&A

Heidi Siegmund Cuda: You have written extensively, not least in the Washington Spectator, on the rise of Christian Nationalism and the threat it poses to Democracy. Can you explain to our readers how your book Shadow Network came to inform the new documentary Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy.

Jan 29 18 tweets 7 min read
BREAKING THE GOP DEATH GRIP—What Other Countries Defying Authoritarianism Can Teach the US

I turns to countries in Europe, Central America and Asia for examples of how to go on the offensive against the threat of rising authoritarianism.—⁦@Byline_Media… There is an unsettling feeling in the US of a weary nation obeying in advance. We’re exhausted. Those in the trenches exposing information warfare for the past seven years are admittedly tired. We see the same plays over and over again. We expose them as Russian active measures trafficked by cells of white supremacists over and over again.

Jan 19 38 tweets 16 min read

“It is imperative to intensify criticizing Hillary Clinton.”—Secured Borders Facebook Group, St. Petersburg, Russia, 9.14.2016

“It’s absolutely insane we allow hostile dictatorships direct access to our citizens.”—Wes Clark Jr., environmental activist

1/ ‘Fraud and Deceit’

The first day I slept in after the election of 2016 was the morning after Paul Manafort was indicted. I had been working 24/7 since the lead up to the US presidential election to report all that I knew about Trump & Co. being frauds, cons & foreign assets.
