Heini Natri Profile picture
PhD, computational biologist interested in genetic variation, gene regulation, and complex traits. #actuallyautistic, #firstgen academic, anti-eugenics
Feb 16, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
In anticipation of upcoming publication in Autism Research, we have released our accepted response to Singer et al. as a preprint. A thread about the main points. 1/ psyarxiv.com/3vjnq Standing in contrast with the original commentary, this letter is authored by a diverse group of autistic scholars, clinicians, and advocates (incl. those considered "profoundly autistic" by Singer et al), and non-autistic researchers, clinicians, and loved ones of autistics. 2/
Dec 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Recently, many autistic researchers and advocates as well as non-autistic allies, have called for researchers to adopt less ableist language in autism research. Now, some prominent opponents of the neurodiversity view have published a commentary defending ableist language. 1/ They claim that demanding that researchers avoid language that perpetuates negative bias and harm can lead to researchers leaving the field and cite a number of tweets condemning the use of ableist language in autism research. 2/
May 29, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Yle julkaisi verkkoartikkelin autismin ehkaisyyn pyrkivasta GEMMA-hankkeesta ja siihen kohdistuneesta kritiikista, ja haastatteli minuakin. Tassa pari vastakommenttia @TampereUni edustajan ja hankkeen koordinaattorin kommentteihin. yle.fi/uutiset/3-1246… # ActuallyAutistic 1/ @TampereUni @r_e_autio puhuu tuesta perheille, joissa autististen lasten piirteet koetaan haastaviksi. Hanke kuitenkin tahtaa autismin ehkaisemiseen, ei tukitoimien kehittamiseen autististen tarpeisiin. Autiolla on aani muuttunut kellossa sitten @NeurocenterFI haastattelun. 2/
Feb 2, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Hard pills to swallow for "autism professionals": autism is not about behavior. Autism is a difference in thinking, experiencing/processing sensory input/emotions, communicating, and interacting with the world. 1/4 You can't approach or describe autism the same way you'd describe a disease. Instead, you must describe it as a difference the same way you'd describe gender identity or sexual orientation. All of these are neurological differences. 2/4
Jan 31, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
I contacted @SPARKforAutism and the PI @WendyKChung with questions about equity, inclusion, ethical engagement, consent, and the use of autism GWAS and PRSs in polygenic embryo selection. Unsurprisingly, they refused to answer most of my questions. docdro.id/CfOUuix 1/n @WendyKChung directed me to the SPARK YouTube channel to showcase their "community engagement". Nearly every video is for neurotypicals, by neurotypicals, focusing on interventions, "teaching social skills", etc. 2/n Image