alphonse 🎃 frieren brainrot Profile picture
writing for #omelites | genshin | interest dump
Nov 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
looking for info on domietoro hcs and i ended up on watching the GOW playthough 😂 if this doenst excite/horrifies you then idk what will Image
Nov 14, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
#OMElites short thread about how its better to confirm a rumor on your own than ask Mammon about it, or that’s what Ume learned the last she was on Crowvaritia. it was a mistake to spill the beans to the prince about what she found out, that his prefect has a child and she left them alone at that atrocious kingdom.

the prefect even confirmed this, laughing and asking her if she would like to know who is the father of her “little apple”.
Nov 12, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
my personal take on #OMElites Crowvaritia is that its capital is a display of neon cityscape. the city doesnt sleep at night, so they cover their infastructure with neon sign and have a festival-like vibe and energy that lasts until the morning (6-2-6 heh) + ImageImage the closer you are to the center, the brighter and more chaotic it is. there are a few shrines for the deities and they also adhere to the capital's night look, but most of these shrines are found on the outer region of the kingdom. ImageImage
Nov 10, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
my personal take on #OMElites Serpenvidia is that the capital is enclosed on a giant bubble (just like OP's fishman island). its situated on the deep part of the ocean but has large pockets that cater drylands , a reason for the people to develop appendages that adapt to both + Image environment (so either fins or tail to faster movement at the water and legs for walking). i also hc that their outifts are designed to be convertible when they become merpeople or humans for convenience. (just like in fishes, the colors are important too!) ImageImageImage
Mar 1, 2022 45 tweets 8 min read
#omelites where a certain Iraflora joins crowvaritia's underground fightclub to fight the demon and win a favor.

property gets destroyed. a deal is done. someone gets interested with the other (happens in any order). Image it all starts with a nameplate. wooden and foreign to the feeling, engraved with characters she doesnt understand. it fits right into her palm that she can snap it if she wants to. but this belongs to a familiar face, one she saw during a visit to the crowned prince’s grounds.
Feb 28, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
#omelites master thread for Ume of House Iraflora

(her mood board; cause i cant draw but i want a visual concept) Image this is a part of elise' big AU; super rad i cant resist it 😩
Feb 27, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
#omelites : i made ume at sept ‘20 so i got the gist of what i want on her as an om! character: a loanshark’s collector who well timed to be possessed by ifrit or a hell elemental (like less sentient and more essence of hell) ImageImageImage im not elaborating this but yeah its supposed to be a love 🔺 Image