Henry Ajder Profile picture
AI & Deepfake Expert Advisor to @ContentAuth, @WEF, @Meta, @EY @BBC Presenter Keynote Speaker Please direct all enquiries via my website 👇
Mar 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I had my reservations about the story of a mom making deepfakes of her daughter's cheerleading rivals.

One of the videos released by abc doesn't appear to be a deepfake, but they still label it as one without substantial proof or analysis.

1/8 The following aspects make it highly unlikely that this video is a deepfake:

1) the vape pen/cloud/hand moving over the girl's face

2) the face moving outside the video frame

3) the awkward facial angles

4) the very low video resolution and high saturation

Mar 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I shared my thoughts on TikTok's viral Tom Cruise deepfakes with @thetimes' @tkbeynon.

Whilst these deepfakes have concerned many, the realism can be largely attributed to the interplay of three limiting factors.

thetimes.co.uk/article/deepfa… 1) The impersonator's excellent performance mirroring Cruise's speech, accent, mannerisms, gait, and appearance.

2) The expertise of a professional 'deepfaker', who likely spent many hours generating the faceswap and applying post-production edits.