Michael Henson, Ph.D. Profile picture
Assistant Prof. @ NIU #NewPi. Aquatic Microbiology. Microbial Physiology. Cultivation. How do Microbes acclimate and adapt to a changing world? He/him 🏳️‍🌈
Jul 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I have deleted my ad for graduate students. I have been swamped with > 250 emails from students about the position. However, the vast majority fail to address WHY our lab, use a stock form email (e.g. AI generated), or don't have the background. A thread: 1/5 While I don't require students to have a micro. background, showing why you are interested in the lab n taking time to research what we do is important. A few mistakes I have seen:
1) Citing a paper I am not 1st or corr. author on -- unrelated to curr. lab research