Dr. Hannibal Lecter Profile picture
❝On the altar of the Devil pleasure is pain, darkness is light and madness is sanity.❞ Psychiatrist. Gourmet. Artist. ⊰}RP|MV|MC|TW|NSFW|ABO-Alpha{⊱ #Ichor
Jan 18, 2018 19 tweets 3 min read
When their lips met, everything within Hannibal stopped for a long moment. He didn't breathe, nor swallow, nor stir, and he was sure that his heart jumped and missed a beat or two. All thoughts were wiped from his mind, the only thing he > < registered was the scent of blood and tears, the rush of the waves rolling against the shore close enough to sprinkle them with droplets when the sea got especially ardent, and most importantly he felt the press of Will's lips, their >
Jan 18, 2018 18 tweets 3 min read
Hannibal could almost taste the relief radiating from Will, his saviour once more, his beautifully fallen angel, his Will, only his. Hannibal's mind repeated the possessive syllable over and over like a chant, both calming and rousing, > < mine, /mine/, and he shivered with a mixture of a tremor of pain and pure dumbfounded awe at the sight of Will's momentarily frozen form. He looked broken, splintered, shattered, as if part of the death that he had just saved him from had >
Jan 18, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
Salt. The smell of the sea.
That was the first thing Hannibal's senses registered as he was agonisingly yanked out of his haze, his brain working slowly thanks to the lack of oxygen.
This couldn't be hell, he thought. He knew this sea, and > < it smelled of a good place. Hell would be devoid of positive sensations.
Confusion settled in.
Did he, Hannibal the Cannibal, somehow end up on the wrong level of the afterlife?
But no, that couldn't be it. Heaven wouldn't only >