Ellen Highwater KPSS WRN Agent 8262 JF Profile picture
Little whingeing fucker - not going away anytime soon GARGOYLE OF BEELZEBUB WRN KPSS profile image courtesy @LouiseWSSalford Pronouns No/Thank/You
Mar 8, 2023 19 tweets 10 min read
A thread in response to Jordan Gray's piece in @Independent for #IWD2023. Let's just unpick some of Jordan's philosophical musings on what a woman is
#IWD23 'A woman doesn't define herself by what she is not.'
Hard agree. It's why many women left the Green party after being referred to as 'non-men.' 2/19
Jul 22, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Complained to @LibrariesWest about Beyond Magenta, a book about transgender teens. Book contains a passage about a child saying they were sexually mature at six & enjoyed giving oral sex to men. Later decided they were trans.
#childrensbooks No comment or judgment on this, no suggestion this might have been abuse or neglect, just taken as read. This was a Stonewall Honor book 2015. Six copies available, 2 billed as adult, 4 YA teen. Reviewed in School Library Journal as suitable 14+. Tagged as juvenile literature.