Proud Zionist/Jew, Global Speaker (50+ cities), Tech Columnist (TC, Inc, VB, FastCo)/Advisor (Google, Microsoft, Oracle), Dad x5. We will dance again! 🇮🇱💪
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Feb 18 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Since it’s all anyone is talking about, I figured you’d like to take a course in the Middle East conflict.
After this, you’ll be an expert on what the world likes to say is the most complicated conflict in the world, but in reality, is one of the simplest ones to understand.
Palestine was Israel pre 1948.
In 1947, the UN created the partition plan. A state for the Jews and a state for the Arabs who were living in “Palestine”.
Israel accepted. The Arabs rejected and attacked Israel. They lost. And that’s what happened in every war since.
Jan 26 • 14 tweets • 1 min read
What was the national anthem of the Arab Palestine?
When was it established?
Mar 28, 2024 • 14 tweets • 7 min read
Some hard facts no one will tell you, but if you care about truth, you’ll want to know.
Let’s start with the most fundamental lie you’re being told.
“Israel occupied an Arab Palestinian state and stole their land.”
Sit down for this.
Such a state never existed in the history of the world. Don’t believe me? Try to find a date that the Arab Palestine was established. Try to find out who the president was. What currency did they use? What was their national anthem?
I’ll save you the time.
It never existed.
The next blatant lie is “Israel occupied Gaza before October 7th, which is why Hamas attacked.”
Here. I’ll help you.
Open your web browser. Open Google. Type in “The Disengagement.”
2005. Israel forcefully removed 10,000 Israel from Gaza, dug up its dead (Yea, you read that right!) so Hamas wouldn’t rape (Yes, that’s a thing. Hamas raped corpses on October 7th.) the dead bodies, and handed the Palestinians Gaza on a silver platter for them to build a state.
The Palestinians pretty much immediately elected Hamas to govern them and chose a terror state over what could have been paradise.
There were zero Jews in Gaza on October 6th.
That’s not an opinion. It’s an indisputable fact.
Feb 20, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I’m not sure I’ve said this recently but I have to say it now.
Almost on a daily basis, I have to close this app because it gets too much. Sometimes it happens to me a few times a day. I just have to take a breather.
And when that happens, I’m reminded how amazing some of my friends and colleagues are. How they fight for Israel day in, day out.
I know it’s also hard for them but somehow, they persevere.
I have tremendous respect for the people who don’t give up.
The list is very long. Very.
But some people who come to mind include @visegrad24, @noatishby, @EylonALevy, @DrEliDavid, @Eve_Barlow, @AvivaKlompas, @TheMossadIL, @Ostrov_A, @montanatucker, @libsoftiktok, @StopAntisemites, @skjask, @FleurHassanN, @MichaelRapaport, @davidmarcus, @lessin, @Israellycool, @IsraelWarRoom, @Mish_K_, @Osint613, @mishtal, @OurielOhayon, @RaychFeldman, @HenMazzig, @mikeeisenberg, @AviKaner, @michaeldickson, @CarolineGlick, @oliaklein, @OliLondonTV, @HillelNeuer, and I’m 100% sure I’m forgetting some people.
Please feel free to tag them. These people are warriors and deserve recognition.
I’ll also add to this thread when I think of others but I just wanted to thank every one of these heroes.
I don’t know how they do what they do but I am lucky that they are in my corner, our corner.
So to all you warriors out there fighting for Israel, thank you.
Of course @DavidM_Friedman and @benshapiro belong on this list.
Nov 27, 2023 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
Hundreds of people have asked me:
“I have a co-worker/family member/friend who is asking me questions about the war and I don’t have the knowledge to answer him/her.
Have you written a post addressing all the main points?
1: Yes, this video.
2: Let’s make one.
“Israel is killing thousands of kids in Gaza. What Hamas did was wrong but how is this any better?”
Israel is killing thousands of kids? Really? And where did you get that information from?
“The news”.
And where did they get it from? Do you research. From Hamas.
Israel is doing no such thing.
You are smart enough to know that Hamas lies and its numbers are grossly exaggerated.
Israel goes to extraordinary lengths to avoid civilian casualty.
The vast majority of those who were killed in Gaza are Hamas terrorists.
Don’t believe me? Go see Hamas’ numbers and notice they have no number for the terrorists Israel eliminated.
That’s because, to Hamas, everyone is an “innocent civilian.”
Words matter. Accuracy matters. Stop believing and reporting Hamas propaganda.
Also, Hamas allegedly can’t locate tens of the hostages but somehow they’re able to identify thousands of people in minutes. Do me a favor…
Oct 12, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Let’s make some moral order here, shall we?
There seems to be some confusion regarding morals and ethics, and more often than not, it’s Jews behind the confusion.
As my father likes to say, “Some people have such open minds, their brains fell out.”
So let’s dissect the immoral claims we are all seeing.
“What’s the difference? There are deaths on both sides!”
First and foremost, if you somehow, in any way, equate Hamas with the IDF, don’t look now but there’s a fool walking around in your shoes (Another famous line from my dad, Yonah Fuld)
Anyone with a half a brain sees what Hamas has done and is continuing to do. Israel retaliating to defend her people is in no way comparable.
If you make an equal sign between the two sides, you are equating evil and good, and you better go start looking for your moral compass.
Jun 26, 2023 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Ya know, I’ve been sitting on these thoughts for days now and been scared to share them because every time I go near politics, I pay a price, a price I’ll talk about another time.
But my moral compass, my conscience keeps telling me that so many others are scared to talk (I……
Before I even go there, and to avoid any confusion, at no point did I express my support for the judicial reform. I’ve said countless times that we do need a reform, but not the one being proposed. So anyone who replies to this claiming I support the reform will be blocked. Also,……
Jun 16, 2023 • 17 tweets • 7 min read
The most worrying aspect of the dialogue around Israel is the sheer disregard for facts.
It’s as if, when we are talking about Israel, facts simply don’t matter. I don’t mean facts mixed with opinions. I mean hard indisputable facts.
And yet, the Israel haters ignore them.……
Can we agree that genocide leads to depopulation? Meaning, if a nation is being murdered at scale, their numbers presumably should be decreasing. Right?
The Arab population in Palestine (Israel) was 1.37 million in 1948. By the end of 2012 the estimated world population of……
Feb 28, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
At the risk of getting attacked, someone explain to me why this reform will make Israel any different than New Zealand, one of the world’s strongest democracies.
In NZ:
- Minister of justice appoints judges
- Courts can’t veto laws
- No constitution
- One gov body, 120 members
It’s gotten violent out there when anyone asks a question about why the reform is bad. I’d appreciate a serious response. After all, the main claim is that Israel is not like any country because Israel has one parliament and no constitution. Which is exactly like New Zealand.
Feb 26, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Initial impressions of the @PolestarCars 2 and specifically Google Automotive.
The car is incredible. In my opinion, it’s one of the best looking EVs, and cars in general.
The ride is super smooth. The thing is blazing fast. The interior is beautiful. Everything just works…
Google Automotive on the other hand, feels like a half finished product. From things that simply don’t work to things that make zero sense, I don’t get how Google gets away with this stuff. Apple Car Play is leagues ahead on all fronts.
Feb 20, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Ironically, Twitter is the only social platform on which I feel safe expressing my opinion about the insanity surrounding the judicial reform in Israel. I am unable to express it on FB or LinkedIn as I am experiencing bullying and intimidation like I’ve never experienced before.
Before I even begin, I want to say loud and clear, while there is a reform needed (desperately), it is way more important that we prevent the hatred and incitement we’ve been seeing. There needs to be a compromise and fast. But I need to share some thoughts…
Jan 25, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I am really not interested in debating this but the hysteria of the left here about the judicial reform is comical. They didn’t learn from their “Just not Bibi” tactic. Negative politics doesn’t work. Stop saying what you don’t want and offer an alternative.
Trying to call everything this government does the end of our democracy is a joke. Wanna know what’s undemocratic? Not accepting the results of a free election in which the left was basically destroyed. Get over it. You lost. Move on. Sheesh.
Dec 6, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Let me tell you the irony with antisemites.
They’ll keep repeating “Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism.”
But then any Jew who posts anything on the Internet immediately gets bombarded with comments like “Free Palestine.”
So does Israel (Zion) = Jew or not?
Make up your mind!
If Judaism and Zionism are two separate independent things, and cannot be interchanged, why is it that every Jew who posts anything on the Internet and identifies as a Jew gets immediately attacked about Zionism? What does that person being a Jew hace anything to do with Israel?
Dec 1, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Why do I seem to be the only one who’s noticing the progression of antisemitism from something wrong and unacceptable to something full blown mainstream? Why am I not seeing anyone else talk about how scary and dangerous the Jew hatred in America is right now? What is going on?!
I mean, how much worse can it get? Jews being beaten up in the streets. Full blown antisemites in congress. Major celebrities and athletes proudly spreading antisemitic tropes. Netflix hosting a movie depicting Israeli soldiers as blood thirsty murdered. This is INSANE!
Nov 23, 2022 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
How’s your day going? Because it’s 7:41 am here and multiple people waiting for a bus in Jerusalem are now being treated in the hospital for severe injuries after an Arab terrorist detonated a bomb in their bus stop. But you won’t hear about it so thought I should let you know.
And when I read the news of the attack, I asked my wife “Did you see the news?”
Her response? “Another Arab terror attack?”
That’s what we’ve come to, to expect another demented Palestinian trying to murder Jews every single day.
I hope the new gov does what it needs to do!
Nov 15, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Listen very carefully! Are you listening?
The sick excuse for a human, the Palestinian terrorist who just killed three innocent Israelis and wounded others was an employee of a tech company in Ariel, the city in which he carried out the attack. That’s right. A tech company.
The false narrative claiming that Palestinian terror has ANYTHING to do with suffering in Gaza has to stop. My brother’s murderer lived an affluent life. Today’s murderer did as well. This isn’t about occupation, it’s not about land, it’s about radical Islamic fundamentalism.
Sep 5, 2022 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
This tweet is going absolutely crazy and as a result, the Jew haters came out to play. Which means it’s time for a refresher. To be clear, the following tweets are not for the Jew haters. They don’t listen. It’s for others who care about truth and simply don’t know the facts.
Let’s start from the beginning. The Jews were exiled from the land of Israel after our 2 temples were destroyed. But Jews never stopped praying to Jerusalem hundreds of times in our daily prayers. Israel was always home to the Jews. Btw, it’s not mentioned once in the Quran.
May 18, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
There has never been a double standard like the double standard the world has for Israel.
Take for example, Shireen Abu Akleh’, the Al Jazeera journalist who was killed last week in clashes between Palestinian terrorists and Israel.
Here are some stats for you. Pay attention.
According to the international federation of journalists, between 1990 and 2020, there were 2,658 journalists killed in war zones, several of them from Al Jazeera. 12, to be exact.
340 killed in Iraq. 178 in Mexico. 160 in the Philippines. 138 in Pakistan. 116 in India.
Dec 8, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Hey. How you doing this morning/evening?
Brought my kids to school this morning.
You know who else brought her kids to school this morning? A Jewish mother in Jerusalem who was pushing a baby carriage and was stabbed by a Palestinian young woman in front of her kids.
She was evacuated to the hospital in what reports are saying, is serious condition.
Waiting for the CNN title: “Palestinian young lady shot by Israeli soldiers after attacking a Jewish settler in East Jerusalem.”
These poor kids will never ever get over the trauma. Ever.
Dec 6, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
If you’re not in Israel, are you aware that the Palestinians have carried out terrorist attack after terrorist attack in the past few weeks including last night? Well, can’t blame you for not knowing. It’s not like this is being reported by the mainstream media. Unbelievable.
Just imagine if every day, there was a terrorist attack in the US. Stabbings, shootings, rammings. Imagine if the press simply didn’t report it. Can’t imagine that, right? Any theories why you’re not hearing about it? My explanation?
Jews being murdered and attacked is not news.
Aug 24, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
On this day in 1929, the Hebron Massacre began and continued for 3 days. During these 3 days, the 700 Jews who lived in Hebron in “peace” with their Arab neighbors were viciously attacked and 67 were murdered.
FYI: There was no “Occupation” in 1929, there wasn’t even an Israel.
So what was their excuse then? Why massacre Jews? Antionzionism? There was no Israel! So why? Because to say it was antisemitism then and is now too, that doesn’t fit the left’s narrative. Hebron was ethnically cleansed of Jews. 1st time in hundreds of years, Hebron had no Jews.