The exact numbers are reported by Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal , Sunan al-Tirmidhi.
Jun 27, 2020 • 67 tweets • 29 min read
Fake Claim #23
This "pseudoscience" propaganda is so strong that writing such disrespectful articles in the country of Hindus is a new trend.
Dare they question "our brothers" about splitting of moon and how water become wine?
I've encountered the verses they quote for propaganda too but some of it has already been taken earlier and most of it I wanna compile in a later thread which would just be an extension of non-sense cause instead of Vedas, in the name of it they quote Puranas.
Anyway, let's see
Jun 23, 2020 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
Now that I have pointed these things out we'll now see the Vedic timeframe to understand Astrological dating.
P.S. - This is an open debate if anyone has input they can join in cause this field is full of uncertainty.
Let's see the units and timeframe by our Ved and Vedanta.
Th Distortion of Vedas/Sanskrit by Max Müller and it's series of its consequences to this day on Hindu culture, religion and society
Now before his fanboys interrupt me let me make myself clear what kind of distortion I'm talking about
See this shall explain:
Now before jumping into it I want to tell people few things about Müller, it's kind of an introduction from his own letters and a statistical information by John William Adamson.
A background check on Müller:
May 25, 2020 • 26 tweets • 8 min read
Fake Claim #21
The allegations are so dirty here like you can't discuss this things with anyone. How do they even think about his absurdity to fabricate. I'm disgusted to even write about it.
But let's debunk cause this filth has to be stopped
They fabricated YajurVeda 23.19:
"All wife of the host reciting 3 mantras go round the horse. While praying, they say: ‘O horse, you are, protector of the community on the basis of good qualities, you are, protector or treasure of happiness. O horse, you become my husband.'"
May 25, 2020 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
Fake Claim #22
This is the most vulgar allegation so far and we don't need any outsider to forge fake theories when we have these so-called Hindus who can do to it 100x better for few dollars.
That's why I'm taking this before completing #21
In Vedas, carnality has been clearly prohibited. In many Vedic mantras, there is clearly prohibition of killing any creature and eating it, such as
Yajurveda 1.1:
"O man! Animals which are cow, they are never capable of violence."
May 22, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Fake Claim #11
Moon Runs On Water
Another day, another stupidity but what hurt me more is that one gentleman believed them and was like maybe that's what they believed thousands of years ago?
Sir, what they follow is believe system, what we follow is natural law
See yourself.
They cite Atharva Veda 18.4.89 transalated by Arya Samaj & alleged that as per this verse, moon runs on water
Here we can see Arya Samaj translation clearly has the word ‘अपने’ in bracket. The translation only says that Moon runs having it’s own (अपने) water in light of Sun
May 21, 2020 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
Fake Claim #10
ब्रह्मा ने अपनी बेटी सरस्वती से विवाह किया?
कई जगह पढ़नी पड़ गई है ये मूर्खवार्ता, कई बार तो 'ज्ञानी' महिलाओं को भी सवाल करते सुना है, बुद्धिमान पुरुषों ने तो किया ही है
किन्तु अभी टिवीटर पर एक मित्र के आग्रह पर यह थ्रेड हिन्दी मे कर रहा
चले मुंह बंद करवाते है
तो इसका जवाब देना चाहूँगा की मूर्खो अपनी बेटी और अपनी ड्रीमगर्ल मे फर्क समझते हो? दोनों को ही तुम बनाते हो इसका मतलब जायज पुत्री होगयी तुम्हारी स्वप्नसुंदरी?
हर वो आदमी, जो अपने लिए एक लड़की, एक बीवी तलाश करता है, पहले उसके सपने देखता है, उसकी कल्पना करता है, एक छवि बनाता है