Hodari Shadowalker ❄️🐆 Profile picture
Very dangerous artist. For commission inquiries contact me at hodarinundu@gmail.com https://t.co/rrzAnoT5ho @hodarinundu on YouTube!
Jul 31, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
Ok folks, you asked for it. Here's my NSFW, totally scientifically sound hypothesis. Please be 18 or something. Also, feel free to read this in David Attenborough's voice for better effect. I guess Kenneth Branagh's voice is ok too. Let's get into it. Image This is Hypnovenator- the sleep hunter. At only 1 m long, it is an opportunistic omnivore that feeds mostly on small animals. This male's bold coloration and eye catching tail fan evolved originally to court females. He is a talented dancer. Image
May 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Friendly reminder that there's an ancient Egyptian "Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor", in which a guy gets stranded in an island & meets a giant dragon/serpent-like creature that tells him there used to be more like him, but they all burned to death when a star fell from the sky! The serpent is said to have been 30 cubits long (which I believe equals to about 15 m), with a "beard" over 2 cubits, and eyebrows of lapislazuli, as well as skin inlaid with gold. It was so big it would splinter trees and make the earth shake as it moved through the island!