Holly Stallcup Profile picture
Executive Director for Rise @nowsherises. Writer at the "Mixed Bag: Words for Paying Attention." She/her
Jan 21, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
CW: Alcohol

The more I learn about alcohol from a science perspective, from a cultural perspective, from an addiction and sobriety perspective and watching and hearing countless stories the more I am convinced that we cannot even begin to grasp how unhealthy we are. I feel like some bananas conservative on this so I’m thankful for all of the progressive folks leading in sobriety spaces. Looking at you @GlennonDoyle.

We have just normalized and celebrated drinking an addictive, unquestionably, scientifically harmful to our bodies substance.
May 25, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Before I leave for NYC, here is my thread on seeing Taylor this weekend while she is dating a racist, Islamophobic, anti-semitic overall problematic white man. While I don't necessarily "owe" anyone this thread, it is important to me to take my public leadership seriously. I have spent the last two weeks trying to listen to as many marginalized fans of Taylor as I can. Trying to follow their lead on how we can or can't separate the person from the art. I don't have easy answers and don't know what I will do past this weekend.
Sep 10, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
Alright my white women, want to pull up a chair and hear some thoughts on the Queen's death and how we have and can be responding and where we do or don't express those responses and why we have those responses to begin with?

(Comments off for now so we don't cause harm.) Cards on the table, I've not had any feelings about this news. While that means I may understand you a little less I think it means I may be able to be a pretty objective voice.

You know I care about you and what you are feeling and you know I care about you enough to push us.
Jul 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Every day I do vocational ministry I am more and more convinced pastors should spend less time on sermon prep and more time on pastoral care. People are desperate to be cared for. People need someone to listen without hurry. To organize meals for them. To track down resources. There is a place for learning, challenge and comfort via preaching. But my God how we have elevated it. And we have not changed our framework of pastoring as more resources to learn outside the local church have become available.
Jun 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
We need $544 more tonight as we raise money to help a woman get out from under predatory payday loans. This money will help her catch up on her car payments and other bills after an unexpected move and large medical expense.

Could you give $10?

nowsherises.churchcenter.com/giving/to/rise… $40 taken care of! $504 to go!
Jun 25, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
A note from the director of a non-profit that meets women's tangible needs including caring for their kids. It is IMPOSSIBLE to meet the needs of all women and children through private individual assistance alone. The numbers don't add up. The government has to be involved. You cannot love people with ideals. Love requires pragmatism. I believe God multiplies and can do the impossible. He does it in my work often.

I also believe God gave us brains to look at policy and stats and voting records. Kind church members are not the solution to injustice.
Jun 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Today's goal is to hit the halfway point in meeting this need! We need $619 to do that.

We have the chance to be the safety net we all deserve and that all of us end up needing at some point. Could you chip in $5? Could you share this need with others?

nowsherises.churchcenter.com/giving/to/rise… $30 down! $589 to go!
Jun 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I want to get this need down to $1,500 by the end of the night. We need $454 more to do that!

Let's be this beautiful woman's safety net so she no longer has to rely on for profit predatory lending. $50 taken care of! $404 to go for tonight!
Jun 23, 2022 22 tweets 1 min read
Big need! We have the opportunity to help a woman get out of the predatory payday loan cycle she has been forced into over the last several months due to an unplanned moved and a large medical bill.

We need $2,371 to get this single woman caught up.

nowsherises.churchcenter.com/giving/to/rise… This amount will get her caught up on her car payments, credit card bills, payday loans and more before the end of the month. Let's set her up so that on July 1st she can look forward and not borrow any more money.
Jun 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
We only need $110 more to send this pup to training and make sure @SarahECozart can keep her pup in the midst of a painful season. There are a lot of hard things Sarah is having to be brave through right now. Let's make sure losing her pup isn't one more.

nowsherises.churchcenter.com/giving/to/rise… Image @SarahECozart $35 given! $75 to go!
May 26, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
We need $335 to finish meeting this need. I would really like to get this money to this woman tonight so she can sleep better knowing she is not going to lose her home.

Please chip in $5 if you can. Please share. $5 more taken care of. $330 to go.
May 25, 2022 13 tweets 1 min read
We have a beautiful Rise woman who is facing eviction. I know we are bone tired, and I know that together we can make little moments of hope happen even as we feel like we can't go on.

We need $665 to keep this beloved housed. Please give. Please share.

nowsherises.churchcenter.com/giving/to/rise… $5 taken care of. $660 to go.
Apr 19, 2022 43 tweets 9 min read
Good morning! Let's talk happy married people, married people who care about single people and the like.

It's hard building friendships across experience divides isn't it? These conversations require more grace from single people and married people. Everybody has a role to play. Single people are marginalized in systemic and individual ways in society at large and in the Church. So we have to start there. There is a power and privilege imbalance that must be acknowledged. Single people aren't just sad or sensitive. We are marginalized.
Apr 17, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I am watching the scary HBO documentary on beauty products so you don't have to. I am by no means an all natural girl so I feel like my takeaways will be trustworthy.

1. Baby powder is not safe. Talc and asbestos cannot be fully separated out. 2. Just because talc is certified as asbestos free that does NOT mean it actually is. (Profit over people.)

3. I am going to avoid Neutrogena makeup that is powder based. Ideally I want to avoid all Johnson and Johnson products but that is harder.

Jan 4, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Good morning! Wanted to pop on and do a little bit of follow up on Passion. I’m going to try and clarify a few facts and respond to a few recurring questions/comments. Jackie Hill Perry & Sadie Huff spoke via video. For me this does not change my critique. They lent their name and platform to an event that should not have been happening in person. They made money off of it. It also shows that the event could have been online.
Jan 3, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
I have been thinking since last night about Passion. At the end of the day this is what makes me mad. The whole concept of Passion is discipling the next generation. Older believers pouring into these young adults. The last two days these leaders have failed in discipleship. .@louiegiglio and Shelley Giglio have built their entire ministry around the next generation. This week they have led the next generation to not believe and follow science, to not honor the healthcare servant leaders in our communities, to ignore the disabled and most vulnerable.
Sep 1, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
If you have never sat with a woman trying to figure out if they can survive carrying a pregnancy to term, like literally if they can stay alive, please keep your celebration about Texas effectively banning abortion to yourself. You cannot be pro-life and tell me that these women's lives matter less than the life of the baby they carry. It is patriarchal nonsense to say that women must be willing to sacrifice their literal lives for a pregnancy. God doesn't work that way.
May 3, 2021 32 tweets 8 min read
While I thought I would be here tonight telling you about the possible Rise House I looked at instead I need to tell you about watching the @fortworthpd over police a Black neighborhood as they were having their annual neighborhood celebration. After viewing a house in the “Historic Southside” neighborhood of Fort Worth I took time to drive around the area. Rich with life, this neighborhood is full of Black and brown working class people. There are churches on every corner, community centers and preschools.
May 2, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
This week I will be sharing a lot about The Rise House.
For those of you who are new here, I am the Executive Director of @NowSheRises, an organization focused on connecting, equipping and empowering women in whatever ways they need as they do good work. For years now, the Rise community has been planing & SAVING to open a "pay what you can" retreat home for women. Our belief is that every woman is worthy of rest, quiet & space for reflection, healing & celebration. One's bank account should not determine access to those things.
May 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Would y'all keep praying for The Rise House? Housing prices are increasing in Fort Worth pretty rapidly so we really need to build our community funded loan at a quicker pace so we can purchase sooner versus later. If you are interested in the secure investment that is real estate and helping @NowSheRises open a "pay what you can" retreat home for women, I nothing short of beg you to look at becoming a part of our community funded loan.

Apr 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I wanted to report back on the money we were able to send to Black women and their families to take care of the cost of a meal, not for commendation's sake but because financial transparency is important.

We were able to send dinner money to 90 women totaling $3,735. I want to note that while this was a wonderful effort to take a smallest of small burden off of our Black sisters, it will only be through systemic support, overhaul and reparations that Black women will be given the rest they deserve.