How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App that's BEFORE you multiply by tall/slim/skinny/athletic cuts. Women increasingly have tall/petite/plus options, but only our jeans are sized by waist/inseam measurements (which are useless IMHO, because they assume that your hips align with your waist, as men's hips tend to). lot of Napoleon’s clothes and uniforms survive, including this tricolor sash he wore in Egypt, likely brought there by an Indian trader. It has the boteh or pinecone motif, originally Persian but known in the West as paisley, because imitations were woven in Paisley, Scotland. @RollingStone It's pretty generic--which is undoubtedly why it appealed to Cobain's anti-fashion grunge sensibilities. I knew the brand--Manhattan--but there were a few different knitwear companies with "Manhattan" in their name. Fortunately, the reporter was able to get a photo of the label.