Hqdepot1 Profile picture
Retired and out of Uniform. LEO, Internal Investigator; to whom evidence, facts and results are all that count. In other words, I can never be a Republican.
Mar 16 6 tweets 2 min read
AMERICA? AWAKENED WORKING CLASS MAGA? There are two things donald wants more than anything else to go away. The UNREDACTED Epstein/Trump trial transcript, in which he is accused, in SWORN TESTIMONY...CORROBORATED by SWORN TESTIMONY from Epstein's own 1/ rawstory.com/lawless-judge-… recruiter & groomer (it was her job to teach the alleged victims "how to sexually please an adult male" as she put it) of Raping & Sodomizing seven 10 to 13 year old girls & boys. At his florida motel, at Kremlin West in NYC and at epstein's place. The transcript, obtained by 2/
Mar 8 13 tweets 3 min read
There's so much 'concern' about FEDERAL SPENDING all of a sudden from the party who ALREADY put $19.1 TRILLION of our national Debt on the Books, and is poised, with the passage of their new bill, to raise that to $23.9 TRILLION. I cap the word "SPENDING", because the ONLY 1/ political party in the U.S. of A. that SPENDS OUR money is the republican party. Or what calls itself the 'republican party' these days. Since and INCLUDING REAGAN...whose MASSIVE TAX CUTS for the RICH created so little growth to offset his cuts that Congress had to 2/
Mar 3 7 tweets 2 min read
Remember, working class MAGA: Money appropriated by THE SPEAKER in her CARES act, in addition to keeping working Americans in their homes & extending Unemployment Insurance to offset the Trump ECONOMIC DISASTER, also had $508 BILLION for SMALL 1/
rawstory.com/congress-budge… BUSINESSES who would be hurt most by trump's incompetence. BUT...in order to pass the bill, trump and "Foreclosure King" mnuchin DEMANDED THEY be the ones to distribute those funds. First they sent it to 75 VERY LARGE, PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANIES...EVERY ONE OF THEM HEADED BY A 2/
Mar 2 11 tweets 2 min read
"It was a set-up. Let's recall the sequence here. Zelensky reluctantly agreed to a bad deal regarding his nation's mineral wealth, for which he got nothing in exchange. Not as bad a deal as the original one trump proposed, 1/
rawstory.com/susan-rice-you… BUT STILL NOTHING FOR UKRAINE. He nonetheless was prepared to sign it, to come to washington to try and persuade trump that Ukraine desperately needs security guarantees. So he came to the Oval Office. Trump kept the pool spray in there for 40 minutes. And he started saying 2/
Feb 22 4 tweets 1 min read
Honestly? What did you all expect. NOT ONLY was he one of the MANY @FoxNews 'celebrities and comedians' who LIED to AMERICA about "stop the steal" which we now know, THEY knew, was total bullshit. A fraud. We found that out because they MOCKED their viewers as "ignorant", 1/ "Off the rails" "Batshit Crazy" "Dangerous" in their private emails, texts, memos, voice recordings...all of them made public in their defamation trial...But knowing it didn't stop them from deciding to continue to LIE, because. 'when we told them the truth the last time, 2/
Feb 22 13 tweets 3 min read
Imagine a Military or Law Enforcement Organization that cannot function except for actions that are aligned with "the 'president's agenda"
"The 'president's agenda" 1/
Trump's ‘Friday night massacre’ sent a stark message that 'could not be clearer': rawstory.com/trump-military… Then, remember what the 'president' said in a meeting on thursday...to a Dem Governor who challenged his bullshit. He said "I...." then he caught himself and said "we are federal law" Forget that no Democratic PRESIDENT, or republican 'president' has ever spoken those words. 2/
Feb 3 4 tweets 1 min read
Dearest @HouseDemocrats, @SenateDems, @DNC. I'll make this simple. I am 70 years old. I expect everything I paid for to be there until I die. Same for my wife. THAT INCLUDES DEMOCRACY. I've spoken to MY Reps, but I'll make this clear, I will cease all donations to MY PARTY, 1/ WHICH I HAVE PROUDLY AND LOGICALLY SUPPORTED ALL MY LIFE BECAUSE I'M A WORKING CLASS AMERICAN, OATH SWEARER AND TRUE KEEPER, LEO, WHO WASN'T BRAINWASHED INTO VOTING AGAINST MY AND MY FAMILIE'S BEST INTERESTS OUT OF FEAR, DIS-INFORMATION & ANTI-U.S. PROPAGANDA FROM @GOP T.V....2/
Jan 30 6 tweets 2 min read
@PressSec In other words, All you folks who rely on Medicaid and CHIPS, who relay on school lunches for your children? You can go fuck yourselves, because we're going to end all 'waste' and give BILLIONAIRES, whose wealth has INCREASED 627% since reagan, who became 67% more wealthy 1/ @PressSec After trump's already unpaid for $2.35 TRILLION tax cut for them, and then 'earned' ANOTHER $1,050,000,000,000.00 in 2020, while 900K of us were dying unnecessarily, living in fear of losing our homes or being evicted from apartments due to donnie's MASSIVE economic COLLAPSE...2/
Jan 30 6 tweets 2 min read
Hey, MAGA? This won't wait. In case you didn't read all the Blinking Red Lights, screaming DANGER, from respected, Nobel Prize Winning Economists in the days before the election: draining the treasury in order to give himself 1/
rawstory.com/raw-investigat… his kids, the entire right wing universe of @GOP & @realDonaldTrump Billionaire donors and POLICY WRITERS (Project 2025) ANOTHER $5.4 TRILLION, with an additional $1.6 TRILLION in other unnecessary tax cuts...unnecessary because this historic Biden ECONOMY needs no stimulus. 2/
Jan 29 7 tweets 2 min read
They released 1,600...by the definition of the word...terrorists...who ASSAULTED 154 Police Officers, Caused one cop's death & the death of two of their own, in a mindless rage based on LIES 1/
Top Trump prosecutor rages after email 'immediately' leaks rawstory.com/department-of-… told by a man desperate to avoid having to face the reality of his legal woes...LIES told by @FoxNews, who in emails, texts, memos and voice mail, literally MOCKED them for believing, then concluding they would CONTINUE to LIE so they wouldn't lose them to NEWSMAX like the 2/
Jan 24 9 tweets 2 min read
So, today, donald trump is going to California. The state that has just upped it's standing in the WORLD as the 5th Largest GDP IN THE WORLD. The State that is poised to pass Germany for the #4 Slot. The STATE that, along with six other Blue States: NY, NJ, MA, CT, IL and RI 1/ sends between $500 and $600 BILLION to failed red states EVERY YEAR...the state he is DENYING EMERGENCY AID FOR, unless they bend to his unconstitutional demands. He's going to continue to LIE about the water situation, which we KNOW had nothing to do with it, and he's going 2/
Jan 21 6 tweets 2 min read
Remember, MAGA. It has long been established that whatever brief boost you felt in Trump's first year LAST TIME was sort of a missing limb sensation. You were still feeling the benefits of Obama's HISTORIC 10 MILLION JOBS, PLUS, Second term...which was cut off at the stem 1/ by everything donnie did in his first 100 days as he moved the needle of gain from US, working people, to the Billionaires. There was a magnificent article written shortly after, detailing the 100 ways donnie's first 100 day HARMED WORKING AMERICANS. That harm came to fruition 2/
Jan 16 9 tweets 2 min read
Remember this? Of course not! Even though it's only 9 months ago. I say of course not because EXTREMIST right wing Billionaires privately OWN 84% of our broadcast & cable 'news' outlets. MAGA also seems not to know: after CA comes Texas, 1/
@CBSNewscbsnews.com/news/texas-pan… N.Carolina and Florida. 6, 9 & 10: GA, AZ, OK. But apparently the mismanagement of forests is a plague in Red states...because #11, 13, 14 & 15 are MO, ID, UT, AL. And #18, 19, 20 are ND, MS, SD! An EPIDEMIC of forest mismanagement. And 5 of those red states ALREADY RECEIVE 2/
Jan 14 8 tweets 2 min read
In case you were wondering why the entire right wing universe was attacking the victims of their Climate Denial in CA, it's because of THIS:
ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/doj-provides-congress-jack-smiths-054304727.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr via The IRONY, of course, is while they're feeding MAGA their bile, LIES & slander, they're neglecting to tell them that right behind CA at #1, came Texas (who was #1 in 2022) North Carolina and Florida. at #2, 3 and 4. Jaw-Jah, Arizona and Oklahoma came in at #6, 9 and 10.
Jan 13 8 tweets 2 min read
Hey, MAGA? You're gonna hear a LOT of bullshit like this, as donnie starts his round 2 of either taking credit for Joe's HISTORIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS (As he did with the 6th Greatest PRESIDENT of all time, Barack Obama)
rawstory.com/liar-johnson-l… or he'll continue to give you a crisis a day...almost all completely fabricated to provide him with the paranoid, hysterical MAGA cover for another one of his planned crimes against the Constitution.
Donnie's not only inheriting an "EXTRAORDINARY ECONOMY" (WSJ) 1/
Jan 11 5 tweets 1 min read
@NoLieWithBTC Both the Stakes and the same, seemingly INEVITABLE disastrous Trump/@GOP 'economic' CONSEQUENCES, are elevated this time around. THIS TIME donnie's upping his tax cut and no jobs, fucking EVER, Bill to $5.4 TRILLION of OUR working class taxes to the 8.7% who do no labor, 1/ @NoLieWithBTC @GOP Pay no taxes, and got 83% of the last Tax cut and no jobs fucking EVER Bill he passed. And, according to 23 NOBEL PRIZE WINNING ECONOMISTS, who published a CONSENSUS REPORT just 10 days before the 'election'; If donald j trump does what he says he's going to do:
Dec 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Not to trivialize the treason on 1/6...but because we and the WORLD saw it with our own eyes, it'll just be more of what we already know. What I want to see. What WE SHOULD ALL want to see, is the EVIDENCE, 1/ rawstory.com/raw-investigat… garnered ENTIRELY from SWORN TESTIMONY by Republican officials, Republican staff members, Billionaire Mar-o-leggo motel denizens and donnie's motel staff, which prompted a Grand Jury of donnie's peers, in a DEEP RED DISTRICT in DEEP RED florida to ISSUE 31 SEPARATE FELONY 2/
Dec 30, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
So, I finally got up enough stomach to actually watch donnie's interview with the no longer relevant Dana Bash, who let him ramble on and adde dozens of LIES to his 40K or so total. But he one that defies all logic is the claim...STILL...that "in my first three years we had 1/ the 'greatest economy in history'."
FOLKS! MAGA! Put on your thinking cap.
Donald trump inherited two things that cannot be disputed. One was an ECONOMY growing for a HISTORIC 76 Consecutive months, putting up, for only the 6th in HISTORY 10 MILLION PLUS JOBS in one term. 2/
Dec 30, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
The amusing part? I honestly don't know who this guy Jennings is, or what he's accomplished in his life to be so opinionated & to think he can be absolutely upside down in his assessments of pretty much EVERYTHING... BUT, it's important 1/
via @@YahooNewsyahoo.com/news/cnn-comme… to bring some perspective to how he judges "disgrace" as it applies to an elected, U.S. PRESIDENT. Only one President came to office with more active disasters to take care of than Joe. FDR. Barack did as well, but with the exception of our economy falling off a cliff & the 2/
Dec 27, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
"Please take care of us?" by not cutting Social Security? Is she serious? This woman, a democrat, voted for donnie because he's 'more in tune with us poor people'. Seriously. She said that in the interview. What's most concerning is that her statement 1/ rawstory.com/trump-pennsylv… aside from being OBVIOUSLY, PAINFULLY absurd...given 45 years of evidence to the contrary...ESPECIALLY his first four years as 'president'...is that it cements the reality that in small towns such as the one she comes from, the 'news' is primarily gotten from one of the 2/
Dec 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@realDonaldTrump LMFAO...LITERALLY. He just makes it up as he goes along. Donnie figures he showed how 'tough' he was on his personal, financial benefactor, Putin, by warning him days ahead of time before lobbing 59 cruise missiles at a syrian air base...killing no one and damaging 12 Fighter 1/ @realDonaldTrump Jets and parts of the runway, which were up an running in a week. Or maybe he was tough when the Radical Islamic Leader of turkey called him in the middle of the night and gave him an 'or else' ultimatum to have all our troops out of syria by that morning. Keep in mind, that 2/