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Jun 21 41 tweets 12 min read
As a longtime fan of Dungeons & Dragons, I’m concerned that nobody currently working on the property actually knows anything about D&D.

Not to worry, @Wizards_DnD @DnDBeyond! I’ve put together a primer here to teach you about D&D classes and races. Hope it helps!

Thread 🧵🧵🧵 Image Class: FIGHTER

In D&D, the Fighter is a versatile, weapons-oriented warrior who excels in combat and is skilled in various types of weapons, armor, and shields. Image
Jun 17 49 tweets 13 min read
I was sent this book by a colleague. It’s truly remarkable. I’m going to post the entire thing here.

Buckle up for a wild ride!

(1/x) Image There’s a rumor that AI was involved in the writing and/or art. I tend to doubt that, but these days, who knows?

(2/x) Image
Jul 19, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Hey, @olivegarden! Family friend visited your College Station, TX location with his 8yo daughter. Their “waitress” was a man in a dress with a deep voice who scared the little girl. Dad discretely asked for a different waiter…and was escorted with his child from the restaurant. Please research and address the situation, keeping in mind that it isn’t “intolerant” when a child recognizes that a man in a dress is still a man. This is shabby customer service, and literally misogynistic.

@salltweets @OliLondonTV @SaraGonzalesTX @jonesville @RitaPanahi
Jul 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
LucasFilm needs a win, @DisneyStudios @RobertIger, and I have the answer: let Kathleen Kennedy make a sequel to the beloved adventure classic The Princess Bride!

Picture this…

(1/4) Picture this: Westley has returned to the high seas after his marriage to Buttercup fell apart. He’s once more become the Dread Pirate Roberts; she’s now married to Humperdinck, now King.


Jun 23, 2023 19 tweets 9 min read
Author friends: imagine you’re writing a novel or screenplay and you write a character who does everything Hunter Biden is confirmed to have done.

You wouldn’t.

It’s too unbelievable. It strains credibility too far.

Let’s go. 🧵 You introduce the “Hunter” character at his elder brother’s funeral. He’s married, with three kids. He’s enormously sympathetic; you’ve obviously set him up to be a main protagonist. Early 40s, family man, surviving scion.

He immediately has an affair with his brother’s widow.

Nov 12, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
Gen Z and Millennials don’t understand that “kids movies” from the 1970s and 1980s absolutely did not care about your feelings.

Drop the movie title below with a gif to illustrate. The Great Mouse Detective (Disney, 1986) has a straight-up striptease in a bar.
Oct 15, 2022 15 tweets 9 min read
Sauron didn’t plan to get shipwrecked, trapped on a raft, and almost eaten by a sea worm twice.

He didn’t plan on meeting Galadriel, an elf who, astoundingly, had just jumped out of her ship to somehow swim the entire length of the Sundering Seas, in the middle of the ocean. Sauron didn’t plan to be rescued by the Númenoreans.

He didn’t plan for Galadriel to refuse to believe that he’d stolen a symbol from a dead man as he told her, then insist that he was a king while he insisted he wasn’t.

He didn’t plan to be out in prison for theft and assault.
Jan 7, 2022 35 tweets 6 min read
One like = one absolutely serious policy position or action I’ll take in my first month as congressman. 1) I will dress like a fancy pirate every single day and be armed with at least one knife, one sword, and three period-accurate pistols. This serves as two reminders: of the right to bear arms, and of the text of Art 1 Sec 8 and role of Congress to protect citizens from pirates. Image