News & Views from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall & his team on Hugh’s advocacy, environmental & charity work - conservation, waste, food, farming & public health.
Nov 17, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/4 I never thought I would be using social media for this, but my very dearest friend Nick Fisher, who some of you will know from his journalism and telly work, has gone missing. 2/4 He left his home in the village of Hooke near Bridport in his silver Nissan Navara YE71 DFA pick up on Tuesday afternoon, with his brown and white spaniel. The car was seen just half an hour later on a police camera near Dorchester.
Jun 23, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I’m voting in the Honiton and Tiverton by-election today. And I’m afraid I’m going to break a pledge I made a year ago, when I joined the Green Party. I said I was fed up of voting tactically and made a commitment to vote Green at every opportunity. ⬇️
I simply wanted my green vote to be counted, even when I knew I couldn’t really make it count.
A system where one million General Election votes gets the Tories 20 MPs but the Greens only 1 is a grossly unfair system. ⬇️