Hugh Bennett Profile picture
Special Adviser @10DowningStreet
Oct 30, 2018 18 tweets 3 min read
DD tells @iealondon the problem with Chequers is twofold - it concedes things the UK can't accept while also asking for things the EU can't offer .@ShankerASingham: We've done so much negotiating with ourselves that we've gone to Brussels with less than our bottom line, and they've just treated it as our opening offer
Jun 25, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Not much to disagree with in @GeorgeWParker's analysis this morning. Many Brexiteers have been slow to realise it but the direction of travel has been clear for months. The question now is what - if anything - can Brexiteers do about it?… The major interventions from Airbus etc are deliberately timed to give Hammond & co the maximum ammunition possible to shoot down Cabinet Brexiteer resistance once and for all at the Chequers summit next month. The signs now are that they are likely to succeed