Mike Figueredo Profile picture
Host of The Humanist Report, co-host of The Leftist Mafia, dog father (he/him) | https://t.co/srQZSl5mYO
Oct 15, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read

I'm proud of my fellow comrades. I stated my intent to vote for Biden and don't feel like I've been "shamed." Most have been pretty understanding, but one thing stood out to me that I want to address: I can afford to vote for Biden because of my "privilege."

I hate Joe Biden and know he'll require nonstop scrutiny. But there are key differences between him and Trump that make this a no brainer, and my decision to vote Biden was partially *based* on me acknowledging how privileged I am in this situation.

Sep 27, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
You're not helping.

My mom is a nonvoter that registered for the first time in 2016 to vote for Bernie. When he lost she planned to go back to being apolitical because she felt like politicians didn't care about her and had no intention of voting in the general...

1/5 I begged her to vote by telling her about Jill Stein's platform and how similar it was to Bernie's. She liked Jill Stein and voted for her. Since she was already voting for Jill Stein, she also voted for Democrats down the ballot.

Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I get the sense that liberals think fascism is going to just vanish once Donald Trump is out of office and that’s really worrying to me. They don’t understand the nature of the beast they’re trying to slay. Millions of Americans have become radicalized and a more competent fascist can easily harness that energy and turn it into something horrific. Defeating fascism requires more than just voting Trump out of office.
Sep 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Update: We're now at 460. One hour later and we’re at 493.
Sep 10, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This is infuriating. Multi-millionaire YouTubers took money intended for small businesses when their entire "brand" is built on flashing their wealth. Fuck these entitled pieces of shit.

mashable.com/article/mrbeas… This dickhead @MrBeastYT just gave away an entire fucking island as a "prize" for ONE video. What the actual fuck?

Jul 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Here's my prediction for the trajectory of Dave Rubin's grift:

- Renounce his homosexuality entirely.
- We will be introduced to his "wife" and cohost, "Alice."
- Alice will leave him. He'll go off the grid for months.
- Relaunch Rubin Report with a video "Why I left the right." - He'll leave Blaze TV.
- He'll "reconnect" with his current husband, who's been there all along. Alice was a character played by a talented actress. The left has speculated about this for a while.
- He'll ideologically move left in a strikingly fast way.
Jul 14, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
I low-key regret making a video about "cancel culture" because I just don't give enough of a shit about it to even have the same rehashed and rebranded conversation we keep having, but I will clarify a few things here:

- I don't think "cancel culture" is really a thing overall, but I'm not suggesting instances of misplaced outrage don't occur. My critique centers on the alarmist and hysterical nature of cancel culture discourse. It's just a rehash of the PC/SJW debate

May 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
No, @esaagar the Equality Act isn't going to suppress the religious "liberty" of business owners. This is disingenuous. This is about stopping discrimination. You don't have to care about it, but you shouldn't pretend it's a nefarious anti-religious plot.
I will say there are other pro-LGBTQ measures higher on my list of priorities, but this is still important; and I don't necessarily disagree with the overarching point about this being the ONE thing Biden can push to seem woke while not simultaneously pissing off his donors.
Apr 12, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Huge thanks to our newest Patreon, PayPal & YouTube members:

Abbot Kai Kihran
Alejandro Lopez Ortega*
Andrew John Meindl
Andrew Murphy
Bonnie Verhunce
Brendan Carpio
Brian P. Foster*
Carla Welch
Carlos Alvarez
Chrissy BeTalking
Christopher Pineda

1/3 David M. Young*
David Soll*
Devin Zervizko
Donna H. Taylor
Franka Horvat
Heather Bourassa*
Heather Weir
Jean Headley*
Jenny Wu*
Joseph Pisano
Mathew Muir
Megan Tanner

Apr 7, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
I've changed my mind about progressive politicians appearing on independent news shows like mine. Let me explain why.

A thread:

I once thought our shows were just echo chambers that wouldn't help politicians reach the broad audience that MSM has/it didn't matter, but...

Our platforms provide a direct line to activists and the communities that support them the most. We'll be fair, but still hold politicians accountable, and they'll know our criticisms are coming from a good place. Them being accountable to us is important.


Apr 2, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The debate between @Styx666Official and I will not be happening. Let’s recap:

Attempt 1: He cancels one day before our scheduled debate on @DrunkenPeasants. I still appear on their show and politely tell him I’m down to reschedule whenever. I never heard back from him. Attempt 2: He tweets about how lefties won’t debate him. I remind him I was willing to debate, but he never reached out to reschedule our last debate. I get him a new date in November, he gives me a load of excuses, I try to work around his schedule. I never heard back from him.
Feb 9, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
To recap 2020 so far:

- In early 2019 we find out Buttigieg is attending "what to do about Bernie" meetings with Pelosi, Schumer, and Tanden.

- Pete declares victory in Iowa with no results in. - 62% randomly released, showing Pete in the lead. Media reports he's likely to win, narrative spreads.

- App that caused delay was created by former Hillary alum.

- Shadow's parent company Acronym has connections to Pete's campaign. Acronym CEO a fan of Pete, cozy with dems.
Sep 23, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
A quick thread on Elizabeth Warren:

I've been oddly criticized for being both "too soft" and "too hard" on Elizabeth Warren. Let me respond to the latter complaint first. This is a primary, and highlighting key differences between Warren and Sanders was inevitable. Elizabeth Warren is no Hillary, but she's also no Bernie. I think Bernie can put us on the trajectory towards social democracy because he fundamentally understands how corrosive capitalism has been on BOTH parties. Warren's cozying up with Democratic elites tells me she won't