We like hypnotizing computers. #HyperDbg
https://t.co/FXulXKTGjp • https://t.co/lVxb8m2J4G
Jun 4, 2022 • 24 tweets • 10 min read
Here are 11 reasons why we should use #HyperDbg, the differences between HyperDbg and #WinDbg, and how HyperDbg will change our debugging/reversing journey.
A thread (24 tweets) 🧵:
1. !epthook/!epthook2: a.k.a hidden hooks, HyperDbg implements classic EPT hook (!epthook) combined with old detour methods (!epthook2). It's super fast and invisible! By looking at the memory, neither the operating system nor the application ever understands that /