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Iowa news that works as hard as you do. Founded in 2015. Part of @CourierNewsroom
Jun 2, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
New from @patrynard: A *lot* happened at Chuck Grassley's town hall in Columbus Junction yesterday as attendees criticized Grassley for inaction on gun safety laws. Grassley insisted he was waiting for Senate negotiations to play out

Video thread below… “You are risking their lives,” one woman said to Grassley about her family members who are teachers.

Grassley said he’s waiting on the Cornyn/Murphy negotiations on new gun safety legislation to see how they turn out
Apr 13, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Video thread of interesting moments from Chuck Grassley’s town halls in Eastern Iowa this week.

First, a newsy one from Waukon on Monday of Grassley saying he’ll no longer push to repeal the ACA Burlington:

Grassley: “I’m glad to have Trump’s endorsement, yes. Does that mean I agree with everything Trump has said … ? No, but I like a lot of his policies.”

Man: “The premeditated Jan. 6 texts demonstrate good policy? Wouldn’t that kind of trump anything else he’s done?”
Apr 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
A video thread of President Joe Biden’s visit to Iowa today (now that we’re back and have cell service again)

Rep. Cindy Axne opened the event by highlighting all the funding Iowa will receive for things like bridge repair, a Des Moines airport expansion and water quality help President Biden put the blame on recent price hikes on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, laid out ways he’s trying to bring prices down.

Biden was also amused at the size of the facility he was in and the drop of corn byproduct behind him
Apr 12, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
President Biden returns to Iowa today. Here's a 🧵 of all our coverage on how his biggest pieces of signed legislation—the Rescue Plan and Infrastructure—are impacting Iowans in their local communities:… Here's how Rescue Plan funds are helping build a major daycare center in Decorah…