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Cellar Macro Cat 🔥 home of @MiamKitty🔥 home of @kittysquiddy 🔥 home of @roaringmeows 🔥 home of @CumLordeAwards
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Mar 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
As expected this tweet launches the last and final round of admittance into Kittysquiddy, my locked account. I am writing this to explain what exactly is the purpose of the account and what we are looking for. Lezzzzgooooo
Beyond the obvious fact that kitty is where I share direct and timely insights into my own analysis, views and positioning, it is first and foremost a collective, a social system with it’s own balance and dynamic and my first priority is not to introduce anything alien to it
Mar 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Time for a take-down. Believe many have paid attention to this hysterical tweet. Let’s break it down and see if DB is actually as sick as our friend here is claiming it to be.
1/4 1- DB is profitable and has over a third of it’s deposits insured. CS had 15% insured deposits and was pissing money
2- DB’s RoTBV is in line with Citi and better than SG
3- DB has no issues with mtm of it’s AFS and HTM portfolios as % of CET1
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
You’ve all seen this low lifer chime in with his usual indecency begging for a handout. Am sure everyone is interested in understanding his lowly motives. Here they are.
1/4 Ugly truth is that allocators, not banks, are the guys who will be getting deluged with capital calls now as liquidity dries up (VCs trying to triage their portfolios!)... on top of that a lot of Shit Valley loans were collateralized with their crap private stock...
Mar 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Getting a ton of panicked DMs about risk of contagions given large drops in banks yesterday. Here are some thoughts. Every hiking cycle ends-up creating some banking stress. This one is no exception. Silvergate and SVB are the weakest links by the virtue of their asset base
But issues facing them are now common issues for the sector. After a long period of having too much deposits to the point of pushing them away, competition for deposits came all too quickly just as asset quality risks are surging and lending standards are being tightened.
Feb 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Surprised no one asked the most obvious question: how did the #bigflip epiphany come to be? I mean before the data started to make it pretty obvious to me. Well, here’s how. I started to be puzzled by how naive the assumptions that market expectations were feeding on in Q4 23
Clearly this naivety was fed by narratives peddled by unsophisticated economists, journalists and investors. First level of naivety was to over-estimate the effects of the hiking cycle when private savings were so high. This was bluntly wrong to the naked eye.
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Can I have everyone’s attention? What’s happening in Turkey is a humanitarian disaster of large proportions. We can’t sit here in our comfort and be indifferent. Death toll passed 11 K and collapsed building are of same magnitude. There are over 40 K S&R deployed.
We have pre-screened 3 non-religious well vetted charities that are doing a lot of impactful ground work. I am opening a RoaringMeows enrollment window through charity donations to any of these 3 charities. If you have benefited from my alpha, this is a good way to pay back
Jan 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Current macro landscape is a landmine to read correctly, even for the most prescient. Big issue is that an unusually large sequence of exogenous and policy shocks and shifts in the last 3 years have created an unusually large cluster of various lags at almost every level.
Because most noise clusters around headlines, and because it takes a lot of tedious and granular work to understand the nature, and mostly duration of each lag, pretty much everyone is lost in translation. This is blurring the understanding of the current macro landscape.
Dec 31, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
We’re teetering on the edge of the new year and I was thinking about sharing something that could reach largest amount of audience to help in the festive preparations. So figured a wine thread to help everyone chose what to drink is fit for purpose. Let’s go
1/11 When you don’t know what to drink or what goes with what, here’s a tip: pop a bottle of Champagne. It goes well with a much broader spectrum of flavors than you might think. It is also a very vast world that you would be advised to invest time to discover.
Nov 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Important: I want to address this absurd campaign of FUD. As you know a social medium is an important venue for many people, in various states of isolation and fragility, to connect. As you also know, I have a large following.
1/6 More importantly, I have a large community of friends, about whom I care very deeply. Every one of them. And I know it’s important for them to remain connected to me and to others. I woke up at 5 am this morning to some really alarmist warnings of imminent Twitter breakdown.
Oct 4, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Interesting summary from the one and only financials guru re $CS especially relevant with the stock price relief rally along and a 5Y CDS 30 bp easing. Here are some of my thoughts classified as : the good, the bad and the ugly. Let’s go!
1/7 The good: There was no systemic stress, as advocated by myself and many, the collapse scenario was pure hysteria. This shrug was evidenced in the synthetic indices with a compression between Fin-Main yesterday, while all main were tighter.
Oct 2, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I love the current Fintwit polarization between the usual know it all (nah 5Y CDS of 250 is a low default probability, this is just CVA desks buying protection) and the hysterical alarmists (CS is defaulting on Monday). And the funny thing is both groups have no fucking clue
Let’s start with latter. Risk of default is very low on CS (as is reflected in CDS curve) not because they are fine but because their potential capital hole is too small not to be manageable. There is no reasonable default scenario here. But there is lots of uncertainty
Sep 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
At a great cost and without any prior preparation or planning, EU has taken the advantage in it’s stand-off with Putin. Let me explain.

EU paid out € 43 b to Russia in energy imports between March and August. That literally bankrolled all their war budget.

By escalating it’s economic standoff through the threat of price caps, EU pushed Putin into the corner of the « nuclear option », namely shutting down NS1. That did hurt EU considerably as explained previously. But will also shave circa € 10 b from Russian coffers in 22.

Sep 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Just to lift some of the confusion that’s been spread by cumlord takes in last few days. TTF DA drop reflected the build-up in storage. With NS1 running at 20%, models were indicating a continuation of the drop towards 170 €/mwh. By shutting down NS1 completely,
Putin did a very calculated move, as is often the case. As a result, the drop was halted and despite a 90% storage fill, it’s path going forward will be entirely a function of demand destruction measures. That said, current plans which will entail industrial shut-downs
Sep 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
To all the cumlordz claiming EZ energy crisis can be solved by having people freeze this winter, which is not only idiotic, but also misses the crux of the matter, here are some stats to focus minds:
1- Rising energy costs => insolvency proceeding were up 26% in DE in Aug

Source: IWH Economic Institute

2- More than 1/3 of German companies say their existence is under threat, up from 23% back in February.
Source: BDI survey of 593 companies conducted mid-Aug to early Sep.

Aug 29, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Defeating Putin. The offensive.

After having gathered my état-major for a strategy session, we finalized our counter-offensive plans and launched the attack.

A thread.

Gathering the troops

Aug 26, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Went on the offensive against Putin and all in on lentils tonight.

How to win the war against the despicable dictator and save our beloved planet.

A thread.

To start a diversion with some feuilleté de cèpes et escargots and some fleurs de courgettes farcies au homard. As well as some customary niceties

Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Marko’s thread is well timed as it goes against the prevailing consensus of doom and gloom, specifically the wild downside expectations for the €/$. Kitty followers know I made a similar call every time we approached parity either by selling downside tail or buying upside
1/7 It is also a good measured way of framing a debate that got a bit too sensationalist of late. Et pour cause, when you look at charts like 1y fwd German baseload that x5 YTD, you can be forgiven for loosing your Twitter cool. But this alarmism misses a key distinction.
Aug 21, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Now that Putin is losing the war, I thought it’s a good time to finish him with some lentils! Let’s go!

#fuckputin #eatlentils #eatbugs

A thread.
The star of the night!
Aug 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Good news have way more weight when they cluster. I understand the skepticism, but today saw 3 additional pieces of good news on the inflation front. Here is the data and what it means going forward. Prelude: July core CPI came at slowest since Sep 21. That’s important
Business 1y forward inflation expectations while still significantly above the 2% implicit anchoring, came down to 3.5% in Aug from 3.7% and a peak of 3.8% in March. Unsurprising given recent gasoline and commodity front months move. Encouraging, but trend needs to continue.
Aug 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Please vote 1.2 or 3 from thread below 1
Mar 7, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Cacio e Pepe - a thread.
1- Origin: Roman dish. Probably originated from as far back as the time of the empire. Was first a shepherd dish than became a staple of working class.
2- Testacio in Rome, a working class stronghold, is the best place to eat it. Fav resto: Felice
(1/N) 3- together with aglio, olio e peperoncino is the least expensive pasta dish you could ever prepare, yet a pure delight.
4- difficulty in cooking comes from temperature control: the dish is basically the integration of grated cheese to a very hot pasta