Clarkisha Kent Profile picture
Nigerian-American. Bi, Black, FAT! She/Her. Creator of #TheKentTest. Author of Fat Off, Fat On (OUT NOW). You can reach me at 🤙🏾
Ella Sanders Profile picture eDo Profile picture Ola Ibrahim Profile picture Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line Profile picture Mango chow is the perfect food 🥭 Profile picture 8 subscribed
Mar 12 7 tweets 2 min read
This is actually a great time to talk about the fact that it is psychologists/psychiatrists-not ableist medical doctors like one would expect—that have been at the forefront of COVID (re: genocide) denial. Image Every so often, somebody posts something from Reddit and it’s always somebody talking how their psychiatrist/psychologist was trying to “therapize” them out of wearing their masks. That they’re anxious. Obsessive. Compulsive. Holding themselves back from living their lives.
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
You can point to Christianity’s role in the original sins of the US (nearly wiping out indigenous peoples with “Manifest Destiny” & assimilation through residential “schools” & of course chattel slavery). Yet! You people will lie about what you’ve chosen to align yourselves with. Notice the line about Christianity “breaking down tribal ties”:… U.S. report A core part of tha...
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Indeed. I think more of y’all should be honest about the fact that willingly identifying with Christianity/as a Christian
*in this country* makes you part of an oppressor class. And that, yes, being marginalized in other ways does not automatically cancel that out 🤷🏾‍♀️ If you can see that things like being cis, rich/a wealth hoarder, able-bodied, YT/non-Black, straight/heterosexual, a m*n, and etc make you part of the oppressor class, why drag your feet on this particular distinction?

Particularly since we live under a Christofascist state?
Apr 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
AKA the end result of people focusing on their “feelings” about their bodies (the hijacking of the body positivity movement) rather than the oppressive systems that seek to crush them and anyone else whose body deviates from the YT supremacist ideal that is thinness 😃 thin bitches said “what about me, i’m oppressed because my greatest fear is becoming a fat slob like you big bitches” and now we’re here lmao
Aug 2, 2022 27 tweets 9 min read
A couple of things. There are distinctions between creating propaganda, funding propaganda, platforming propaganda, and popularizing propaganda. Autism Speaks covers the last THREE categories and they will CONTINUE to be whacked by ME for the following reasons: Disgraced UK “academic”and former physician Andrew Wakefield was at the *forefront* of The Lancet MMR autism fraud. This was a 1998 study “that falsely claimed a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.” This study also listed TWELVE co-authors.
Aug 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Autism Speaks must also pay for their crimes. They are about 65% of the reason we’re looking ancient and nigh-biblical diseases in the face right now. .@autismspeaks YOU DID THIS
Aug 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

Not even gonna lie, this is not helping my Susie Side tendencies ☺️!
Jul 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Two Avengers movies in one year???? Baby, I’m waiting on that VFX strike because what 😂 And in the middle of, what, [potentially] three pandemics and inflation? Nasty business!!!
May 16, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Hello lovelies. I’m happy to finally get to talk at length with Off Colour about my upcoming book, Fat Off, Fat On: A Big Bitch Manifesto!!! I wrote this post-fire, right after signing the contract while homeless (fun times), but the most interesting part to me other than writing through concurrent calamities was that it required me to take inventory about the ways the fatphobia truly affects every facet of life.
May 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
[Western] Society is SPRINTING back toward Heroin chic era food and exercise “habits” and I feel like I’m losing my mind I ate “1200” calories during high school and exercised between 2 - 4 hours a day plus homework plus a part-time job and baby lemme tell you right now—it’s not worth it.
Apr 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
And that’s all she wrote! I’ll be at:

Tiktok: clarkishakent
IG: clarkishakent
Hive Social: clarkishakent
Apr 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What was the reason for changing her powers?????????????? There was nothing wrong with her embiggening powers. They need to be honest and say that they didn’t think rendering those powers on screen would be “cinematic” enough rather than blowing smoke up everyone’s ass.
Mar 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
She got married on a plantation so this tracks tbh They were forcing our people to be wet nurses against their will and you think that should be sprawled out on a shirt. I hate y’all fr.
Mar 2, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Stop this shit right now.

1. Fat liberation IS political. Making the choice to dismantle systemic fatphobia IS political.

2. Deploying the word “attack” when it is primarily fat *Black* liberation advocates who are critiquing something is racist. Fat YT women did their damndest to water down & declaw the previous effectiveness of the body positivity movement as it was initially CREATED by fat BLACK people. Then thin YTs followed them to finish the work and Columbus it.

You need to shut the fuck up this time around.
Feb 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I am super excited to be back in #TheKentTest space this week because we’re continuing our streak of discussion on Queen Latifah films including Last Holiday, Set It Off, and Just Wright 😎! ImageImageImage Tomorrow is our Last Holiday discussion, which is gonna start at 7:30pm EST!…
Feb 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I could only vote for Cassie’s sun here but these are the rest of my estimations:

Cancer Sun
Libra Moon
Pisces Venus Cancer Moon: Round face, distinct bust, girl next door energy

Libra Moon: Prone to being obsessed with partnership; horny for affection/intimacy

Pisces Venus: Self-sacrificing; believes in the “good” in everyone, and this can lead them to DARK places; prone to feeling lost.
Feb 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Despite stealing two-thirds of the plot points that made Miles Morales and his story interesting, the MCU Spider-Man movies will never have what Into the Spider-Verse had. I’m sorry. This is what makes this “Oscar snub” conversation so funny and ridiculous to me 💀
Feb 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Also not to oversimplify the issue, but a lot of fat hate, particularly from cishet BW, can be boiled down to the challenges of our current dating pool and being IRATE that someone who they don’t think is deserving (i.e a fat woman) may be doing better than them in that regard 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’ve seen it so many times no matter how hard the cinnamon sticks try to dress it up lmao
Feb 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Since we’re talking about promoting obesity: You bitches are pathologically obsessed with fat people and it’s very funny tbh. The amount of real estate that fat people take up your head is you confessing that you are not happy with your own life or your own appearance. Otherwise, what is the obsession for?
Feb 6, 2022 46 tweets 10 min read
Anyway, since we’re honoring our anger today, what are some of y’all’s favorite “angry” songs?

Mine’s a tie between “Don’t Hurt Yourself” and “K*lling In The Name”!
Feb 6, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The spiritual girlies and quacks on here ain’t doing nothing but repackaging toxic stigmas from Christianity and slapping ✨energy✨ at the end of it.

Because let me tell y’all again: Anger remains PARAMOUNT because it tells you that something is *wrong*! Before I could name the exact harm that had been done to me by my family, before I was handed the gift of textbook definitions, before I ever stepped into a doctor or psychiatrist or psychologist’s office, I was *angry*