The Inner Circle Trader Profile picture
The Ghost In The Machine... making a new world record.
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Sep 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm probably going to talk about God today. If you are not interested, feel free to sit it out.

I respect your personal beliefs or lack thereof, and I respectfully ask the same for mine.

If I don't do this, I am not inviting Him in the very house He built. I am going to keep the discussion inside this thread, to allow those outside my faith to choose whether to see anything I say on the matter.

You can simply mute this conversation if it is of no interest to you.
Sep 12, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
#NQ Daily chart wrap-up Image #NQ 60min chart Image
Jul 8, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
I want to sincerely state some things in a thread.

It is important that it is said & recorded by me, before we get to November of this year.

So, this might require a number of tweets in this thread... Over the past 13 years, I have been active in my online persona as "ICT" or Inner Circle Trader.

On scale, my polarizing approach has won over the majority that came to learn from me.

However, there has always been this small faction of people who were threatened by me...
May 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
How Do You Know You're Progressing?

When you're not inspired to share your results on Social Media.

When you don't care to share your actions with others, be it friends, coworkers or online groups.

When you see the fruits of doing what you were trained to do, that is "enough". When you see results of proper studying & Tape Reading, Demo Forward Testing... you will be motivated.

I can see the students who are lacking in this, as these are the same that do the most result sharing.

Ask yourself why?

They want to numb the restlessness in the progress.
May 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Let's discuss why the markets are in intraday scalping conditions only...

1) Interest Rates.

See ZBM2023 Daily.

What has Price been doing the past two months or so? June 30 Year Bonds...

This market is being held in consolidation.

As long as is it, the markets will be fickle, rangebound & best scalped intraday. Image
May 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In my opinion, most if not all, students who come to me over my time as an educator on Price Action... make the same mistake.

They try to put every concept I teach into their model & this is not what you're taught to do.

You're to learn how to read Price, then trade 1 PDArray. The book Street Smarts, which I recommend to readers, is an example of this.

Have a pattern or model that you hunt.

The model or pattern you trade is useless in your hands if you do not know when or if the market is poised to trade in a manner that your model can form inside.
Mar 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In the parable of the Jade Master, what was the student doing with the piece of Jade he was given?

Everything he was going to do and those things he submitted to by the Jade Master's insructions.

When he didn't want to submit, he was sent home... without the Jade in his hand... In my teachings, lectures & tweets, I am placing real market insights or "Jade" into your hands.

You don't fully understand the impact or strength of this experience when you are on your first few visits to me.

Over time, you will doubt less, interrupt less and see progress.
Mar 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
One of the most frustrating things I see as a Mentor and mentoring others in Price Action... contrarians.

I am the poster boy for going against the grain... I have done it all my life. So I understand it, I really do... I seen my Uncle fade me and my analysis and fail.

I seen students who paid me to learn how I see these markets, fade me and my analysis and fail.

My oldest Son is a contrarian... and failed in crypto.

My other Son has shown himself to be the same.

I have to let pain teach.
Mar 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
It is a Good morning...

Trust you are well this day.

Yesterday, I put you through some difficult paces, my Son too.

Like any conditioning, it comes with effort, discomfort, and temporary inability to see the finish line.

However, now you have more experience... If you turn your attention to the levels, I went over on YouTube for the ES review...

We dropped down to the +Breaker, rallied to the Buyside Liquidity.

Yesterday, the final hour managed to rally nearly to the Opening Range Gap High entirely in the last 40 mins.
Mar 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Submitting to "Time":

The parable of the Jade Master shows two sides of the story of learning. The Jade Master knows what it takes to learn properly while the would be student does not.

The Master invites time to do its job, while the impatient student resists the entire time. The Jade Master gives the would be student real jade from the start of his learning, while the neophyte students does not recognize he is being trained properly.

The Master submits to the task of teaching, while the impatient student doubts the entire process continually.
Mar 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Simple Model Example Diagram

In Bearish Markets, using Premium Arrays anticipate Bearish Breakers to form. Wait for Price to displace lower, Short the -Breaker, use Stop Loss above the High of -Breaker.

Target Discount Arrays, like opposing +Breaker. Target Mean Threshold. In Price it looks like this...
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My thoughts on Bitcoin, and all things, Crypto...

I mentioned last summer in spaces here, that 2023 early spring we would see something develop.

CBDC are coming, Crypto needs to be UP to suffer later at the hands of CBDC which will be ushered in as a solution to Crypto failure. As Bitcoin and other Crypto has slide lower the past months or longer, it has grown lame and as such lost the attention it held at 60k levels.

How does the Producer incite attention in audiences?

Drama! Bitcoin rallies higher, people chant for its comeback... 100k targets...
Mar 5, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Which is a true testimony of Trading skill:

1) Windfall equity increased, coupled with overleveraging and wild drawdowns.

2) Steady equity curve higher, measured minimal drawdown and never overleveraging.

If the second makes less money, is it inferior to the first? Why is the first approach likely to reach ruin faster and more likely than the second?
Mar 4, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Your Trading Model:
[In A Thread]

1) You put down on paper who you think you are, what your strengths are, and the small list of weaknesses, I'm sure it's really just one... and it's most likely modesty.

This will be referred to at a later time in your development. 2) Basic Market Knowledge

You must obtain general market understanding.

What is a bullish market, bearish market, charting timeframes, times markets open, close and a basic grasp of an economic calendar.

This can be obtained quickly on the internet and no source leads here.
Mar 4, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Let's do a quiz... Load NQH2023 1 minute chart

scroll back to Friday morning opening at 09:30
Mar 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
In trading we have many things to choose from for concepts and "patterns".

Patterns fail. They are not the cause and effect of Price fluctuations.

Patterns are rorschach ink blots, the viewer sees what they want to see in them.

I don't trade patterns. When I outline a market, call for its delivery in a specific manner, it's not based on any pattern but Time & Price.

If it is Time for Price to displace or redeliver, the Liquidity or inefficiency is where it will be delivered.

No pattern causes this, nor does it protect stops
Jan 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Study UsdCad... Does is have a Market Structure Shift after hitting the 15min FVG?
Jan 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This is why I am not covering Forex...

Any questions? :) GbpUsd... same situation.
Jan 3, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Daily Volume Imbalance likely Bullish Draw On Liquidity, if it can continue... Volatility coming in in a few minutes...
Dec 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Now in closing, allow me to address the take aways from this exercise this morning.

We know it is the last day of 2022. It could stay inside the previous day's range. We looked for obvious Draws On Liquidity and framed the bias as Short.

I took your attention to my V.I. array I spelled out the timeframes, key levels and bias and narrative before the 9:30 Opening Bell. We settled in on a simple & modest 5 handle model for study.

I entered on the very Volume Imbalance I pointed to before price repriced to it, Shorted 1 contract for illustration...
Dec 30, 2022 35 tweets 6 min read
Last Trade Day of 2022:

Open your Daily ES chart.
ESH2022 for Tradingview users. ESH2023 for Tradingview users, that is.

That precision can slip in and out from time to time Folks. lol