Ivan Katchanovski Profile picture
Political scientist, University of Ottawa. Research politics, conflicts, policy & political communication in Ukraine, US & Canada. Ex-Harvard, SUNY, UofT & LoC.
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Jun 15 5 tweets 3 min read
Now @NYT publishes drafts of Ukraine Russia peace deal that was close to signing in spring 2022 but still omits that Boris Johnson & Biden administration blocked it. NYT cites statement from viral video that I posted: “We managed to find a very real compromise,” Oleksandr Chalyi, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating team, said at a panel discussion in Geneva last December. “We were very close in the middle of April, in the end of April, to finalize our war with some peaceful settlement.” But it omits other sources which revealed this peace deal & which I posted for more than 2 years & which had some 25,000,000 views but were deliberately denied or not reported by the media. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
archive.is/mysTh#selectio…Image @NYT This statement is finally reported by @NYT but it omits that it became viral after I posted it several months ago, and my tweet had some 2,000,000 views.
Jun 13 4 tweets 3 min read
"Canada Says It Won’t Give Arms To Azov, Despite U.S. Policy Change. “Our position remains that we are not – nor will we – be providing support to Azov and affiliated entities.” Ivan Katchanovski, a professor specializing in Ukrainian politics at the University of Ottawa, told The Maple that both the Azov Brigade and the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade are “basically part of the same Azov Movement, which is led by [Biletsky’s] neo-Nazi party.”

There is no evidence, he said, that any Western country has banned military aid from going to the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade. He added that DND’s statements about not giving support to the Azov Brigade should also be taken with a large grain of salt.

Katchanovski also cast doubt on the U.S. State Department’s claim that Azov has not committed human rights abuses. The National Corps party, Azov’s political wing, has been involved in attacks against Roma people and other violent actions.

In 2018, a U.S. State Department report noted that a Ukrainian group established with support from the National Corps party “attacked and destroyed a Romani camp in Kyiv after its residents failed to respond to their ultimatum to leave the area within 24 hours.”

The U.S. State Department, Katchanovski said, has tried to deflect concerns about its recent move by misleadingly suggesting that Azov Brigade is a newly created formation with no relation to its predecessor units.

“This is quite unbelievable,” Katchanovski said. “This is open support and endorsement by the Biden administration of open neo-Nazis in Ukraine.” readthemaple.com/canada-insists…Image
Jun 12 4 tweets 4 min read
Leader of neo-Nazi Azov movement, which is armed by Biden administration, called "heroes" by Zelensky, Boris Johnson & media & greeted by top universities, wrote that Nazi ideology is "great idea," "[slur for Jews] dominance of power and economy," Arab, Asian, Black & Muslim migrants threaten "White European" countries, including Ukraine, "White race" is "superior," "historical mission of our Nation... is to head and lead the White Peoples of the world in the last crusade for their existence a march against the Semitic-led subhumans," "Jewishness as an economic and political parasite," "Social-Nationalism is based on" "Sociality, Racism, Great Power," & combines Nationalism & National Socialism, etc.

He never denounced any of these statements which were published by him in Ukrainian on website of his neo-Nazi Patriot of Ukraine or in collection of his articles, entitled "Word of White Leader." These archived publications are publicly available but are omitted, denied or whitewashed.

Quote from his article in 2013 collection, entitled "Word of White Leader" (p. 26): "Therefore, we claim that we have developed the correct worldview and we have an ideology under the correct name of Social-Nationalism. But only then will our ideology come to life, our name will only then become great, when there will be thousands of young fanatical apostles who will lead the fight regardless of their own well-being and even life. Nationalism and National Socialism are therefore great ideas that they had just such apostles." web.archive.org/web/2014092404…Image
Jun 4 4 tweets 4 min read
Now male dual citizens of US, Canada, etc. & Ukraine are banned from leaving Ukraine & can be conscripted by force with de facto US/West approval: "US Embassy in Ukraine: men with dual citizenship will no longer be able to leave the country. The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has warned that Ukraine has revoked the "residence abroad" exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 to leave the country.

Source: US Embassy in Ukraine
With this change, men with dual citizenship, including those living in the US, will no longer be able to leave the country.

According to the message of the embassy, ​​Ukrainian legislation does not recognize dual citizenship. Therefore, American-Ukrainian persons with dual citizenship, while in Ukraine, are considered exclusively as citizens of Ukraine, and they are subject to the rights and obligations of citizens of Ukraine. That is, under martial law in Ukraine, men aged 18 to 60 are prohibited from leaving the country.

The embassy noted that previously persons with dual American-Ukrainian citizenship of this group could enter Ukraine and then leave it if they deregistered their place of residence in Ukraine and registered their place of residence in the United States. As of June 1, this exception was canceled.

Literally: "If you are in Ukraine and cannot leave the country, shelter in place and obey all local regulations.

If you are not currently in Ukraine, we strongly recommend that male US citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 who also hold Ukrainian citizenship or are applying for Ukrainian citizenship and do not wish to remain in Ukraine indefinitely refrain from any travel to of Ukraine. There is an extremely high risk that you will not be allowed to leave even with a US passport."
US government to dual US & Ukraine citizens" "The U.S. Embassy is limited in our ability to influence Ukrainian law, including the application of martial law and the mobilization law to Ukrainian citizens. If you are in Ukraine and cannot leave the country, shelter in place and obey all local orders. If you are not currently in Ukraine, we strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by U.S. citizen males aged 18 to 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely. There is an extremely high risk you will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport." ua.usembassy.gov/message-for-u-…Image
May 29 4 tweets 2 min read
Presentation and Q&As by Jefferey Sachs and me at Canadian Foreign Policy Institute concerning Ukraine war, its origins & prospects for peace is now available in German.
And in French
May 16 7 tweets 5 min read
Bloomberg propagates fakes: " In Ukraine, it was the country’s infamously corrupt then-President Viktor Yanukovych who broke. Despite deploying riot police, plainclothes thugs nicknamed “titushki” and, finally, snipers who fired live rounds into the crowds, he proved unable to drive protesters from the streets, and eventually fled to exile in Russia. In Georgia last week, carbon copies of the Ukrainian titushki were thrown into action, beating protest leaders, opposition politicians and even an inconvenient academic outside their homes.

Georgia is having its “Maidan moment.” With parallels to Ukraine mounting fast, the question for the US and Europe is how to respond; for the protesters, it’s whether they should also have a “Yanukovych moment,” in which they try to topple the government."

bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…Image Like false-flag Maidan massacre in Ukraine, beating & torture of prominent Maidan protest activists was staged: "Similarly to the Maidan massacre, the Ukrainian government investigations in three related cases during the “Euromaidan” found evidence that they were staged false-flag operations but covered-up these findings and failed to prosecute those responsible."brill.com/view/journals/…
May 12 6 tweets 4 min read
Karatnycky invents in @nypost conspiracy theory that Ukrainian far-right (Right Sector/Azov, Svoboda) massacred Maidan protesters & police on behalf of Russian security services & Yanukovych government. He cannot longer deny evidence of far-right involvement that is revealed in my studies & he peddlers this fraud.

"Eighty protesters and 12 militia men were killed during a government assault on the Maidan Square on Feb. 20, 2014, killings Maté claims were orchestrated by the far-right. While several far-right protesters were lightly armed, and there’s some evidence of snipers shooting at both sides, it is highly likely that the mass killings were a provocation orchestrated by Russia’s security services and their Ukrainian minions, who had significantly infiltrated far-right Ukrainian groups over the years." nypost.com/2024/05/09/opi…Image The “snipers’ massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine
"Content analysis of synchronized videos, testimonies by several hundred witnesses, confessions by 14 self-admitted members of Maidan sniper groups, and bullet hole locations show that both the police and protesters were massacred by Maidan snipers located in Maidan-controlled buildings and areas. Content analysis of synchronized videos revealed that the specific time and direction of shooting by Berkut policemen, who were charged with the massacre, did not coincide with the killing of specific protesters. Testimonies by the absolute majority of wounded protesters and some 100 witnesses and forensic examinations by ballistic and medical experts for the Maidan massacre trial and investigation in Ukraine corroborate this. The article shows that the false-flag massacre was rationally organized and carried out with the involvement of oligarchic and far-right elements of the Maidan opposition to overthrow the incumbent government in Ukraine."tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
May 8 6 tweets 3 min read
Orwellian: Alyona Alyona, Ukraine representative in Eurovision Song Contest, had stage name Alena Al-Qaeda, while another Ukraine representative in this very popular contest chose Jerry Heil stage name & clothing with Bandera inscription.

"In an interview with Go West, producer Ivan Klimenko said that before collaborating with him, the rapper recorded and released songs under the strange nickname - Alena Al-Qaeda. The project name Alyona Alyona was invented five minutes before the contract was signed... Al-Qaeda is the name of an international terrorist organization responsible for planning and carrying out a number of major terrorist attacks. Including the attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States, which claimed the lives of almost three thousand people."

Banderaciaga refers to Bandera & fashion brand Balenciaga. Bandera was Nazi collaborator & leader of semi-fascist OUN which perpetrated mass murder of Jews, Poles & Ukrainiansapostrophe.ua/article/lime/l…Image Choosing stage name Jerry Heil also raises questions because Heil, which is often is associated with Nazi salute, is combined with Jerry: "Jerry was a nickname used by Allied soldiers for a German soldier during World War I, but it was more commonly used in World War II." I do not know whether such meaning of stage name was deliberate or not but choosing such stage name along with Banderaciaga & original stage name Alena Al-Qaeda of Alyona Alyona raises questions. dictionary.com/browse/Je
May 8 4 tweets 2 min read
Banderagate at Eurovision song contest: "In social networks, some Poles were outraged by Jerry Heil's sweatshirt of one of the representatives of Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest with the inscription Banderaciaga. She is accused of supporting the "cult of Stepan Bandera"." life.pravda.com.ua/society/u-pols…Image
May 3 4 tweets 2 min read
"The European Union will adopt a joint decision concerning the return of Ukrainian men of conscription age to their homeland. Such a statement was made by the adviser to the head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podolyak... According to him, this is an absolutely correct initiative to find a common solution that will cover all members of the European Union in the matter of returning men of military age to the territory of Ukraine." fakty.com.ua/ua/svit/202405…Image "The statesmen of Poland and Lithuania have already declared that they are ready to help Ukraine with the return of these persons. Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský (Pirates) stated that the Czech Republic does not support those who try to avoid the statutory levy obligation. Ukraine wants to get its fighting men from abroad, there are tens of thousands of them in the Czech Republic." novinky.cz/clanek/domaci-…
Apr 29 4 tweets 2 min read
Self-proclaimed experts continue to propagate politically convenient fake even after Ukrainian court verdict confirmed that Russian snipers conspiracy theory was disproved & admitted that many Maidan protesters were shot from Maidan-controlled buildings. canadiandimension.com/articles/view/…
The Maidan Massacre Trial and Investigation Revelations: Implications for the Ukraine-Russia War and Relations
Apr 17 7 tweets 3 min read
2 years after my first viral tweet based on Ukrainska pravda report, @ForeignAffairs reports that "In the spring of 2022, Moscow and Kyiv sat down to outline a settlement that would have ended the war in Ukraine" The article subtitle is "A Hidden History of Diplomacy" even though my tweets about such peace deal framework & its blocking by UK & US, based on interviews of Ukrainian officials, ex-Israeli prime minister, ex-German chancellor, former senior US officials, head & members of Ukrainian delegation at peace talks & Russian & Belarusian leaders & senior officials had about 30,000,000 views. It was the media who hidden this.Image @ForeignAffairs
Mar 19 5 tweets 3 min read
Orwellian: SS Galicia Division veteran, who was involved in epic debacle in Canadian parliament, is given highest award of Ternopil Regional Council in Ukraine. Award is named after Stetsko, Bandera faction of OUN leader & Nazi collaborator, who was involved in mass murder of Jews.

"The Ternopil Regional Council awarded Yaroslav Hunka, who caused the resignation of the Speaker of the Parliament of Canada..." This is stated in the order of the head of the Ternopil Regional Council dated February 6, 2024 No. 22."
suspilne.media/709328-ternopi…Image "Today, March 19, on Yaroslav Hunka's 99th birthday, Oleg Syrotyuk, head of the regional council's standing commission on legality, handed over this award to his great-niece from Berezhan, Olga Vitkovska. According to Oleg Syrotyuk, the woman should transfer the pectoral order to Canada, where the veteran lives.

The Investigative Committee of Russia accused Yaroslav Hunka of genocide in absentia and declared him an international wanted man.

Because of the charges, Yaroslav Hunka left for Latin America at the end of 2023, but after the court recognized his right and innocence, he returned to Canada, where he still lives." suspilne.media/709328-ternopi…Image
Mar 11 8 tweets 5 min read
Maloletka & Chernov, whose documentary "20 Days in Mariupol" is nominated for Oscar, also photographed Maidan massacre in Ukraine. Maloletka filmed far-right-linked Maidan snipers in Music Conservatory. 3 of them admitted in BBC & Ukrainian media interviews shooting police. Prosecutor General investigation confirmed my study findings that this group of Maidan snipers killed & wounded police.

Maidan massacre trial verdict confirmed my studies findings that this group of Maidan snipers was in Hotel Ukraina, that many Maidan activists were shot from this hotel & that it was controlled by Maidan. Nobody of them was arrested for this massacre. Moreover, far-right commander of this group of Maidan snipers was filmed & presented as hero in another Oscar-nominated documentary, entitled "Winter on Fire."
#Oscars2024 #Oscars "20 Days in Mariupol" just won Oscar for best documentary film. In addition to Oscar, Mstyslav Chernov & Evgeny Maloletka also won Pulitzer Prize & numerous other awards. #Oscars2024📷 #Oscars📷
Mar 1 8 tweets 5 min read
"Paris is considering the possibility of allowing special forces and other military units to cross the border of Ukraine in order to pose a “strategic dilemma” for the Russian Federation. This was reported in the article “Ukraine’s Western allies already have a military presence in the country” by the Monde newspaper, citing sources.

Emmanuel Macron's remarks on the possible dispatch of military reinforcements have implicitly lifted the veil on the already effective presence of members of various Western services on Ukrainian soil.

“All allied states are present in Ukraine. We are not talking about combat units, but, for example, there are representatives of each intelligence service,” a Ukrainian diplomatic source, who wished to remain anonymous, told the publication.

Officially, Paris denies the presence of its military in Ukraine. Possible permission to cross the Ukrainian border, according to Monde, is seen as a means of creating a “strategic dilemma” for Russia.

According to the publication, the French military presence could “protect some territories of Ukraine” and limit attacks from Russia."

Feb 25 5 tweets 4 min read
More confirmations of proxy war & Ukraine as US client state since Western-backed violent overthrow of Ukrainian government 10 years ago: "The C.I.A. and other American intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help support spy networks... A secret nerve center of Ukraine’s military... is almost fully financed, and partly equipped, by the C.I.A. “One hundred and ten percent,” Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy, a top intelligence commander, said in an interview at the base.

The listening post in the Ukrainian forest is part of a C.I.A.-supported network of spy bases constructed in the past eight years that includes 12 secret locations along the Russian border... The Ukrainians also helped the Americans go after the Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

And the C.I.A. also helped train a new generation of Ukrainian spies who operated inside Russia, across Europe, and in Cuba and other places where the Russians have a large presence. The relationship is so ingrained that C.I.A. officers remained at a remote location in western Ukraine when the Biden administration evacuated U.S. personnel in the weeks before Russia invaded in February 2022. During the invasion, the officers relayed critical intelligence, including where Russia was planning strikes and which weapons systems they would use. “Without them, there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians, or to beat them,” said Ivan Bakanov, who was then head of Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency, the S.B.U.

The C.I.A.’s partnership in Ukraine can be traced back to two phone calls on the night of Feb. 24, 2014, eight years to the day before Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Millions of Ukrainians had just overrun the country’s pro-Kremlin government and the president, Viktor Yanukovych, and his spy chiefs had fled to Russia. In the tumult, a fragile pro-Western government quickly took power.

The government’s new spy chief, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, arrived at the headquarters of the domestic intelligence agency and found a pile of smoldering documents in the courtyard. Inside, many of the computers had been wiped or were infected with Russian malware.,,

He went to an office and called the C.I.A. station chief and the local head of MI6. It was near midnight but he summoned them to the building, asked for help in rebuilding the agency from the ground up, and proposed a three-way partnership. “That’s how it all started,” Mr. Nalyvaichenko said." nytimes.com/2024/02/25/wor…Image "Toward the end of 2021, according to a senior European official, Mr. Putin was weighing whether to launch his full-scale invasion when he met with the head of one of Russia’s main spy services, who told him that the C.I.A., together with Britain’s MI6, were controlling Ukraine and turning it into a beachhead for operations against Moscow." archive.is/on9vG#selectio…
Feb 17 4 tweets 2 min read
My interview concerning 10th anniversary of Maidan massacre in Ukraine, its role in origins of Russia-Ukraine war. corroboration of my academic studies by trial verdict in Ukraine & their blackout & misrepresentations by Western media & Wikipedia.
Interview by Pascal Lottaz, Associate Professor for Neutrality Studies at Kyoto University: "Due to the sad 10th anniversary of the Maidan Massacre, during which more 100 people were killed by Sniper fire on February 20, 2014, I will talk today to Ivan Katchanovski, who is a Ukranian (and Canadian) political scientist at the University of Ottawa and researched the Massacre in detail. Last year he published the paper “The Maidan Massacre Trial and Investigation Revelations: Implications for the Ukraine-Russia War and Relations”."
Feb 2 8 tweets 3 min read
Zaluzhny on eve of his expected firing by Zelensky shows his backing from far-right, which has power to overthrow Zelensky. Zaluzhny takes selfie with leader of far-right Right Sector & commander of Right Sector brigade of Ukrainian military in front of portrait of Nazi collaborator & far-right OUN leader Bandera & red & black flag of OUN-UPA & Right Sector. facebook.com/story.php?stor…Image Flag has "To victory without negotiations" slogan.
Jan 18 5 tweets 3 min read
Prime Minister of Slovakia is first EU country leader to admit publicly that West blocked peace deal to end Ukraine war in spring 2022 & used Ukraine for proxy war with Russia to last Ukrainian even though this was failed strategy:
"It is proven that right at the beginning of the war in Ukraine in 2022, on at least two very promising occasions, the West did not allow the Ukrainians to conclude a ceasefire with fair conditions. Because a painfully wrong decision has already been made. The West will take advantage of Russia's violation of international law, supplying Ukraine with heaps of weapons, billions of dollars, burdening Russia with massive sanctions, attacking Russia's main mineral wealth revenues, and expecting a Ukrainian soldier, until the last one, to bring him the head of a Russian bear on a platter in the form of a militarily exhausted, economically ruined, internationally isolated and internally subverted Russia. This was, and unfortunately still is, a Western strategy that I say openly at home and abroad is not working, that it has failed." nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-post…Image "Robert Fico: Western strategy in Ukraine simply doesn't work. The convulsions that accompany liberal demagoguery today in advocating the West's utterly failed strategy against Russia in Ukraine are beginning to cause wrinkles on my forehead.
Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic." nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-post…Image
Jan 14 12 tweets 3 min read
Ex-adviser of Zelensky & member of Ukrainian delegation at peace talks in spring 2022 says that this was "most profitable draft of agreement" Ukraine could have, Arestovich says that
it was "completely successful negotiation" & Ukrainian delegation even opened bottle of champaign. He claims that he does not know why this peace deal was scrapped.

But self-proclaimed experts & fake news peddlers label as "conspiracy theory" & "Kremlin disinformation" peace deal framework agreement that was confirmed by head of Ukrainian delegation, officials close to Zelensky, ex-Israeli PM, ex-German chancellor, Turkish FM, former senior US officials, ex-adviser of Zelensky & member of Ukrainian delegation at peace talks. First five suggested that deal was blocked by US/UK. But these self-proclaimed experts & fake news peddlers resort to primitive fraud to deny this.
Dec 29, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Wow! Thank you @DavidSacks for making very large donation for making my forthcoming book, entitled "From the Maidan to the Russia-Ukraine War," open access via This book will be published next year by major Western academic press following very positive peer-reviews.gofund.me/0fdbbf72 Self-proclaimed experts, like one that @DavidSacks mentioned, not only propagate fakes about Ukraine conflict & resort to attack & censorship of scholars, like me, but also propagate fakes about open-access book publishing. Open access books are published by various top academic presses, & they typically funded via combination of crowdfunding & university grants, like my book. osc.cam.ac.uk/monographs/ope…