Justin 'IamActuallyLvL1' Gennari Profile picture
Vintage MTG Streamer/Youtuber Iamactuallylvl1@gmail.com
Jan 26 8 tweets 3 min read
Seeing possibilities that latest MTGO lag issues could be client side this time instead of server side. Client based lagging will affect people with older computers, low total memory, weaker CPUs. Ill do a quick thread of different options that will help limit the processing 🧵 1. Turn off animations in client. Picture 1 is in Options and picture 2 is in game. Image
Sep 28, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Summer 2024 Anime is wrapping up and it had a its fair share of pleasant surprises!

Here is four new series that I felt rose above the increasing large crowd of seasonal shows. Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!

Rom-Com where protag is stuck helping all the heroines who lost in their battles for love. Surprising fun cast of eccentrics. Some of the most impressive and well drawn school/background shots ever. The production team went the extra mile Image
Jun 20, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Thread 🧵 1/9: MTGO League Data for EVERY format is now PUBLIC information. Daybreak Games has provided creators with an open rest API that can be used to gather and share data on their favorite formats. Image 2/9: In the past this kind of information has been used in WOTC Ban/Restriction announcements and was typically not shared to the MTG community. Daybreak has cleared this release! Image
Jan 14, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵Next weekends Vintage Showcase is a brewers paradise. The metagame has converged onto a pair of Lurrus Saga Control decks that will likely represent a large portion of the upcoming tournament metagame. These decks are very specifically built to beat normal Vintage decks 1/X Image These decks can struggle when placed up against outside the box threats that go over the top of them. Specifically under costed powerful creatures can be a huge issue. 2/X
Dec 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Had trouble sleeping last night after the adrenaline. Spent time thinking about what it takes to win @ magic. Think ive been stocking far too much in favor of technical play.

I didnt play well yesterday but pre tourney work and hot draws were enough to make up for it. How much of playing well happens before the tournament? With your practice ans game knowledge. With your deck selection. At least for Vintage i feel the signs point wildy in both directions. For me its my greatest strength but also 2 of the 3 EW were first timer vintage players