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Atlanta-based journalist. My #gentrification documentary @theatlantaway, podcast host, + @kwilliamsshow on @goLocoPlus 2024. Newsletter below.
Jun 2, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
TL/DR: The Atlanta pipes situation (1/3):

1. Much of Atlanta did/still does exists over natural springs, wells, and rivers
2. The infrastructure was built over several times, incl Civil War
3. Most of the flood plains are in historic black areas, which are now gentrified but… 3 (cont)…also in parts of the city that historically were also deliberately meant to take flooding but w/o the infrastructure to hold it

4…Or in parts of the city that either couldn’t be built for greater capacity or haven’t been built for greater capacity due to costs
Sep 27, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
There’s multiple version of this story with nearly the exact same headline across the country.

I’d think a journalist somewhere should start comparing local crime statistics over a 5 year period in these places and juxtapose w/ # of local crime stories to see something I’d also have that same journalist look into target’s online sales, in-store sales, and compare to Amazon.

Then see if there’s any comparative retail stores within a 5-15 mile radius.

I also have the same journalist look at any tax breaks that lapse currently or in the future.
Mar 16, 2023 35 tweets 9 min read
So hey here, I’m a person w/ an actual degree in African American studies who still works in the field.

This woman is wrong.

‘Woke’ is a decades old slang term for ‘to be awoke’ to situations amongst African Americans dating back to the 1930s but popularized in the 1960s. She’s also using an age-old strategy of white establishment members to:

1) denigrate —a said topic/person/institution (ex: The anti-woke crusades)
2) deny the existence of and/or the validity of said subject (ex: Woke is an catch-all term for things whites don’t like)