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Mar 4 17 tweets 7 min read
World Economic Forum and Media Propaganda against India🧵
How India's apposition silently engineers anti India propaganda to defame India and Modi Govt. Image 1. The Signing Canaries

When Supriya Srinate of Indian National Congress and Advocate Prashant Bhushan cited a World Economic forum report to make noise about India being the top country to create disinformation in media, It was a soft hit job engineered by Congress ecosystem using its proxies.
Let see in the next parts of the thread that how it was done!!Image
Feb 28 17 tweets 8 min read
The Anti India Economic propaganda of Congress🧵

Yesterday Priyanka Gandhi cited a report by Blume Ventures to claim that out of the 150 crore Indians 100 crore populace are living hand to mouth claiming that middle class of India is reeling under the economic apathy of Modi Govt.
Lets check the actors behind this report to unmask the real face of Congress.Image 1. The Family venture

Blume venture has been founded by Karthik Reddy and Sanjay Nath.
Among many VCs and Institutional investors its funded by Three family offices:
Hero Family office of Munjal Family
DSP Family office of Hemendra Kothari
Prathiksha Trust of Infosys Co-founder Kris Goapalkrishnan.Image
Feb 24 4 tweets 3 min read
Two board members of GIJN (where Indian Express top journos are associated) stand out:

1. Paul Radu who is co-founder of The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)

2. Syed Nazakat who is founder of through his company dataLeads' collaboration with Google News Initiative and Internews (One of the biggest left leaning non-profit in the world working for media impact and democracy in journalism).
Internews and are partner of Sambhaavna institute of Advocate Prashant Bhushan where all anti India elements in India come together to host their agenda workshops.Image 1. GIJN has three partners in India:

Reporters' collective -
funded by IPSMF (Founded by Nirjhari Sinha mother of AltNews founder Pratik Sinha).

Cobra Post -
(Founded by co-founder Anirudh Bahal and constantly posts anti-Hindutva/Anti-Modi content. You can see references to some of Cobra Post reports in Dhruv Rathi's Videos.)

If you remember Rana Ayyub used to work for till 2013!!Image
Feb 23 34 tweets 16 min read
National Endowment for Democracy - A web of
political and academic propaganda for
Regime Change in India🎭
Part 20 🧵

There are two types of academics.
Writers and Rewriters.
Let's explore how Deep state bought both to run its socio-political propaganda to undermine India's society and democracy.
Readon..........Image 1. The Democratic question

In July 2023 JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, the proverbial mouthpiece of National Endowment for Democracy published a 5-article series on DEMOCRACY IN INDIA targeting the regime of BJP and PM Shri Narendra Modi.
This series was run by two editors:
William J. Dobson
Tareq Masoud

5 Academics they brought in for writing articles on INDIA's DEMOCRACY in this series were:
Maya Tudor
Tripurdaman Singh
Sumit Ganguly
Rahul Verma
Vineeta GangulyImage
Feb 20 30 tweets 18 min read
🔥USAID Media Propaganda - Indian Network of Proxies🧵
Regime change in India🎭
Part 19▶️

USAID funded Billions of Dollars across the globe for furthering interests of Deep state and its proxies.
In India it created one of the largest media propaganda networks to undermine culture and sovereignty of India.
In last three parts we saw USAID pattern of funding and its global nexus operating in India.
Let's expose these hidden proxies in the world of Media.Image 1. The Enforcer

Meet Surabhi Malik.
Surabhi is Google News Initiative Training Network program Director at Internews India.
Surabhi Launched GOOGLE NEWS INITIATIVE TRAINING NETWORK in India in the year 2019.
Internews India partnered with

All these names sound familiar!!
We will explore the entire network in the coming parts of this thread.Image
Feb 16 35 tweets 22 min read
USAID - A web of religious conversions and Terrorist funding🔥
Regime Change In India🎭
Part 18
USAID funded Al Qaeda in Africa on one hand and Christian Missionaries in India on the other hand!!
Let's expose the USAID nexus and its proxies in India through details that have never been seen before!!Image 1. The Burning House

Northeast India especially Manipur has been a historical potboiler of Christian missionary activities in the infamous Golden Triangle of Drug trade in South Asia.
Almost all International Christian missionary and Church organizations have been thronging this part of the world to further religious proselytization.
In later parts of the thread, we will explore who is funding this nexus of Christian missionary organizations.Image
Feb 13 13 tweets 5 min read
USAID established India's first Transgender clinic named "Mitr Clinic" in Hyderabad!! Image 1. Mitr Clinic was a collaboration between USAID and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and The Fenway Institute. It was opened in Jan 2021. Image
Feb 12 41 tweets 21 min read
The USAID Story - How CIA ran shadow administration in India through Ford Foundation, USAID and Congress for Cultural Freedom 🔥
Regime change in India 🧵
The saga on India's political and economic subversion.Image 1. The messenger

Chester Bowles was appointed as first US Ambassador to India.
Bowles was no ordinary person. He was tasked with getting Nehru sign on the dotted line to toy the US foreign policy line.
Did he succeed?
India signed 4 Indo US Technical development support agreement with the US under Prime Minister Nehru in 1951-52!!
It was Bowles who impressed Nehru so much with his Eulogies of the Ford Foundation that Nehru tasked ministry of Education to invite the Ford Foundation President Paul Hoffman to India.
And Paul Hoffman did visit India to start the reign of the Ford Foundation in India as well as Asia.

Paul Hoffman was the administrator of ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANISATION was US govt tool to execute Marshall plan for reconstructing the Europe POST WORLD WAR 2.

ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANISATION was also a CIA tool for economic intelligence and espionage.Image
Feb 11 19 tweets 10 min read
USAID trained police forces in the Latin American Countries with Interrogation and Torture techniques at the behest of CIA.🧵 1. The Whistle Blower

CIA Archive reports show that CIA trained USAID employees!!
USAID Ex Administrator John Mulligan had once openly stated that USAID in infiltrated with CIA employees top to bottom!!

Gilligan subsequently served as the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from 1977 to 1979.

His Daughter Kathleen Sebelius, served as United States Secretary of Health and Human Services under Barak Obama.Image
Feb 9 25 tweets 15 min read
🔥Breaking - Wikileaks expose of INTERNEWS and Its USAID Connection

Advocate Prashant Bhushan has a lot to answer.
I wrote in August 2024 about his Institute "Sambhaavnaa Institute of Public Policy and Politics" being involved with INTERNEWS!!

Now this Wikileaks report has nailed my findings mentioned in the PART 1 of my REGIME CHANGE IN INDIA Series.
INTERNEWS Present Global CEO Jeanne Bourgault worked with USAID for 6 years..!!

(Link for the part 1 is at the end of this thread)
Read on to understand the plot to burn India by Urban Naxals.Image 1. The Birth

"Sambhaavnaa Institute of Public Policy and Politics" was established under "Kumud Bhushan Education Society" by the Son of Late Advocate Shahsi Bhushan and Mrs Kumud Bhhushan, Supreme Court Advocate Prashant Bhushan in the year 2004. In the year 2010, Prashant Bhushan purchased land and a tea estate at Kandbari village near Palampur in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh to construct a permanent base for "Sambhaavnaa Institute of Public Policy and Politics" and its sister initiative Udaan Learning center (School).Image
Feb 7 27 tweets 17 min read
USAID in India - A Tale of espionage and economic loot🧵
Regime Change in India
Part 16🎭
USAID has been a tool of soft espionage for the CIA and its allied foundations since the day one.🎭
Let's explore:
how India's first Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru sold out India's economy to the USAID Agenda
How USAID funded anti India elements with impunity.Image 1. The Agreement

In 1954 Nehru Govt signed India US PL 480 agreement. (US PL stands for US Public Law)
This was done to solve the food shortage crisis in India.
The Architect of the PL 480 was US Senator Hubert Humphrey who was also heading Senate committee for foreign assistance. Hubert Humphrey would coordinate with C.I.A. directly for deciding about the targets and goals of foreign assistance.

This agreement allowed India to:

1. Buy foodgrains mainly wheat from the US.
2. India would pay in Rupees at then dollar rupees exchange rate.
3. Indian Govt officials would be responsible for the freight cost and safe shipment of the foodgrains from the US to India. India will bear 50% freight cost.
4. Payments sent by India will be deposited in the account of the U.S. Technical Cooperation Mission Delhi.

The US Govt argued that this agreement will solve two issues:

1. Food grain crisis of India
2. Foreign currency reserves conservation for India since India was paying in its own currency

So, was it genuine gesture from the US or was it a trick to fleece India?

Let's find out in the next parts of this thread!!Image
Feb 6 35 tweets 20 min read
Exclusive Report on USAID in India🔥
A mega thread 🧵
Regime change in India🎭
Party 15
The USAID has always worked as the extended arm of the US Deep State.
Let's explore all the rot and dirt it spread in India, sitting right in the US Embassy Delhi.
A long thread so read with patience 😊Image 1. The List

Marco Rubio (Acting Administrator, February 3, 2025 – Present)

Samantha Power (May 3, 2021 – January 20, 2025)
(First USAID Chief to the member of National Security Council)

Gloria Steele (Acting Administrator, January 20, 2021 – May 2, 2021)

Mark Green (August 7, 2017 – April 10, 2020)

John Barsa (Acting Administrator, April 13, 2020 – November 6, 2020)

Gayle Smith (December 2, 2015 – January 20, 2017)
(Gayle Smith served as the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from December 2, 2015, to January 20, 2017. Before that, she was the Coordinator for Global COVID Response and Health Security at the U.S. Department of State. She has also served as a Special Assistant to President Obama and Senior Director for Development and Democracy at the National Security Council)

Wade Warren (Acting Administrator, January 20, 2017 – August 7, 2017)

Rajiv Shah (January 7, 2010 – February 19, 2015)
(Now working as the President of The Rockefeller Foundation)

Alfonso E. Lenhardt (Acting Administrator, February 19, 2015 – December 2, 2015)

Henrietta H. Fore (November 14, 2007 – January 20, 2009)

Alonzo Fulgham (Acting Administrator, January 20, 2009 – January 7, 2010)

Randall L. Tobias (March 31, 2006 – April 27, 2007)

Douglas Bennet (August 3, 1979 – January 20, 1981)
(Was associated with CIA in the capacity of the US Congress Committee of oversights)

M. Alan Woods (December 1, 1987 – June 29, 1989)

Ronald Roskens (March 22, 1990 – December 1, 1992)

J. Brian Atwood (May 10, 1993 – June 30, 1999)

J. Brady Anderson (August 2, 1999 – January 20, 2001)

Andrew Natsios (May 1, 2001 – January 14, 2006)

M. Peter McPherson (February 27, 1981 – August 7, 1987)

Daniel Parker (October 31, 1973 – January 19, 1977)

John A. Hannah (April 2, 1969 – October 7, 1973)

William Gaud (August 3, 1966 – January 10, 1969)
(William Gaud was not directly associated with the CIA. He was the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) from 1961 to 1966. Gaud is best known for coining the term "Green Revolution" in a speech in 1968, highlighting the significant increase in agricultural production due to new technologies and practices)

David E. Bell (December 21, 1961 – July 31, 1966)
(Before joining The US AID, he was managing US CONGRESS BUDGET Office section for CIA Budget and Manpower requisitions)

Fowler Hamilton (September 30, 1961 – December 7, 1962)
(Fowler Hamilton was nominated to head the CIA by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. However, Hamilton declined the position, preferring not to make a career out of the CIA2. Instead, he was appointed as the first Administrator of the Agency for International Development (USAID))Image
Jan 31 32 tweets 23 min read
Rothschilds Butterfly -The Cultural war of CIA in India🔥
Regime Change in India ⁉️
Part 14🎭
In this part, we will see never seen before details about CIA infiltration into India's Art and Cultural landscape. CIA Archive declassified files and Rockefeller Archive files hide a lot on never seen before details of CIA covert proxies working in India!!
Read on......Image 1. The Butterfly

In 1995 a Pop Art painter/ Artist painted an abstract piece of art titled "Rothschild's Butterfly. The name of that artist was Romero Britto.
Romero Britto is no ordinary artist. Every piece of art he creates is a reflection of symbology or his association with some of the most powerful persons in the Deep State world.
For the beginners:
Rothschild's Birdwing (Ornithoptera rothschildi) is a large birdwing butterfly endemic to the Arfak Mountains in Western New Guinea.
It was named in honor of Lord Walter Rothschild, who financed many of the expeditions that led to its discovery.
Walter Rothschild was the brother of Nathan Mayer Rothschild who funded Karl Marx when Karl Marx was writing his magnum opus Das Capital in a library owned by Nathan Mayer Rothschild.
Karl Marx shared his bloodline with the Rothschilds through his maternal family genealogy.
So, what is so special about this painting and this artist?Image
Jan 19 21 tweets 14 min read
The Big Expose🔥
Regime Change in India🧵
Part 13
When Professors Play Politics: The Curious Case of Ashok Swain!!
The biggest challenge our society faces today is Academic and intellectual corruption.
Is Academic Freedom a Cover for Propaganda?
Let us explore the case of Ashok Swain, to understand how PAID INTELLECTUALS carry an anti-India agenda with impunity.
Read on........Image 1. The Parrot of his masters

If you carefully want to see how Ashok Swain contributes to the anti-India narrative, just look at the below screenshots.

1. Ashok Swain blamed Narendra Modi for the Pulwama attack.

2. Ashok Swain called Bengalis speaking Hindi as insulting.

3. Ashok Swain dubbed Kuki terrorist-inflicted violence against Meitei in Manipur as Hindutva Supremacist violence.

4. Ashok Swain tried to name and shame PM Modi despite unprecedented development in Varanasi.

5. Ashok Swain went on an anti-India diatribe in Pakistani media shows and YouTube podcasts saying that he trusts the Pakistani version of Pulwama more than the Indian version!!

6. During CAA Protests he peddled fake information about Yogi Adityanath and deaths/ arrests of anti-CAA protestors!!

7. Ashok Swain went on to give a multi-part discourse on RSS and its ideology on the YouTube channel show hosted by self-styled journalist and Christian missionary Khalistan supporter Pieter Dietrich.
It is the same Pieter Dietrich who collaborated with Khalistan Bhajan Singh Binder to found OFMI (Organization for minorities in India).

8. During the train accident tragedy in Odisha, Ashok Swain mocked PM Modii for changing his clothes every hour while dead bodies of train passengers would not get decent Coffees/ covers.

9. He hailed Rahul Gandhi as the only hope for India!!

10. He Mocked the president of India, Shrimat Draupadi Murmu, when she met Bageshwari Dham Chief Priest Dhirendra Krishna Shastri.

11. He hailed anti-India dens of Carvana, News Laundry, News Click, The Wire, etc. as the flag bearer of truth and hope in the Indian media landscape.

12. He pandered the Indian High Commission in the UK by dubbing UK-based Khalistan and Indian Sikhs!!

13. Ashok Swain was full of praise for Pakistan for opening the Kartarpur Corridor.

14. He tried to give a Hindutva angle to the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan by saying that His attacker's pic shows the attacker wearing a saffron color scarf usually worn by Hindutva group members!!

15. Ashok Swain mocked Indian Passport's diplomatic standing at the global level by saying that visas of Indian passport holders are getting rejected en masse.

Now same Ashok Swain wants govt. Of India to reinstate his OCI card and allow him to visit his ailing mother.

With due respect to his mother, I want to ask Ashok Swain where he for the last 6 years and where were his responsibilities as a son??Image
Jan 9 13 tweets 6 min read
Interview with Sheffield 'grooming gang' member as he explains raping the nation's children is easy as they're vulnerable.

Explains he makes more money pimping out young virgin English children! 1. Rape survivor Dr Ella Hill has revealed that at least half a million Non-Muslim (Kaffir) girls have been raped by grooming gangs operated by Muslim men in the United Kingdom in the past 40 years.

“When I was being beaten, I was called a white slag, white whore and white c*#t.” Dr Hill pointed out that her white skin was always on the mind of her rapists.
Jan 8 20 tweets 9 min read
Rivers of Blood 🧵

How a speech in 1968 forecasted that mindless rat race of Multiculturism would bring in the gloom of Grooming Gangs and utter destruction of white UK Society.

UK politicians, media and homeland security covered it up all in the name of racial equity and multiculturalism till date!!Image 1. The Man

John Enoch Powell MBE (16 June 1912 – 8 February 1998) Was A British Politician, Classical Scholar, Author, Linguist, Soldier, Philologist, And Poet. He Served as A Conservative Member of Parliament (1950–1974), Then the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) MP (1974–1987), And Was Minister of Health (1960–1963).

Powell Attracted Widespread Attention for His "Rivers of Blood" Speech, Delivered in April 1968 to The General Meeting of The West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre. In It, Powell Criticized the Rates of Immigration into the UK.
Dec 29, 2024 34 tweets 20 min read
The Deep State Chessboard and India 🧵
A Mega thread 🔥
To understand how deep state infiltrates our Govt., Institutions, Our Society and execute its Agenda with impunity in India.
Read on...... Image 1. The Destiny's child

0n 23rd August 1951 Celebrated American Aviator Najeeb Halabi and His wife and Doris Carlquist were blessed with a girl child named Lisa Halaby.
Najeeb Halaby was born a Syrian Christian.
He served as Head of the US FEDERAL AVIATION AUTHORITY under the US President John Kennedy from 1961 - 63.
Najeeb Halaby later on went on to be the CEO of Pan American Airlines till 1979.
Lisa Halaby was a brilliant student, and she was a part of first coeducational batch of the Princeton University in 1975.
But during her graduate course she took a break and went on to work at famed Aspen Institute as a maid and waitress!!!
Aspen institute was found by US Tycoon Henry Crown who had some deep connections with infamous LANSKY CARTEL of the US Mafia. This cartel formed pan American crime organization called THE SYNDICATE.
Lansky Syndicate was led by Meyer Lansky, often known as the "Mob's Accountant".
Alongside his associates like Charles "Lucky" Luciano and Bugsy Siegel, Lansky was instrumental in the creation and operation of the National Crime Syndicate in the United States.
This group was a coalition of various criminal organizations - Italian American, Jewish, and others - that worked together to control illicit activities.
CIA worked colluded with THE SYNDICATE at every level for their own reasons, especially to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba since Lansky syndicate had huge gambling casino business in Cuba with 100% control.

Lisa Halaby got married to the King Hussein of Jordan to become his 4th wife. King Hussein's clan is direct lineage of Prophet Muhammed.
Lisa Halaby adopts Islam and becomes Queen Noor of the Royal house of Jordan.Image
Dec 16, 2024 22 tweets 10 min read
Exclusive Report 🔥
सरकार किसी की भी हो, सिस्टम तो हमारा है 🧵
Regime Change in India 🎭
Part 12
How Deep State proxies infect our institutions?
Let's check through National Human Rights Commission of India. Image 1. The Circus

Did you watch this video of Sonia Gandhi led NAC of UPA 1 and UPA 2.
Watch this wonderful summary by @shreya_arora22 from @Pamphlet_in .

Dec 14, 2024 30 tweets 16 min read
Exclusive Report 🔥
Regime Change in India
Breaking India, once piece at a time⁉️
Part 11
Do you know the truth behind the visits of Rahul Gandhi's UK Visits?
Let's find out......!!Image 1. Celebration of Conspiracy

Do you remember this pic?

This is opposition parties of India participating in INDIA WEEK - IDEAS FOR INDIA in the year 2022.
All members of anti India cabal as usual..!! Image
Dec 10, 2024 29 tweets 12 min read
Unmasking the Mask of Rajdeep Sardesai 🧵

Just look at the below screenshots.
These screenshots paraphrase journalism of Rajdeep Sardesai where we have:
Colin Gonsalves
Sam Pitroda
Nandini Sundar
Lokniti and CSDS
In one of his recent X Posts he defended Soros!!
Let's see why Rajdeep is in so much love with Soros proxies of India and Soros himself......Image 1. The unwanted Shoutout

Rajdeep made a cat call for downplaying the Soros chorus going on in India.
But why he did that.
Was it intentional or was it faux pass?
Let's find out in the next parts of the thread. Image
Dec 8, 2024 28 tweets 15 min read
Exclusive report🔥
Regime Change in India🧵
Christian missionary Network and Global propaganda of "SLAVERY IN INDIA"
CNN aired a video advertisement under CNN Freedom Project showing "Modern Day mass slavery in India".
This advertisement was prepared by "Justice venture International".
Let's go through this sinister and US State sponsored Christian missionaries' propaganda in the hinterlands of India.Image 1. The Agenda of The Prayer

Justice Ventures International looks a simple religious organization on the surface indulging in Christian Missionary work.
But when you dig deep, you will find lot of dirt underneath.Image