Ian Rowe Profile picture
Educator; Entrepreneur; Author of Agency; Founder Vertex Partnership Academies; Senior Fellow @AEI; Visiting Fellow @WoodsonCenter; Chairman @SpenceChapinSvc
May 24, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
The @nytimes #1619Project & @pulitzercenter have sunk to a new low in their obsession to convince young black people that they are entitled victims who remain enslaved and unfree. A 🧵 on their new high school curriculum “Reparations Math” (1/7) “What I learned…is that black people are still not free.” Proudly promoted by the @pulitzercenter as proof of learning, these are words of a black student who finished Reparations Math. Grammatical errors aside the intentional message of black victimhood is unconscionable. (2/7) Image
Dec 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The $160K wealth gap in favor of whites over blacks when only race is considered is often used as “proof” of present oppression; but is reversed in favor of blacks when married, college educated black families are compared to white, single parent families
aei.org/wp-content/upl… I run schools because I want my students, who are 100% black and Hispanic, to understand the pathways to power that exist for them, and that the sequence of life decisions around their education, work, marriage and the timing of family formation matter far more than their race.